Above the gray fog

Chapter 92 Arriving Soon

"Isn't it coming?"

The crowd did not hesitate. Spears, swords, knives, and hammers flew towards the big bird at the same time. The sword and the knife were in the front and seemed to have the greatest lethality. The other two weapons followed behind.

The big bird was frightened and wanted to escape. Suddenly, its body stiffened and it felt blood rioting. The red light on its back flashed. Lin Shan suddenly appeared on its back. Then, a giant ten-meter-long spear went straight through its wings and nailed it to the ground two hundred meters below, smashing a big hole in the ground, and dust and smoke rose.

After the battle, other heart-light weapons came late.


Everyone silently put away their weapons and remained silent.

Lin Shan also felt a little strange...their heart-light flying speed was too slow. Not to mention that his spiritual ability could crush them now, even if they were at the same level, he could easily kill them in seconds according to their operation.

Only the long sword and the long knife were normal but far from reaching the limit. The long sword was transformed by Zhao Xiaoan, and the long knife was transformed by Xia Xuan.

Lin Shan was thoughtful. The sequence and level were the same. The reason why the difference was so big should be related to the use. The other three rarely used the heart light to fight or do other things in the clan every day, which led to the fact that they were all in the seventh stage, but they were still so unfamiliar with the use of their own abilities.

However, it was not a big problem. They were not expected to fight with the heart light.

"Go down and deal with it. This big bird is in the fourth stage of sequence 9. It should be of some help to you. It can be made into jerky to eat for a few months." Lin Shan looked at the big bird that was still struggling, flew close, and clenched his fist fiercely. "Bang!" The big bird exploded directly, and the blood in its body condensed in the air to form a blood ball. The blood ball fell to the ground and dyed the ground red.

Everyone followed the instructions and started to process, splitting, plucking, deboning, slicing. There was no blood on the bird's body. All the steps went smoothly. It took several hours to put the sliced ​​meat into the big bowl of the heart light. It was piled up more than one meter high. This was after most of the inferior meat was removed, otherwise there would be more.

"Do you want to dry it?" Xia Xuan took out the flint and looked at the others.

"No need. This meat contains spirituality and is difficult to rot. Drying will destroy the spirituality in it." Lin Shan said.

Everyone nodded and started to put the meat slices into their backpacks. Five backpacks were almost full before the meat was packed.

After the matter was done, there was no delay and everyone continued on their way.


"It's so boring. It's been four months and I haven't encountered any danger." Lying on the bird's back, holding a piece of raw meat in his mouth, Wu Wang murmured.

"Are you talking like a human? If you really encounter danger, you will definitely run the fastest." Zhao Xiaoan immediately said.

"Just a joke, but we are really lucky." Wu Wang said with a wry smile. He was really useless in fighting. Zhao Xiaoan, who often hangs out in the gray fog, could beat him several times.

Huang Ying and Xia Xuan were whispering to each other. Huang Ying chuckled from time to time, while Xia Xuan looked calm.

Lin Shan sat cross-legged on the bird's neck, frowning. It was normal not to encounter any attacks in a month, which could be considered good luck. It was super good luck not to encounter any attacks in two months, but it was abnormal not to encounter any attacks in four months. This was in the gray fog. Even if he was flying at an altitude of 5,000 meters, he was not 100% isolated from evil and weirdness. In the past, when he was traveling alone, he would encounter at least one attack a month, and twice was also normal.

Is it really luck, or destiny? Family luck? Does this mean luck...

Lin Shan glanced at the four people. Speaking of luck, these people in front of him, including Jin Tianzong and him, are definitely people with extraordinary luck. If they were careless step by step, they would not be here today.

Could it be that because so many people with extraordinary luck walked together, some kind of regular protection was formed? Cause and effect, fate or something else.

Gradually, the more Lin Shan thought about it, the more possible it was. Perhaps their team would not die as long as they did not commit suicide. The pioneers had better luck, which seemed... reasonable?

Suddenly, the sky darkened.

"Huh?" Lin Shan looked up and his heart trembled, "No way, just when I thought I was lucky, something went wrong..."

A crack was torn in the space above, and it seemed that something was about to drill out from it. The sky darkened... because all the nearby light was sucked into the crack, and then an unparalleled suction force surged towards them. The giant bird transformed by Jin Tianzong was sucked into the crack without any resistance.

At the moment when it was about to be sucked into the crack

A red light spread rapidly with Lin Shan as the center, enveloping everyone. When the red light disappeared, Lin Shan and others also disappeared.

Five thousand meters away.

After five consecutive teleportations, Lin Shan was lying on the bird's back and couldn't move. Fortunately, his spirituality recovered quickly and he recovered his mobility in just a moment.

"What was that just now? A crack in the sky?" Huang Ying's face was a little ugly, and the others were not much better. Although they didn't shout like ordinary people, their hearts were about to jump out of their throats.

"It's just that the space was split open." Lin Shan looked at the gray fog in the sky and said calmly. He felt the breath of the dark space behind the crack. This space can only be opened by Sequence 8, and the things that ran out of it must not be lower than Sequence 8!

"The gray fog is really too dangerous. How can the clan land be safe." Wu Wang said with lingering fear.

This time, Zhao Xiaoan did not fight him. She just sat silently with her fists clenched, and her whole body seemed to be trembling slightly from too much exertion.

Xia Xuan looked blankly at the sky and didn't know what she was thinking. Jin Tianzong was still flying very smoothly, as if what happened just now did not affect him.

Lin Shan saw everything.

The last month passed smoothly, completely in line with Lin Shan's previous definition of 'reasonable'.

At this time, the destination 'Strange Waterfall' was less than two thousand meters in front of them.

Everyone planned to adjust first and did not rush over.

"Cunning Waterfall, could it be a waterfall?"

"Most likely."

"Maybe it's shaped like a waterfall."

Lin Shan did not participate in their conversation. "You guys wait for me here for a while. I will be back in a moment." After saying that, he teleported directly to a thousand meters above him and took out the parchment.

Lin Shan: [How to obtain the ashes of Gui Waterfall? 】

Parchment: [Destroy part of the waterfall's body. 】

"Trouble... It seems that this strange waterfall is of the same type as the strange fish and white smoke we encountered before. We must find its true form first."

Lin Shan: [How to find its true body? 】

Parchment: [Consumption of its supernatural power. 】

"It's even more difficult..." Lin Shan thought to himself, can six people and more than a dozen attacks weaken it...

Lin Shan: [Are there any weaknesses? Or what is the attack method of the waterfall? 】

Parchment: [Unable to parse. 】

Before Lin Shan could continue to ask, the parchment rolled up on its own and returned to his mind.

"I have no choice but to be tough. With the power of faith, if you can't defeat someone, you can at least run away."

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