Above the gray fog

Chapter 923 Knocked out and dragged away

Several figures appeared in the center of the sea of ​​fire, including three people, a fox, a fish and a wolf.

Lao Wang looked around and stretched, "Are you there?"

Josh Wright looked around and said, "The impact point of the starship is the Rossetti Star. Looking at the surrounding environment, this should be the boundary of the Rossetti Star. The Rossetti Star is a planet that has not yet been fully developed. Most of the planet is primitive loess, and only one Rossetti Fortress has a normal habitation. There must be something extraordinary that several adults are looking for."

"Let's go to Rossetti Fortress." Lao Wang walked forward in a hurry, and suddenly realized that he seemed to have forgotten to ask for directions. He turned to look at Josh Wright and said angrily, "Why don't you tell me where to go?"

"Uh..." Josh Wright was speechless for a moment, and he had already quickly drafted a plan to run away.

Josh Wright quickly operated the light screen in front of him and explained, "Rossetti is defined by the Federation as an undeveloped planet. There is no planet map published on the Federation's ninth-generation network. The only way to find it is to ask people."

As soon as Josh Wright finished speaking, dozens of people approached from far and near, holding equipment and looking angry.

The two leaders are at the life level of Sequence 9, but there is no characteristic aura in their bodies. They should have been promoted through genetic medicine. Most of the others are ordinary people, and a small number of them have reached a pseudo-extraordinary level of physical fitness.

"What do you mean? Colliding a starship into our camp?" A dark-skinned middle-aged man asked angrily.

Before Lin Shan could speak, Josh Wright stepped forward and said fiercely, "Why is your camp so ignorant? You crashed our starship and then came back to trouble us. I think we can talk about it." Let’s talk about compensation for the starship.”

Josh Wright exuded momentum, and these people's faces suddenly turned pale and they kept retreating.

"If you are wise, get out of here. We adults don't want to argue with you for the time being!" Josh Wright stretched out his other good hand and poked out a cannon muzzle. Rich spiritual particles condensed at the muzzle, frightening those who People ran away.

Josh Wright turned around and shook off all the viciousness just now, showing a sincere smile, "It's solved."

"You scared them all away, how can we ask for directions?" Lin Shan's words made the smile on his face freeze instantly.

"I'm going to catch one now." Josh Wright turned around and dragged his heavy body forward and ran forward, causing even the earth to tremble slightly.

"There's no need to capture him. Just say hello and lead the way." Lin Shan reminded.

"Okay sir."

Lao Wang nodded slightly, "This fat guy's performance is not bad."

"If you were put in his current situation, you could do it," Lin Shan said with a smile.

"Hahaha." Lao Wang laughed and said, "I can't control that. We don't need to care if he is pretending, as long as he does things unambiguously."

Lin Shan and Lao Wang chatted for a while, and Josh Wright quickly asked for directions and ran back, shouting, "I asked for the direction."

In the sky full of yellow sand, an aircraft that looked like a sports car quickly passed through the low altitude, stirring up the yellow sand in the sky. According to Josh Wright, "This vehicle for transportation was also something he just grabbed."

I just came to the free jurisdiction, and from the few little things I experienced, I can tell that if you have the power in this place, you can really do whatever you want. To a certain extent... it is darker than the human circle.

Without strength, it might be difficult to survive here.

Soon, he changed his mind.

Fort Rossetti.

There are modern triangular buildings standing on the yellow sand in the sky. They are not too high, with an average of only about three floors.

The flow of people here is quite dense, and starships can occasionally be seen flying in the sky.

Occasionally, there are truly extraordinary people who appear in this dense flow of people, but the highest level ones are only Sequence 9. Judging only from the aura they emit, these Sequence 9 extraordinary people may not necessarily be able to defeat the genetic warriors they have seen before.

This point made Lin Shan change his previous view. When most of the creatures are such low-order creatures or ordinary people, the rules of survival will not be broken.

After walking around for a long time, he didn't see many extraordinary ones. Lao Wang complained a little, "Everyone is of such a low level, and they don't even have Sequence 8 in such a big place."

"Do you think Sequence 8 Extraordinary is a cabbage?" Lin Shan rolled his eyes and speculated, "I guess the leader of Rossetti Fortress may be Sequence 8 Extraordinary."

"Continuing the search like this is not an option. Let's just grab any extraordinary person and ask. A good doctor's reputation will definitely not be low."



On the bustling urban streets, Delia Alvin was shopping leisurely.

She was wearing a fresh dress, her short brown hair exuded a youthful atmosphere in the turbid sunlight, and she had a bright smile on her face.

She was going to her good friend Haonan's home to discuss jointly purchasing a basic starship.

However, at this beautiful moment, three people, a fox, a fish and a wolf suddenly appeared, blocking her way.

They were rudely dressed, had ferocious faces, and had evil eyes.

Delia tried to get around them, but they surrounded her.

"What do you want to do?" Delia glared at these people.

"What to do? Of course we are doing what we all love to do." Among the bullies, an unusually wretched old man laughed and said, "When you meet our Six Mountain Valley Bullies, you probably didn't read the almanac when you went out today."

"Huang Li? Who is Huang Li? I don't know him, why should I look at it?" Delia took a step back, but she was still surrounded from behind. She quietly sent a message for help to her friends. She couldn't see the other bullies among these bullies, but the fat man was definitely not someone she could resist.

"Help! Someone is blocking the road and robbing!!" Delia gathered her strength and shouted for help, hoping to meet a passionate passerby to help her out.

There were indeed enthusiastic passers-by, but when the enthusiastic passers-by saw Josh Wright, their enthusiasm suddenly extinguished.

This is a free jurisdiction, and it is the highest survival principle to stay out of other people's business. Those who love to meddle in other people's business and are still alive are either strong or lucky.

Seeing that the passers-by turned a blind eye to her experience, Delia was not surprised at all. She stared at the bully who stopped her vigilantly, "Why are you stopping me? I don't have anything valuable on me."

If the situation is not right, even if she knows that she is not an opponent, she will not sit and wait for death.

What greeted her was the big black stick in Lao Wang's hand.

"Go, drag her away, there are too many people here." Lao Wang ordered Josh Wright.

"Okay." Josh Wright picked up Delia like a chicken, and left in a swagger under the fearful eyes of passers-by.

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