Above the gray fog

Chapter 942 Creator

"Where's Josh Wright?" Lin Shan found that the big guy who often swayed in front of him was gone, and asked.

"Didn't he break an arm last time? It's a little inconvenient for him to move. He said he wanted to get a new arm, so I let him go by himself." Lao Wang replied casually.

"He went out?"

"He went out, what's wrong?" Lao Wang looked at Lin Shan strangely.

"......" Lin Shan was silent for a few seconds before saying, "He probably won't come back."

Lao Wang didn't care too much, "Are you saying that Master Ling will do something to him? I have made it clear to him that it was him who insisted on going out."

"Yeah." Hearing this, Lin Shan nodded slightly, "It's good that he knows it himself. It seems that he has a reason to go out."

After eating and drinking, Cersei cleaned up the dishes, Lao Wang crossed his legs and picked his teeth, and Jiuqi took a nap on the sofa.

Lin Shan left a sentence, "I will be in seclusion for a while, call me if there is something important." He walked straight towards the bedroom.

The bedroom door slowly opened, and the soft blue light illuminated the entire room. The special coating on the wall emitted a faint blue light, which could accelerate the gathering of spirituality. The magnetic levitation device under the bed allowed the bed to float freely. There was an air-conditioning-like machine above that constantly spewed out spirituality. The holographic projector on the side could provide the latest virtual reality experience. The floor was a kind of smart glass, and the sensors embedded below were automatically cleaned. Any garbage including dust would be swallowed and cleaned by this glass. This configuration could be considered as an upper-middle-class configuration in a civilization like the Federation. After entering the whole room, it felt like entering a paradise, and the rich spirituality was several times that of the outside world.

Lin Shan sat cross-legged on the bed, and the originally ordinary bed immediately made the most appropriate changes according to Lin Shan's posture.

The next second, Lin Shan disappeared directly from the spot, leaving only the Candle Dragon Ring floating in the spot.

The elemental stones inside had been transferred by Lin Shan, leaving only a small part here.

There is a big difference between elemental power and spirituality. Different elemental powers are endowed with characteristics to become effects such as fire, water, and ice. This common element is not the element stored in the elemental stone.

These two powers are not essentially the same power. Spirituality that has changed its properties through characteristics is still a kind of spirituality, a spirituality with certain properties, such as spirituality, which is spirituality with spiritual properties. In the final analysis, it is inseparable from spirituality.

The elemental power in the elemental stone is obviously not spirituality, but a power that is born with properties. At present, Lin Shan has not seen anyone mastering elemental power, including the creatures he has met, and it seems that no one can directly control the elements.

The extraordinary uses characteristics to change the spiritual properties, and the gods use authority to change the spiritual properties. In essence, they should use the same power - spirituality, but with different quality and level.

Lin Shan studied for a while and felt that the elemental power stored in this elemental stone seemed to be unable to be controlled by humans and could only be used as a consumable.

Tushan Ajiu had studied it before, and the power in the elemental stone was consistent with the power in the core of a star.

This further strengthened Lin Shan's conjecture.

Elemental power should have existed since the birth of the universe, and it is a power with a total number.

He already had a preliminary guess about the transparent elemental stone that he had not figured out before.

It should be ‘qi’.

I remember there is a saying on Earth that the four basic elements that make up the world are – earth, air, fire, and water.

He knows fourteen elements – fire, earth, wind, thunder, ice, light, water, space, time, nature, life, yin, yang, and destruction.

But there are fifteen kinds of elemental stones collected, except for the ‘qi’ element, there are ‘earth’, ‘fire’, and ‘water’.

The only thing missing is the ‘qi’ element. Could the power contained in this transparent elemental stone be the ‘qi’ element?

The air element has no shape or color, and it is difficult to be perceived. Lin Shan has never seen it at all.

The transparent stone, just in terms of the color of the elemental stone, is very consistent with the characteristics of ‘qi’.

There are six piles of elemental stones beside him, four in front of him and two behind him.

The ones in front of him are ‘earth’, ‘fire’, ‘water’ and the elemental stone suspected to be ‘qi’.

The ones behind him are ‘yin’ and ‘yang’.

If earth, air, fire, and water are the basic elements that make up the world, then the yin and yang of China since ancient times must also be the same.

Tai Chi gives birth to two yin and yang, two yin and yang give birth to four images, and four images give birth to eight trigrams.

This is something that almost all Chinese people can recite by heart.

The two yin and yang refer to yin and yang.

Although the origin of this knowledge is not long, a thousand years is just a moment for Gray Mist.

But since coming to Gray Mist, Lin Shan feels that there seems to be something wrong with the course of Earth's history. A lot of knowledge can be connected to Gray Mist. This is definitely not a coincidence.

This knowledge is like... being forced into some people's brains, and has been passed down by chance.

If these two piles of elements are really the basic elements that make up the world, they can provide him with the most adaptable or primitive environment for creating life.

Without seeing any movement from Lin Shan, the four piles of elemental stones containing earth, air, fire, and water in front of him were all broken.

A transparent spiritual barrier spread outward with Lin Shan as the center, circling a range of 20 meters in diameter.

The rich power of the four elements in this range seemed to be palpable, and resistance could be vaguely felt.

The amount of elements contained in the elemental stone was still considerable.

Lin Shan felt the richness of the four elements and expanded the barrier to a diameter of eighty meters. The feeling of crowding and obstruction completely disappeared.

In fact, it is not necessary to create the environment with such great effort, but the energy from the outside world is too chaotic. If you are not careful, some strange forces will enter and destroy the whole process. Lin Shan wants to create the first life in the purest environment.

The basic elements at the beginning of the universe must be the purest environment.

Lin Shan took out the piece of old god meat and put it on the ground.

As if sensing Lin Shan's ill intentions, the meat kept trembling, but was pressed down by Lin Shan and could not make any movement.


Lin Shan took a deep breath.

With the method mastered, the materials and energy are also sufficient. In theory, there is no possibility of failure. At most, the life created is not ideal.

He really wants to know whether the life he created can help him in a practical sense.

If not, Lin Shan will definitely not invest resources in this ability. If so, there may be another way to become stronger in the future.

The various life particles around are constantly gathering, piecing together, and squeezing.

Red represents wisdom and black represents power. If one is more, the other will be less. Due to the nature of the balance of the gray fog universe, it is impossible for a species to have both wisdom and power.

At this moment, Lin Shan, like the creator of life, chooses the six-dimensional attributes of his creation according to his own ideas.

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