Above the gray fog

Chapter 97 Mermaid?

"You are going to be promoted?" Chen Liyun showed a happy look on his face.

Only a few other pioneers knew that Lin Shan was going to be promoted. The pioneers are now almost completely independent of the human power circle and rarely show up. Naturally, even the rulers at the peak of power don't know much about the movements of the pioneers.

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded and confirmed, "It can be delayed as long as possible. Also, it is very useful to publicize the deeds of the pioneers."

"Okay, I will arrange it. When you come back after promotion, it will be the time for the human race and the cat race to go to war again." Chen Liyun clenched his fist.

"May the human race prosper and last forever." Lin Shan suddenly said.

Chen Liyun was startled and looked at Lin Shan. In his impression, Lin Shan has always been cold and rarely has any emotional changes. He didn't expect him to say such words.

He lowered his head and repeated, "May the human race prosper and last forever." When he looked at Lin Shan again, there was no one in the original place.

Lin Shan teleported back to the clan hall and closed his eyes waiting for the gathering of faith.

He didn't need to worry about the arrangements for the clan, Chen Liyun would take care of it. This was both the advantage and disadvantage of the new imperial system. All the power of the clan was concentrated in the hands of one person. There was nothing to discuss, and all resources could be mobilized with one word.

He sunk his consciousness into the depths of his mind. After an unknown period of time, the power of faith recovered to a level similar to that of the past, barely enough for him to swing two swords of sequence 8 attacks.

He opened his eyes, felt the faith in his body, and murmured, "Almost."

He walked to the hall and took a look at the clan instrument. It was June of the 24th year of the human calendar.

"The same amount... only took one year, twice as fast as before. It seems to be Chen Liyun's credit."

He put down the clan instrument, returned to the room, put on the backpack on his back, teleported directly into the air, and then turned into a red light and flew out of the barrier. Compared with before, the barrier did not expand much outward, which should be due to the slow development of the clan this year.

This time he planned to go to the ‘Gauze Beaver’ first, and then get the main medicine ‘Ice Fire Candle Flame Grass’ on the way back. He did not bring anyone else with him. He could go at least twice as fast alone. Moreover, the evil is different from the immobile weirdness. If you can’t beat it, it is difficult to escape. The danger is too high.

The distance is close to 90,000 kilometers. After flying for three months, there are two attacks per month on average. Fortunately, they are all attacks by Sequence 9. Sequence 8 is very rare even in this vast land. If you don’t have a specific location, you have to rely on luck to encounter it.

Two hundred meters above the sky, Lin Shan sat cross-legged in the air.

Below is the blue sea with no boundaries in sight. From time to time, you can see hundreds of meters high waves appearing out of thin air on the sea surface without any rules. No flying birds are seen, and there are no swimming fish in the water.

Lin Shan looked at the parchment. The punctuation overlapped with his, 1654 meters below.

In fact, he had been here for a long time, and had been thinking about how to do it. The ‘Gauze Beaver’ actually lived in the sea, and it was just like its name, unlike the previous ‘Strange Waterfall’ which didn’t look like a waterfall at all...

In the sea, his movements would be greatly restricted, and if he didn’t breathe for a long time, his body would ‘die’.

After thinking for a long time, he couldn’t think of any good way, so he could only go down and take a look. A layer of heart light shield appeared on his body to isolate the sea water, and then he didn’t hesitate to teleport down directly. With the resistance of water, he could only travel less than 800 meters at a time, and he teleported twice in a row to a depth of 1,600 meters.

At this moment, the ‘Gauze Beaver’ had swam elsewhere. It was pitch black in the sea and it was difficult to see the surrounding environment. After the heart light turned into a defensive form, it could no longer transform into a light ball. Lin Shan could only use all his strength to activate the heart light shield to make it burst out with golden light. The light golden light was distorted with the flow of water, and the area within a radius of five meters was illuminated by the hazy golden light.

There was nothing around. Lin Shan looked at the parchment in his mind. The ‘Gauze Beaver’ had already swam hundreds of meters in front of him.

Control the distance and teleport hundreds of meters forward. At this time, the ‘Gauze Beaver’ was right below him!

Looking down, unfortunately, he could not see anything. The visual distance in the sea was only five meters. The sea water seemed to have the effect of blocking light, and no sunlight could shine down.

After a little hesitation, he swam downward.

Gradually approaching, until a part of the behemoth appeared in front of him. He could not see the complete body, but only pink scales. Each scale was the size of a palm. As it swam, a furry pink ‘tail’ appeared in Lin Shan’s sight, followed by two, three, and these ‘tails’ did not grow behind it, but were inserted into its body like scales, growing in pieces, just like its hair.

Each tail was one person tall, with the bottom inserted into the pink skin, and the middle was very fluffy and fluffy, and it became thinner and thinner at the tip.

Seeing so many ‘tails’ in front of him, Lin Shan was secretly happy. He didn’t expect that the materials this time were so simple. All he needed was this evil ‘tail’ that looked like hair.

Just as he was about to chop one off, the water behind him suddenly surged violently.

Without any hesitation, the lightsaber composed of faith instantly condensed into shape, and immediately illuminated the surrounding seawater.

With the help of this bright light, Lin Shan could see the overall shape of this creature, and he was stunned.

This is clearly a huge mermaid!

The mermaid has a human body with a fish tail. The skin of the whole body is pink, but the tail has a lot of hair like a tail. The sensitive parts of the body are covered with palm-sized scales. The huge human face of the mermaid is looking at him at this time, and the eyes as big as a water tank seem to be full of doubts.

Lin Shan felt that his breath holding time was almost at the limit. He didn't care whether she was a mermaid or not. He swung his sword and chopped at the tail of the mermaid.

The sword light broke through the water flow and reached the tail of the mermaid in an instant. It smoothly cut off a piece of the "hair". The white sword light was powerful and scraped off a piece of the scales with blood and flesh before dissipating.

The mermaid felt pain, and Lin Shan could even see that she was frowning. Then she stretched out her big hand and tried to grab Lin Shan. Lin Shan was so scared that he quickly teleported, but was shocked to find that the surrounding space had been blocked. Let alone teleporting, he couldn't even move at this time.

Seeing that the big hand was about to grab him, Lin Shan swung the lightsaber in his hand again, using all his last strength. This time, the sword light directly cut the big hand less than ten meters away from him. There was no scale on the hand to block it, and blood splashed everywhere. But in just a moment, the wound that penetrated the bone began to recover.


The mermaid screamed in pain, and the sound made Lin Shan's ears roar. At that moment, Lin Shan felt that the space blockade around him loosened for a moment. He teleported three times in a row and appeared directly in the air. He did not dare to stop for a moment and immediately flew to a higher altitude until he stopped at 10,000 meters.

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