Above the gray fog

Chapter 960 Separate Actions

"Thank you, I have gained a lot and I already know what to do next." Lin Shan thanked him seriously.

"Hahaha." Ji Xian laughed and patted Lin Shan on the shoulder, "It's okay, we are all good brothers of the Yiqi Alliance."

The grief in the hearts of others was also diluted by the actions of Lin Shan and Ji Xian.

"What are you going to do next? Restart creation?"

"Of course," Ji Xian said affirmatively, "We are all people who have nowhere to go in the real world. The Garden of Eden is our only way out. Maybe we should change our methods. Harvesting creation source is not a way out. Although the risk is higher than the civilization game, as long as the creation sandbox is still there, plus the previous knowledge and experience, it won't take long for us to restore the population.

Ji Xian said in a joking tone, "If one day you don't see one of us, maybe we have gone crazy because we have absorbed too much resentment."

The pink-skinned man Perkin Kai interrupted Ji Xian, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Hahaha, I'm just talking casually. "Jixian smiled.

Everyone could see that his smile was very forced.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about these things that have already been decided." Snake Man Wa·Ran Zun interrupted, "Let's talk about business. Lin Shangang joined our Yiqi Alliance. In addition to helping each other in the civilization game, the alliance in the Garden of Eden is also a solid ally for exchanging supplies and information. "

"If you want points, we can also trade with you. Of course, the premise is that what you take out is what we need. If we have any extra treasures that we want to sell, we will also think of allies first, either bartering or buying with points. "

"Well, I do have some things I want to exchange for points. I'll go back and sort them out. "

"Okay, it just so happens that we have to go back and reorganize our future ideas. Our Yiqi Alliance gathers every three months, right here in Eden Square. You can't contact us. You can go directly to Eden Square after three months. "

"Okay. "

Everyone hurriedly ended the event and went home. For Lin Shan, this experience only broadened his horizons and found a short-term goal.

For the other four members of the Yiqi Alliance, today may be a huge setback in their lives.

Lin Shan could feel that they were different from him.

Their home court was in the Garden of Eden, and the Garden of Eden was just an extra opportunity for Lin Shan.

The real world.

Lin Shan was too lazy to care about the evil ants and pseudo-humans in the creation sandbox.

Knowing the impact of the advanced sandbox on creation, Lin Shan didn't want to do such a laborious and inefficient thing anymore. When he got the advanced sandbox in the future, one day's work would be equivalent to a year or even more now.

What he had to do now was to earn more Eden points and try to exchange for the advanced sandbox. After getting the advanced sandbox, he could start preparing for creation.

If you want to do your work well, you must first sharpen your tools.

Lin Shan immediately found Lao Wang, who was closing his eyes on the sofa, and said, "Lao Wang, let's discuss something."

"What's wrong? Where have you been these days? "Old Wang opened his eyes and asked with a smile.

"My outer body disappeared?" Lin Shan was a little surprised.

"There was no trace of you in the house these days. Didn't you sneak out to have fun?" Old Wang said meaningfully, "Sister Jiuqi is very worried about you."

When the fox saw Lin Shan, it jumped down from the windowsill and was walking towards the two of them with an elegant step.

Hearing what Old Wang said, the fox's body froze, and it was in a dilemma. It glared at Old Wang fiercely. The fox pretended not to hear anything and lay there.

Lin Shan ignored Old Wang's ridicule and fell into thought.

"Check again later to see if my body is still there. "Lin Shan finished speaking, and without giving Lao Wang time to react, he entered Eden Square again.

There were not many people in Eden Square, but there were people there almost every moment, and the faces were all unfamiliar. For the members of the Garden of Eden, this place was like a tourist attraction, and they would come to take a look from time to time, or use it as a place for meetings.

Lin Shan suddenly remembered that he forgot to ask Jixian how many members there were in the Garden of Eden. If there were only enemies and friends in the Garden of Eden, there would definitely not be too many members in the Garden of Eden.

This matter was just curiosity, and it was not a big deal. After staying there for a few seconds, Lin Shan returned to the real world again.

Lin Shan opened his eyes and found that Lao Wang was only a few centimeters away from him. He pushed Lao Wang away and asked, "How is it? Is my body still there?"

"The body, soul, and everything else are still there, but the consciousness is gone." Lao Wang touched his chin, "Where did you go just now? "

"Consciousness..." Lin Shan muttered to himself. Consciousness is a very mysterious thing. Lin Shan vaguely felt that consciousness should be directly derived from existence. It is something higher than the soul and even at the same level as the source.

The body outside the Garden of Eden he just entered is still there. There is only one possibility that the body disappeared before.

The civilization game will bring the real body in, or maybe not bring it in, but just make the real body disappear. This is more like a form of protection for the civilization game.

After all, a normal civilization game takes at least a few months and at most a few years. If the real body has problems at this time... you can imagine how bad it is.

"What are you thinking about." Lao Wang saw that Lin Shan had been silent, and he was a little impatient.

"Thinking about business." Lin Shan stared at Lao Wang, "I have a market for the useless treasure in your hand."

"Huh?" Lao Wang was stunned. He didn't understand what Lin Shan meant. Lin Shan wanted to sell the treasure in his hand?


"My consciousness just disappeared. I can't tell you where I went, but you can get anything you want from that place, provided you have points." Lin Shan said seriously in a tempting tone, "Points can be obtained from others through trading. Do you want anything?"

"Everything can be exchanged?" Lao Wang frowned.

"Anything can be exchanged, including the position of God." Lin Shan affirmed.

Lao Wang stared at Lin Shan, "How much do you plan to cheat me of?"

"30% handling fee." Lin Shan raised three fingers.

"10%, otherwise there is no negotiation." Lao Wang waved his hand firmly.

"Let's take a step back and 20%." Lin Shan slowed down his tone, "You have to know that sales are not that easy."

Lao Wang did not agree to Lin Shan, and changed the subject, "When are you going to leave? We are not here to vacation in Virgo."

Lin Shan replied without thinking, "It will be a while, and the Wu Ling Church must be watching us now."

He also wanted to get out quickly, and there were many things piling up.

There is no need to worry about the curse now. His next step should be to find the parchment fragments, then collect 100,000 years of life, and finally seek the position of God.

But Lao Wang asked this, as if he wanted to act separately from him...

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