Above the gray fog

Chapter 900 The Owl Was Stolen

The tree spirit's attack did not cause any harm to Jiuqi. On the contrary, if Jiuqi touched the tree spirit, it would be miserable. It was a one-sided beating.

While Jiuqi punched the tree spirit, Lin Shan threw the golden spear and nailed it to the ground.

Feeling the two breaths behind him, Lin Shan shouted to Jiuqi, "Go!"

Jiuqi understood and turned into a blue fox and got into Lin Shan's arms. Lin Shan ran to the next battle circle.

In this relic space, running can even surpass flying.

The third battle circle. It was Cersei and a black-robed creature whose face was not revealed.

The gap between Sequence 5 and qualitative change is too huge, and it cannot be made up by talent.

Cersei was pierced through the chest by the black-robed creature with a spear and carried behind him like a trophy. He was about to find other companions to meet up.

Lin Shan threw the spear with force, and Jiuqi lay tightly on the spear.

The man clearly felt the powerful energy fluctuations on the spear and took out the technological guns he carried to fight back.

The gray-white beam shot out, and when it was about to hit the spear, Jiuqi jumped out in advance and bent the beam with a slap.

The man stared with his eyes wide open, and until the spear pierced his chest, he was still thinking, "What bent the energy beam?"

Jiuqi was already standing on his shoulder at this moment, twisting his head with two claws and twisting it off, throwing it far away towards the pursuing breath, and then picking up the unconscious Cersei and quickly reuniting with Lin Shan.

It was another situation on Lao Wang's side. The gray-robed creature was trapped in an unknown cage. Lao Wang sat aside and counted the things on the ground.

From time to time, he grabbed the void in front of him, and every time he grabbed, a new object would appear in his hand.

Lao Wang muttered, "What is this? Such a strong historical atmosphere... What kind of method is this, to materialize history into a kind of energy..."

"What time is it, you are still here to buy treasures, hurry up, I will catch up with you soon." Lin Shan passed Lao Wang and ran forward quickly.

"Wait for me, wait for me..." Lao Wang saw that Lin Shan disappeared in a flash, and hurriedly picked up the things on the ground and caught up with him.

A strange scene took place in the ruins. A young man was followed by a fox, and a woman was carried on the fox. They were running fast. Because the speed was too fast, there was a residual image. Behind them, a gray-haired old man was carrying things and shouting, "Wait for me."

They had already run out of the ancient house and were currently in a flower field full of flowers.

But running like this was definitely not a solution.

Lin Shan suddenly braked, and the fox had no time to brake, and hit Lin Shan's leg headfirst, and Cersei flew directly from the fox's back.

The fox jumped up quickly, took Cersei in its mouth, and threw him on its back.

It took several seconds for Lao Wang to arrive.

"Hide us quickly." Lin Shan immediately shouted to Lao Wang.

"Huh? How could anyone hide in this place?" Lao Wang looked around, and it was all flat.

"They are about to catch up, use your ability to find a place to hide." Lin Shan urged.

"Okay." A scale appeared in Lao Wang's hand, and with a light wave, the four people disappeared abruptly.

After a few seconds, five gray streams of light passed through the sky.


"Who are these guys? It seems that they are targeting us on purpose."

"Take away the word 'seems', it's obvious that they are here to find us."

"Is this the opportunity you mentioned? These guys are not simple."

"Don't worry, let me figure out what to do next. They must have a way to track us, and we can't hide for long."

After Lin Shan finished speaking, he immersed his consciousness in his mind and asked the parchment, "What should we do now? Are these the opportunities you mentioned?"

Parchment: [Put the second relic you took back first, so that your own time will increase because of the reduction of one relic. Those people will not be able to lock you in a short time. Use this gap to randomly choose a room to open, and each person will take another thing from it. After taking it, wait for those people to find you and find a way to get them to take you out, whether it is coercion, inducement, or violence. You can find a way yourself. ]

Parchment: [It is dangerous to open the room at normal time, but it is not dangerous in the cracks of history. But you will all need to bear the backlash curse of history afterwards. Although those people will block most of the curses for you, they cannot block all the things with you. It is normal for any curse to appear. Be prepared.]

Parchment: [You must remember that each of you can only take two relics at most. If you take more, you can't bear it. If you are not satisfied with the first relic, you can also take two from the second opened room, but you must put the first relic back.]

Lin Shan used the forest song to treat Cersei while telling Lao Wang and Jiu Qi about the general plan.

Lao Wang nodded repeatedly after listening, and his eyes looked at Lin Shan a little differently.

Cersei was seriously injured, even his true spirit was damaged, and there was no sign of awakening at all.

"Lao Wang, you carry Cersei." Lin Shan carried Cersei to Lao Wang's back. Lao Wang glanced at Cersei and nodded.

Feeling the ground shaking, Lin Shan knew that the five people must have found their location. Lin Shan looked at Lao Wang and said, "Use your ability to help us get to the previous corridor."

"My ability is not for casual use. It costs money." Lao Wang muttered, but still took out the scale.

Everyone's eyes only felt blurry, and when they reappeared, they had returned to the corridor. In front of them was the room with the door ajar, but the door was obviously wider at this time.

The previous guess was correct. The more people came in, the wider the room door opened.

Lin Shan entered first, and the room was as calm as ever.

"Let's put the things back together. You look for the hairpin that Cersei took." Lin Shan said to Jiuqi next to him.

Jiuqi nodded slightly, and it searched Circe's body. It didn't find the hairpin, but found a mahogany comb in its storage bracelet.

Seeing that everyone was ready, Lin Shan said, "I'll count '321' and let's play together."




Everything goes back into place and nothing happens.

other side.

The five men in black robes who were rushing back suddenly stopped. The leader looked at the void in front of him and said angrily, "The time of those people is rising, and the values ​​​​are constantly changing."

"Application for extension of mission time."

"The enemy is in trouble, please apply to lift the restrictions on spiritual weapons."

The leader with colorful wings on his back gave an order to a petite man in gray robe behind him.

"Okay." A soft voice of agreement came from the petite gray robe. Just hearing the voice made people feel extremely comfortable.

After a while, the voice came again, even with a cry, "The owl... the owl... was stolen by the robber just now..."

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