Above the gray fog

Chapter 951 New Member

I don’t know if this scarecrow is really forgetful or just pretending.

On second thought, it seems unnecessary for it to pretend to be stupid with me.

Lin Shan left the scarecrow and walked to the colorful fountain to sit and wait.

Two teams of people had already sat next to the fountain, whispering something.

There was also a person lying next to the fountain with his mouth open, looking sneaky.

Lin Shan sat quietly with his back against the fountain, and suddenly a drop of colorful spring water splashed out.

The spring water fell on the ground and disappeared directly, indicating that this was not real water.

Lin Shan turned his back and wanted to scoop up a handful to study.


A broom came from nowhere and slapped the back of his hand hard. Although there was no flesh, Lin Shan could feel abnormal pain.

"The Fountain of Life can only be seen, not touched." The dry voice of the scarecrow appeared next to Lin Shan.

Lin Shan turned his head and saw that the scarecrow had appeared behind him at some point.

"The Fountain of Life..." Lin Shan didn't expect that this colorful spring water on display had such a great origin. No matter what kind of myth or legend, the Fountain of Life can be regarded as a top treasure.

Lin Shan remembered that when he first came in, there was a river flowing with colorful water. Could it be that it was all the Fountain of Life?

The scarecrow ignored Lin Shan and walked away with a broom.

"Friend, you are too bold, aren't you?" The creature that Lin Shan had seen before... who was lying next to the fountain with his mouth open and looked sneaky, saw Lin Shan's feat and walked over with admiration.

"I don't know about this." Lin Shan observed the person who came. His body was made of transparent crystals. He looked tall and mighty at two meters tall. He was wearing a transparent gauze dress as thin as a cicada's wing, inlaid with sparkling gems and crystals. The gauze dress was as delicate as silk and fluttered gently with the movements of the crystal man.

While Lin Shan was looking at him, he was also looking at Lin Shan. He had a pair of bright and crystal light black eyes, which revealed wisdom and spirituality.

"You... opened your mouth and lay beside the fountain just to receive the Fountain of Life?" Lin Shan looked at the crystal man and asked directly.

The crystal man didn't feel embarrassed at all, and was even a little proud. "Hahaha, you have good eyes. It seems that you have also discovered that the Fountain of Life occasionally splashes on the ground. I opened my mouth to receive it next to it. After a long time, there will always be a few drops in my mouth."

"How long have you been receiving it?" Lin Shan asked.

"Two days."

"How many drops have you drunk?"

"Not yet..."

Lin Shan: "..."

"Although I haven't drunk it yet, I feel that I will soon drink it." Seeing that Lin Shan was speechless, the crystal man said unhappily, "After my careful calculation, the next time the Fountain of Life will definitely fall where I opened my mouth before."

Lin Shan ignored him, but stared blankly at the place where the crystal man had been lying before.

A drop of the Fountain of Life gently splashed on the ground...

The location was exactly where the crystal man opened his mouth.

"You don't believe it?" The crystal man was even more unhappy when he saw Lin Shan ignored him.

"I believe it, how did you calculate it?" Lin Shan nodded seriously and then asked.

"Do you really believe it?" Seeing Lin Shan so serious, the crystal man scratched his head a little embarrassedly, "Just like that... I calculated it."

He is not a fool, it is impossible to tell a stranger the method.

"In fact... It has not been successful yet, there will be a little deviation every time." The crystal man said truthfully.

Originally, Lin Shan was going to tell him what he had just seen, but after hearing this, Lin Shan kept silent.

If he knew that he missed the opportunity to succeed because of him... would he bear a grudge?

Lin Shan changed the subject, "What is the function of the Fountain of Life? You worked so hard just to receive a drop."

"Newcomer?" The crystal man asked, and when Lin Shan did not answer, he continued:

"The Fountain of Life can revive the dead and extend lifespan regardless of the rules. One drop increases lifespan by one year. There is an upper limit. I don't know how much it is. No one is rich enough to drink it. If you use points to exchange, three points can be exchanged for one drop." The crystal man said, his eyes full of desire.

"Can it bring people back to life?" Lin Shan was surprised. If it really can bring people back to life, the effect would be a bit strong.

"As long as the source is intact, it can bring people back to life, but... the amount needed should be a lot. The most important function of the Fountain of Life is to cure all diseases in the world. It's just a matter of how much to use."

At this time, several streams of light flashed on the square. It was a group of ant creatures.

Seeing this, Lin Shan immediately said goodbye to the crystal man in front of him.

The crystal man did not try to stop him, and asked, "What's your friend's name? Let's meet."

"My name is Lin Shan."

"My name is Mo Hao, can you give me your contact information?"

"No, I'm not an official member of the Garden of Eden." Lin Shan waved his hand and walked towards the direction of the ant creature.

Lin Shan's voice came from a distance, "By the way, your calculations are very accurate. Don't give up. Sooner or later, you can get the Fountain of Life for free."

"Weird." Mo Hao muttered as he watched Lin Shan walk away.

He returned to his previous position and continued to lie down, opening his mouth, hoping that the Fountain of Life could jump into his mouth by itself.

"Here, here." The pink-skinned girl saw Lin Shan and called out from a distance.

"How about it, are you ready?" The ant creature patted Lin Shan on the shoulder.

"Yeah." Lin Shan nodded slightly.

"Very good, from today on, you are the fifth member of my Yiqi Federation." The ant creature laughed proudly, "I will show you the strength of our Yiqi Federation in a while."

"Don't you need to sign a contract?" Lin Shan didn't expect that this so-called Yiqi Federation only had four members, and his welcome ceremony was so simple, just a few words.

"The Civilization Game was originally a spontaneous activity of the members of the Garden of Eden. The Garden of Eden will not allow members to form gangs within the organization. The gangs in the Civilization Game are mostly verbal agreements." The ant creature explained.

Then, he formally introduced himself, "I am the leader of the Yiqi Federation, Jixian."

The pink-skinned girl followed up with the introduction, "I am the military advisor of the Yiqi Federation, Perkin Yuna."

"I am the deputy leader of the Yiqi Federation, Perkin Kai." The pink-skinned man took over.

"I am the head of the logistics department of the Yiqi Federation, Wa Ranzun." The snake man seemed to feel a little ashamed, and his voice became much smaller.

"Hahaha, welcome to join us. I don't know your name yet." Ji Xian laughed loudly, and the tentacles on his head kept waving, indicating that he was very happy now.

"My name is Lin Shan." Lin Shan replied.

"Okay, Lin Shan, from today on, you are the head of the Intelligence Department of the Yiqi Alliance. No matter which star system we are in the outside world, no matter the differences in race and civilization, we are all good brothers of the Yiqi Alliance in the Garden of Eden. The Yiqi Alliance has no rules. We just need to help each other." Ji Xian patted Lin Shan's shoulder again.

After the welcome ceremony for the new members, Ji Xian sat down on the ground and took out a golden sand table.

Perkin Yuna, Perkin Kai, and Wa Ranzun also sat down at the same time and took out the creation sand table.

"Lin Shan, take out your sand table and sit down like us." Ji Xian reminded.

Lin Shan took out the extremely simple time sand table and sat cross-legged on the ground like them.

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