Above the gray fog

Chapter 912 Virtual Game

"However, killing one's feelings is not truly heartless. The ultimate goal is still to sublimate human nature."

"Killing the person you like will not make you an emotionless person. You will transform your humanity due to guilt, sadness and other emotions, thereby overcoming the disaster."

"But there are many other methods. For example, after experiencing more than a dozen or dozens of hundreds of relationship failures, this method is more time-consuming and energy-consuming. I happen to use this method." Lao Wang said. Spread your hands.

"Uncle Wang, have you ever been in love? Or more than a dozen times?" Circe looked at Old Wang in surprise, thinking to herself, it's true that people really can't be judged by their appearance.

"Those were all things when I was young. It took me a long time to get out of it." Lao Wang smiled and showed his big white teeth. When discussing this matter now, Lao Wang seemed very calm, "By the way, I have all the nine tribulations." Passed, no difficulty at all.”

"Lin Shan, how old have you been?" Lao Wang looked at Lin Shan and asked curiously.

"Seven." Lin Shan said a number calmly.

"You have already broken through seven tribulations. I thought you only broke through one or two tribulations. It seems...that you are like this is not the influence of divinity, but that you are born like this." Lao Wang nodded slightly and said, "I understand." expression.

Seeing that the topic was a little off track, Lin Shan spoke up to correct it, looked at Circe and asked: "Is the Chaofan who is chatting with you on Edith Star?"

"Well, it should be. I'm still in the novice stage and can't leave the planet." Circe replied.

"Well... like this... like this... like this..." Lin Shan made a decision that surprised everyone, "Build a good relationship with that person and show your affection when necessary. When the time comes, make an appointment and meet in real life.”

"We will tie him out directly when the time comes."

"This... is not good..." Circe felt a little embarrassed, "Isn't this just deceiving people's feelings?"

Lao Wang touched his chin and thought, "It's not like I'm trying to deceive people's feelings. Wait a minute, let me check..."

"Found it." Lao Wang drew a few strokes on the light screen in front of him and said, "Article 3120 of the Dawn Alliance's sanctions, defrauding people of large amounts of property through virtual networks, shall be punished with five years' imprisonment, and all personal property shall be confiscated. Cancellation of 30 years of citizen rights, a small amount, compensation for the amount of fraud and a fine plus 5 years in prison..."

Lao Wang analyzed it seriously, "This is not considered fraud because you did not defraud any property."

"Don't mess with these things. Federal laws can't control us." Lin Shan was speechless at Lao Wang's magical brain circuit. "Aren't you also playing games there? Can you try to get to know a few more people?" Find the extraordinary.”

Lao Wang blinked, "But my circle is full of old men and women."

"When you were promoted to extraordinary, your age became older, and the age at which you chose a mate also increased?" The fox licked his paws, and she remembered that this was not the case.

"That's not true, it's just that none of those young people are willing to team up with me." Lao Wang explained, "These people pursue good looks, and old people are not popular. You see, Sister Sersi is chased by every fish. In other words, Sister Sersi Girl, aren’t you a fishtail? Can you still change your race inside?”

"No, I have legs in there, but I am a disabled person." Said this, Circe was also a little resentful, "This game should only be played by humanoid creatures. It seems to identify me as a disabled person who has lost his legs. Give me a free wheelchair.”

"Is it so true?" Lin Shan was stunned for a moment after hearing what Cirsi said.

Even the fox showed curious eyes. What would she become if a fox went in?

"It's too real. There are already disabled people out there. Why do we still have to be disabled in the game? There are many people on the federal network denouncing this." Circe pushed the light screen in front of Lin Shan.

"Okay, it's not really a disabled person anyway. You continue to go in and hook up with people. Jiuqi and I will go to Edith Star to see if there is any Chaofan wandering around outside." Lin Shan asked, "If you have any questions, please contact us. I."

"Okay." Circe was a little unwilling to do such a thing, but still nodded slightly.

Lao Wang slipped into the virtual warehouse again.

Lin Shan hugged the fox and let the animal tooth bracelet take him to fly to Edith Star.

They are not too far from Edith Star, just in a meteorite belt not far from Edith Star.

Edith Planet is the main star in the nearby administrative region. With the Federation's technology, it is definitely capable of discovering their existence, but the Dawn Federation is different from the Human Circle.

You have to be careful wherever you circle people, and you need to be alert at all times. All races seem to be preparing for war every day, and all kinds of defense measures are in place.

Dawn Federation is just the opposite. It has been peaceful here for more than 100,000 years, and there is almost no danger within the Federation. In this environment, the Federation will not put resources into surrounding surveillance and vigilance, unless it wants to be wary of its own people.

The city is also peaceful inside. Unlike the Wanzu tribes who are always worried about the outbreak of war, ordinary people here don't even know what war is.

A black flame wrapped around Lin Shan and turned into a stream of light in the starry sky, quickly flying towards Edith Star.

It had been almost five months since they came to this galaxy. Everyone had been searching in outer space for a while without any results. In the end, it was Lin Shan's divination that revealed that the Federation people lived in the Space Prison of Scale 6.

Edith Planet was not their first stop. The first one they arrived at was an ordinary planet. From there, they learned that Edith Star was the administrative star of this area, so the four of them moved here.

The black flame wrapped Lin Shan through the atmosphere, avoiding the densely packed starship route and landing in a remote corner. His arrival did not cause any commotion.

Compared with the huge Edith Star, his existence was not worth mentioning.

With the magical power of the beast tooth bracelet, Lin Shan flew towards the central city of Edith Star, ‘Ida’, at an altitude of 10,000 meters. If he encountered a starship, the beast tooth bracelet would actively change direction to avoid it.

At this time, the beast tooth bracelet was completely a considerate Sequence 5 teammate.

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