Above the gray fog

Chapter 933 Doctor Yuan

The purple moon hangs high above the head.

The habitable planets of the Federation, the color and even the shape of the moon on each planet are different.

The only thing in common is that you may not be able to see the moon from the starry sky, but at night, you will definitely see the moon from the bottom up.

Lin Shan has been to many places, no matter where, the two special stars, the "moon" and the "sun", seem to have to exist.

Anmei is very large, dozens of times the size of the earth.

But for federal technology, hundreds of thousands of kilometers more distance is nothing.

Josh Wright drove the hovercraft in the normal traffic grid and arrived at the target city in just three hours.

This planet has been developed to the extreme, with cities connected to cities all the way, with only very short distances between cities, and no towns or villages.

These three hours passed very smoothly without encountering any obstacles.

Side reaction Du Yuewei did not notice that they disappeared.

"According to the planetary map, the two intersecting buildings in front are Dr. Yuan's clinic." Josh Wright pointed to the most conspicuous building not far away.

"Go straight down." Lin Shan nodded slightly. He couldn't waste any more time. He had to make a quick decision. Once Du Yuewei came to his senses, it shouldn't be difficult to find them.

"My Lords, we don't have an appointment... How can we get in?" Josh Wright expressed his doubts.

Lin Shan fell into thought. Doctor Yuan was a well-known doctor in the Free Zone. It might not be a good idea to force his way in.

Moreover, they were here to treat patients, not to threaten others.

Lin Shan looked at the others.

Everyone was shaking their heads. They didn't have any good ideas.

"What's there to worry about? Isn't Doctor Yuan a doctor? Can ordinary diseases be the same as terminal illnesses like ours? If we go to his door, can he not treat us first? If he doesn't treat us, we will die. As a well-known good doctor, he certainly doesn't want to be slandered by others." Lao Wang bared his teeth. He didn't think it was a difficult task.

"Uncle Wang, what are you thinking about?" Ceci retorted immediately, "That doctor Yuan must be extraordinary, and his level is not low. He is famous far and wide because of his medical skills and abilities, not the propaganda of others. He can cure diseases that others cannot cure. No one will believe you if you say he is a quack."

"Okay." Old Wang spread his hands, "Then I can't do anything. Think about it."

While the few people were talking, Josh Wright had parked the hovercraft at the designated parking spot.

After getting off the car, he gently tapped the hovercraft. After several compressions, the hovercraft became a ball the size of a fingernail and was put into Josh Wright's pocket.

The rear is facing the gate of the cross building.

It is called the cross building because it is composed of two buildings inserted diagonally together.

Some people occasionally come and go in the building, and I don't know if they are patients or staff.

"In addition to his job as a doctor, Dr. Yuan is also the boss of the White Umbrella Medical Group. This group mainly produces and sells medical equipment. Its business covers more than a dozen star regions. It is insignificant in terms of the size of the Federation, but it is very influential in the free jurisdiction."

"When you see Dr. Yuan later, you must be polite. Whether the family industry can be revived depends on whether Dr. Yuan is willing to provide help."

Next to it, there was also a hovercraft parked. An old man and a middle-aged man got off. The old man kept talking to the middle-aged man.

These two people are extraordinary and their levels are not low. They are both at the level of Sequence 6. However, they have no characteristics in their bodies. They should be on the promotion route of genetic drugs.

Lin Shan and Lao Wang looked at each other. Why haven't they heard Josh Wright mention this?

Josh Wright has a strong desire to survive, and he quickly explained, "The information that can be found on the ninth generation of the Federation Internet is the most basic information, and it is also the information that the owner is willing to disclose.

"Federal citizens have extremely strong freedom rights. If the parties do not want, a lot of information can be hidden. "

After hearing Josh Wright's explanation, Lao Wang looked better. If Josh Wright dared to lie to them, Lao Wang would not mind sending him home with a stick.

Lin Shan winked, and Lao Wang understood. A group of people followed the old man and the middle school and swaggered into the intersection building.

The Federation is indeed a free country. Even corporate companies do not have the profession of security guards.

"Gao Min, are the strangely dressed people behind us following us?" The old man leading the way noticed something unusual and poked the middle-aged man next to him, Asked in a low voice.

The middle-aged man named Gao Min turned his head and took a look.

Behind him was a strange team.

A beautiful girl wrapped in a long skirt and walking in a strange posture.

A white-haired old man who looked like he was about to die.

A baby wrapped in a white cloak, only half a meter tall.

Next to the baby followed a fox with messy fur that was about the same height as the baby.

A fat man with a broken arm who was at least three times the size of a normal person.

Gao Min couldn't help but shudder and comforted the old man next to him, "This is Doctor Yuan's territory, no one dares to make trouble here."

"They seem to be talking about us." Sissi whispered.

"It's okay. Although our dress is strange, there are people who are stranger than us along the way. Look at me." After saying this, Lao Wang took the initiative to step forward.

"Are you looking for Doctor Yuan?" Lao Wang asked familiarly.

"Old man, who are you?" Gao Min seemed very polite.

"What a coincidence, we are also looking for Doctor Yuan." Lao Wang smiled.

"You are also looking for Doctor Yuan? Didn't Doctor Yuan make an appointment with us this afternoon?" Gao Min's face was full of doubts.

"Oh, we are taking a special channel. Don't worry, we won't delay you." Lao Wang made up an explanation without thinking.

Gao Min believed it, and not only that, he looked at the group of people with a different look.

These people must be extraordinary to be able to take Doctor Yuan's special channel.

"In that case, let's go together?" Gao Min invited.

"Okay, you go first." Lao Wang said politely.

Lao Wang's operation directly turned enemies into friends, and the old man and the middle-aged man went from being vigilant at the beginning to being guides now.

The few people walked forward while talking superficially, and the robots that came along the way were also sent away by the old man.

"Doctor Yuan is on the top floor. He sees patients in the morning and handles the group's business in the afternoon." Gao Min pointed the way. "Doctor Yuan's office is in front. Let's go in together."

"Yes." Lao Wang nodded reservedly, "You go first."

Gao Min didn't think much about it. This is Doctor Yuan's place. Few people in the free area dare to cause trouble.

"Talk la la la." The huge alloy glass door opened at a strange angle.

In front of him was a white empty space with no decorations, only a swivel chair.

A figure sat on the chair with his back to the door, watching the vehicles and tall buildings coming and going outside the transparent glass.

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