Above the gray fog

Chapter 973 Racial Sequence

Mr. Scarecrow put away the broom, "Who are you?"

"Ahem...I'm here to sign up for the Civilization Game." Lin Shan replied helplessly.

"Sign up for the game and go to the Garden of Eden." The Scarecrow said and ignored him.

"I can't enter the Garden of Eden. You are my new mentor." Lin Shan followed behind.

"Young man..." Scarecrow stopped, "Young man... it's you. You have been promoted so quickly, and the sequelae are not small."

"Grudges can be dealt with slowly. Now I want to sign up to participate in the Civilization Game. What should I do?"

"Just put your fingerprints on it." The scarecrow pulled out a piece of tissue paper from the straw on his chest. It was full of handwriting, and the content was some rules of the civilized game.

This thing is the same whether you look at it or not. It can't be changed anyway. Lin Shan put his fingers under the tissue paper, and the scarecrow stuffed the tissue paper back into his chest.

Lin Shan stared at the scarecrow's chest for a while and found no uneven areas, guessing that it should be a storage space.

The scarecrow wore a black coat with many straws sticking out from the coat. After finishing Lin Shan's affairs, he stuffed the straws into his clothes one by one.

The Scarecrow forgot about him again.

Lin Shan has even begun to get used to the operation of the scarecrow.

After waiting for a while, Lin Shancai asked, "Is it enough to sign this?"

The scarecrow turned to look at Lin Shan and asked in surprise, "Why are you still here?"

"I didn't leave..."

"Just wait. Civilization sorting occurs once a month. Registration is irreversible. You are guaranteed to participate once a year as a basic assessment."

"Okay." After getting the answer he wanted, Lin Shan left the Garden of Eden and returned to the real world, eager to check the status of the dragon egg.

After taking the dragon egg out of the candle dragon ring and placing it on the bed, Lin Shan took out the yellow paper to identify it.

[Star Dragon, a race of gods. ]

[Blessing Spirit: Unknown. ]

[Race sequence: unknown. ]

[Racial talent: Can perfectly absorb the power of stars, unknown. ]

A brief introduction is enough to prove that this dragon egg has an extraordinary origin.

Starry Sky Dragons are a race of gods like angels. They are born with their own racial sequence and have more than one racial talent.

The four words "racial sequence" directly awaken Lin Shan's buried memory. The reason why he remembers it deeply is because he has recorded this passage in this book many times.

"The First Interpretation of the Gray Mist" is not only as simple as providing experience for future generations, but also like a diary of his own early experiences, recorded bit by bit, and corrected and changed bit by bit as the level improved and he learned more.

There used to be a race next to the human race called the Twilight Tribe. Lin Shan remembered that the Twilight Tribe was a creature that looked like a mole. They imprisoned a Sequence 7 evil creature that looked like an octopus. He had forgotten the name of the evil creature. .

Sequence 7 at that time was like an insurmountable mountain to him, and even a single breath could kill him.

He learned a lot from Octopus Evil Fall, including Wanzu's early blockade of Sequence 7 and the racial sequence.

Now think about it carefully, why would a Sequence 7 evil degenerate know something like the ‘race sequence’? Many Sequence 5 Extraordinary people will never hear this word in their lives. The most they can know is the race of gods.

Few people know that any race of gods will carry a ‘race sequence’, which is also the cornerstone of the power of the race of gods.

There may be something fishy about the origin of that Sequence 7 Evil Fallen. This is not something that can be understood at this level. The only race of gods in the human world is angels. If angels are unwilling to expose this, no one will know.

Lin Shan, a powerful member of the human circle, also had a lot of contact, and their records on this aspect are few.

In addition to the 'racial sequence', the octopus Evil Fall also seemed to have a good understanding of the enemy 'parasite' it encountered at that time. The parasite was a life form with collective consciousness. Lin Shan had never seen the second one.

Lin Shan clearly remembered that the moles parasitized by the 'parasite' caused a lot of damage to the human race at that time.

‘Racial sequence’ and ‘cluster consciousness’.

It's so abnormal for a little Sequence 7 villain to know these things.

Only now, when Lin Shan thought about it again, did he realize that there might be something else involved.

However, now that the human circle plant fallen tribe has perished, all the unsolved answers will also be buried into history.

Lin Shan recalled how he recorded the 'racial sequence' in the first place.

[There is a sequence ability in the world called race sequence, which is the same as super-standard sequence. Race sequence is carried by birth and does not require additional characteristics. Creatures with race sequence cannot integrate other characteristics. However, only one race sequence is enough. With continuous promotion, a powerful clan can also have two or even three racial sequences. The owner of the racial sequence can be a god-beloved race-angel, or a god-beloved race-cluster consciousness-parasite. ]

It should be like this. After hearing the words of the Sequence 7 Evil Fall, Lin Shan returned to his clan and wrote down this paragraph.

As the level increased, he was able to determine that this information was correct.

Feeling the dragon egg trembling, Lin Shan gently touched it a few times.

As a result, the dragon's egg shook even more violently.

Lin Shan touched his nose. Why did the dragon egg keep shaking?

Is it too cold?

Looking at the rich fiery red color outside the dragon egg, Lin Shan showed a sudden expression.

This starry sky dragon must be a fire attribute dragon. The temperature in the natural environment is too low for them.

Lin Shan picked up the quilt next to him and wrapped the dragon egg tightly.

The dragon egg was still trembling.

Lin Shan: "How do you hatch this egg? I don't care, can it hatch on its own?"

Parchment: [Please pay for one year of life? ]

Lin Shan: "?"

In the past, this kind of problem must have been about one month of life, but now the minimum charge for parchment has been changed to one year.

Knowing that parchment is becoming more and more humane, Lin Shan doesn't want to get used to it.

"I originally planned to help you find fragments of authority in a few days, but you... let me..."

Before Lin Shan finished speaking, a line of writing flashed across the parchment.

Parchment: [Natural hatching will take at least two hundred years to break out of the shell, depending on the intensity of the surrounding fire element. Accelerated hatching requires an appropriate high temperature, around 100°. This method of operation can easily affect the IQ of the newborn dragon. ]

He didn't want to wait two hundred years.

To use it as a mount...it shouldn't require a very high IQ, right?

Lin Shan thought in his mind and shouted downstairs, "Jiuqi, help me boil a pot of water."

"Ouch." Jiuqi's response came from downstairs.

Taking the time to take a look at the sandbox world, the number of evil ants has once again returned to hundreds of billions. The difference from the first time is that this time the evil ants are all three leaves. Little black dragons wearing black armor are flying in the sky above the sandbox world. Flying, wherever it passes, it is like black ink splashed on white paper, smearing everything.

What makes Lin Shan happy is that the evil ants will not kill each other.

He still has 37.5 billion units of source material in stock, which is enough to last for a while. There is no need to risk harvesting now.

Lin Shan went downstairs and walked to the kitchen.

In the round alloy pot, the water was already boiling. Jiuqi lay aside and squinted.

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