Above the gray fog

Chapter 970 A brief test

Feeling the power of the bullet, Lin Shan's scalp went numb.

A tiny electric current on the spear flowed along the saber to the blond man, causing the man's body to stiffen.

Lin Shan took the opportunity to slide sideways behind the blond man and used him as a shield.

"Asshole!" The blond man cursed in a low voice and could only wave the saber to block the bullet.

"Puff." The golden spear pierced the blond man's heart straight, and the terrifying high temperature roasted his flesh.

Seeing this, Lin Shan pulled out the spear and quickly retreated.

There was a flash of knife light at the place where he was before, but it was empty.

"Fallen body..." Lin Shan stared at the man and muttered to himself.

If it wasn't a fallen body, the man's body would have been directly evaporated by that blow just now, and it couldn't have just been roasted.

"What's wrong with the fallen body? Aren't you the same?" The wound on the blond man's body was healing quickly.

"Me? Just treat me as me." Lin Shan did not deny it, staring at the Gatling gun in the red-haired woman's hand.

This thing is also a special spirit.

Lin Shan did not expect that the spirit can also be transformed into a modern weapon.

It is really strange.

From the attack just now, Lin Shan can feel that the power of this Gatling gun is extremely great.

The huge power means that the consumption is also huge. It is good at bursting and cannot last long.

The red-haired woman pointed the muzzle of the Gatling gun at the blond man, "Damn bastard! Who are you calling a bastard?"

"I'm calling the one over there." The blond man pointed at Lin Shan's position timidly, "Be careful, this person's special spirit is a bit strong, and just a collision has cracked my special spirit."

"I'm holding a Gatling gun. If I have to collide, it's my bullet." The red-haired woman said disdainfully, "Hurry up and deal with him, don't let Master Ling wait too long."

Lin Shan watched quietly, with a scarlet light flashing in his eyes.

‘Mirror Flower and Water Moon’

The red-haired woman suddenly attacked the blond man next to her, and the Gatling gun poured out firepower.

“Bitch, are you crazy?” The blond man roared loudly, and his hand and arm were unfortunately hit by bullets, and blood holes were blown out.

“You still dare to scold me? Then I can only take your body to see Master Ling.” The red-haired woman roared, and the Gatling gun spun wildly.

The blond man couldn’t resist, and several more blood holes appeared on his body.

At a certain moment, he stopped, his face full of coldness, waving the saber in his hand, the blade was flying like a gust of wind, exuding a fierce murderous aura.

What greeted him was still the countless sparks ejected from the muzzle of the Gatling gun, the bullets were swept like a rainstorm, the space was torn apart by bullets, the explosion was deafening, and each bullet carried the power to destroy everything, instantly smashing the passing debris, and the stardust was splashed.

The blond man got serious, wielding his saber without fear of the rain of bullets. The blade cut through the space, splitting the energy bullet into two pieces. The fragments in the space flew everywhere, and the flames burst out.

The aftermath shook the surroundings, and the space stations below collapsed one after another, and the void was scraped layer by layer.

The red-haired woman was obviously much stronger than the blond man. She continued to move forward with the Gatling gun, directly hitting the blond man's forehead.

The brain was splattered, and the blond man was directly beaten into nothingness.

It was not until the fragments splashed on the red-haired woman's face that she reacted and her eyes instantly locked on Lin Shan.

The muzzle of the gun was also moving at the same time.

"Da, da da da!"

The bullets tore the space apart and tilted towards Lin Shan.

Lin Shan did not dodge or avoid. In fact, he could not dodge now. The 'Mirror Flower Water Moon' had just been broken, and he could not move for a short time.

It was not until several bullets penetrated his chest that Lin Shan used teleportation to escape.

Next to the red-haired woman, the flesh and blood of the blond man was rapidly condensing.

"It hurts so much." The blond man complained.

The red-haired woman said lightly without any apology, "You useless person, I'm in an illusion and you can't even tell it. Why don't you just attack the caster directly?"

"Damn it, I thought he was a fallen body and didn't think about it at all!" The blond man cursed. It was indeed his negligence in this regard and there was no place to complain.

"You were affected. It can only be said that you are not determined. How can you blame the victim?" Lin Shan fanned the flames.

The big man looked at the red-haired woman with a slightly changed look, but he didn't argue about this issue. "The mission is important."

Lin Shan looked into the distance. Fox was suppressing a beast-shaped metamorphosis and beating him violently, while Lao Wang was teasing another metamorphosis. Both of them seemed very relaxed.

Feeling Lin Shan's gaze, Lao Wang said, "The crazy woman of Master Ling should not have come. With these few people, I can easily get Sister Cersi away. You and Sister Jiuqi can go back first."

"Yeah." Lin Shan nodded imperceptibly.

At this time, the huge Hunter Star below also flew out two qualitative changes, flying quickly towards the battle zone.

The two qualitative changes in front of them obviously also sensed the breath of the newcomers, but they didn't care. After looking at each other, they rushed towards Lin Shan together.

Inside the Hunter Star Tower.

On the luxurious soft chair, a muddy monster with a large wizard hat asked, "Who is fighting?"

Someone below answered, "It's the unknown Old Fire and the Wu Ling Church."

The mud monster muttered to himself, "Wu Ling Church? A troublesome organization..., switch the screen."


A three-dimensional projection unfolded above.

In the space above the Hunter Star, three powerful creatures were fighting fiercely.

One person held a Gatling gun, a monster held a saber, and the other person held a golden spear. Their attacks intertwined, forming a thrilling battle scene.

The muzzle of the Gatling gun sprayed countless purple-red sparks, and bullets swept towards the opponent like a rainstorm.

The monster waved the blade in his hand, and the knife light instantly cut through the space.

The spear emitted a blazing light, and wherever it passed, the stars were broken one after another, the space was violently distorted, and the temperature of some areas of the Hunter Tower Star suddenly increased.

Energy fluctuations were everywhere.

"So many qualitative changes... Do these people want to destroy the Hunter Tower Star? It's too much to underestimate my Hunter Star Tower." The mud monster was slightly angry.

Someone below hurriedly said, "Elder Morris and Elder Carl have gone to stop it."

"Well, they are all qualitative changes, how can it be so easy to tell the winner? Since it is not a matter of principle, big things will be small, and small things will be nothing." The mud monster reminded.

"Yes, I will notify the two elders right away."

Outside world

Elders Morris and Carl were blocked outside by the aftermath of the fight. They had no chance to persuade them. They were afraid that if they let go, the Hunter Star below would explode.

Lin Shan did not feel much pressure fighting against two qualitative changes, but this kind of battle was not so easy to determine the winner. Even if the enemy was beaten to ashes, he could recover.

The only way was to hold on and last longer.

The other party also discovered this and decided to give up.

"No more playing, let's go." Lao Wang's voice resounded through the void, and Lin Shan and others disappeared directly from the spot.

The yellow-haired man and the red-haired woman were not angry, but relieved.

Although they were in a stalemate, they could feel that they were not Lin Shan's opponents.

The other party ran away, which was not a bad thing for them.

"Ahem, harmony brings wealth, harmony brings wealth." Seeing that the two sides had stopped, Elders Morris and Carl had a chance to take over.

"Hmph." The red-haired woman snorted coldly, not giving any face at all, "The opponent is too strong, only Master Ling can take him down, let's retreat."

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