Above the gray fog

Chapter 910 Duck

"You said there is no free one, there should be paid one. How should you earn the currency?"

"Complete the tasks posted, but again, there are very few tasks for junior operators. If you want to earn enough money to buy medical services by taking on tasks, it will probably take a hundred years to start. The curse on you is not simple."

"Is there no benefit at all from joining this so-called Survival Institute?"

"Yes. From today on, your identity will become a respected branch officer of the Survival Institute's governing bureau. Isn't this a benefit?"


"I mean the benefits in a real sense."

"Does it count to allow you to leave the deep sea?"

In a room that was not too high-end and luxurious, there was a long table with thick documents on both sides. A duck wearing a hat looked at Lin Shan sitting opposite with a playful look.

Ninety-seven Laowang and Circe sat on the bench at the back in an upright manner.

Lin Shan stared at the dumb-looking duck opposite him. He didn't know what to say for a moment. These words directly affected his life.

Lin Shan could only say, "This is a very thoughtful benefit. We want to go to the Virgo Galaxy."

"No problem, my lovely operators, after signing this labor contract, you can go where you want."

The duck glanced at everyone with his funny eyes, "I have to remind all future operators that although the Survival Institute is the top organization in the universe, it is also special. It does not belong to those forces that compete for fame and wealth. "The essence of the Survival Institute is to maintain its existence. You must remember that when you join the Survival Institute, you have no backers and can only rely on yourself. It is no different from now."

"But whoever among you can become a god in the future may be able to understand the Continuity Academy more deeply."

Blank sheets of paper floated up from the table and flew in front of everyone, and lines of writing quickly appeared on the paper.

Lin Shan read the above terms carefully. It roughly means that they voluntarily join the bureaus and branches of the Survival Institute, become operatives, establish various contacts with the bureaus and branches of the Survival Institute, and voluntarily accept transfers. They do not need any benefits except task rewards.

It's just a contract of sale...

"It's so dark." Lao Wang couldn't help complaining.

"No, no, no, compared with the line of taking advantage of the Survival Institute, this prostitution, oh no, labor contract is simply not worth mentioning." Duck raised his head and said calmly, "The Survival Institute is absolutely neutral and will not participate. Regardless of the dispute between forces and individuals, there are still countless people trying to join in. You guys are lucky. I am just in time for performance, and your overall qualifications are also acceptable, so you can catch up with this good thing. "

"Sign it?" Lao Wang asked.

"Do you want to sign it?" Lin Shan asked the parchment in his mind

Parchment: "There is no harm. To be honest, the Survival Institute is an organization that governs the rules of the universe. In fact, you are just a bunch of ducks collecting performance and salary. However, these organizations will forcefully issue tasks, and individuals cannot refuse. You can consider it yourself. ”

"Sign." Lin Shan nodded and put his fingerprints directly on it.

Different from ordinary contracts, after pressing the fingerprint, Lin Shan felt as if there was a vague connection between himself and the piece of paper in front of him.

"Congratulations to all of you for joining the Survival Institute's governing bureau. Your identity information has been uploaded and the contract is kept with me. This contract can prevent anyone from pretending to be your identity. If you die unexpectedly, the contract will also be destroyed." The duck stood up and flapped its wings, seeming to be in a good mood, "Come with me."

Streams of light flashed past, and the wall behind the room suddenly transformed into a door, and the duck half as tall as a man walked through the door with a twist.

Behind the door is a data space composed of a series of small light points arranged in different ways. After the duck walks in, the light points are arranged again to reveal the real scene, which is a wide circular passage.

"I am the branch director of the Survival Institute's governing bureau. If you have any questions, you can contact me directly. If there are any tasks, I will send them to you. This is the communication duck. You should keep it." The duck took out four little ones from somewhere. The yellow duck is thrown backward.

"Quack, quack, quack~"

Lin Shan pinched the little yellow duck. This thing brought back his memories after thousands of years. Isn't this the duck that children put in the basin when taking a bath?

"It's okay, don't pinch it casually!" The little yellow duck said human words.

What's the principle? It's obviously just an ordinary toy duck...

Lin Shan was a little surprised, but he still put the little yellow duck into the storage space and kept it for later study.

The passage in front gradually became brighter, and star maps composed of stars appeared on both sides of the passage.

"Is there no staff in the Survival Institute's governing bureau?" Circe asked Lao Wang in a low voice from behind.

"Maybe this Continuing Institute is just a small force, deliberately pretending to be a powerful force to deceive us. We signed a contract of betrayal, and we don't know how we will live in the future." Lao Wang sighed.

"The sub-bureaus of the Survival Institute do not need staff. The space station is intelligently integrated. If there are abnormalities, we only need to send operators to collect data, and the operators will upload the collected data. I am the only duck in this place. "Yeah." Duck said without looking back when he heard Lao Wang's words.

"There are many areas in the space station, but you don't have permission to enter now. If the permission is upgraded in the future, you can come back and experience other areas. This star map is the Virgo Galaxy, with a diameter of about 170,000 light years. The space station has a docking room. The high-dimensional channel of the female galaxy, just stand on it. "

"By the way, this passage is one-way, which means you can only go through it, but you can't use it to come back. Don't ask me why, this is the tradition of the Continuation Institute."

Wait for Lin Shan and the other four to stand on the platform.

Duck fumbled under the wings for a while, "I will provide you with some help in my personal name. Your presence has also helped me a lot."

See, another toy duck with wings was thrown over by Duck.

Lin Shan reached out to catch it.

"This is Turbo Duck. When you encounter danger that you can't avoid, shout "Turbo Duck" to the duck in your hand and you will get the help of Turbo Duck. It's a one-time use, don't use it blindly." When Duck shouted "Turbo Duck", there was no middle school or embarrassment, but a strange sense of passion.

"Good luck to you."

Duck raised the small hat on his head.

In a flash, the four people present all turned into tiny spirit particles and disappeared into the passage of their positions.

Seeing the four people disappear, Duck grinned and showed an anthropomorphic smile, "With these four Sequence 5 operators, this year's performance has exceeded the target, and we should be able to get commissions. These are high-quality operators."

"This new fate interference device developed by the Continuation Institute is really easy to use. The performance will be delivered to your door without leaving home." Duck muttered, then turned around and disappeared.

After Duck left, everything turned into a string of garbled codes floating in the air.

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