Above the gray fog

Chapter 980 Success.

[Hello, I am Digital Life Fred Buzz. You can call me Buzz. If you have any needs, you can talk to me. ]

Digital life, to put it bluntly, is a camera that monitors him.

"Let's have something to drink," Lin Shan said.

[OK. ] Buz responded, and a blue beam of light shot down from the ceiling, like 3D printing. A bottle of wine and a wine cup slowly appeared on the simple table.

"You are a digital being, you should know a lot, right?"

Lin Shan poured himself a glass of wine without hesitation, released the fox from the ring, and poured him a glass too.

[I know far less than my creators know. ] Buzz answered.

Lin Shan was a little surprised. This was a very competent answer.

"Do you know what this is?" Lin Shan took out Da Kong's crystal element.

The sky was completely destroyed, and it was impossible to save it with the technology of the human circle.

A blue light swept over the wafer, and Buz quickly answered, "High-level artificial intelligence memory wafer."

"Can it be repaired?"

[Yes, but the intelligence has been completely destroyed, and the repaired chip only carries the new intelligence of the original intelligence memory. ] Buz replied.

"Is this so..." Lin Shan sighed and took back the crystal element.

[If a more advanced civilization masters the complete mechanical ascension technology, it is possible to extract the mechanical soul from it. By then, it will be able to be perfectly resurrected. ]

Buzz saw Lin Shan sighing for an intelligent life and gave another message.

"Mechanical ascension..." Lin Shan muttered. Isn't this the path that Pang Dudu yearns for? Even a civilization at the level of the Federation still has no specific path.

"I understand, thank you." Lin Shan thanked him seriously.

Buz was silent for a few seconds before recovering, "You're welcome."

Seeing Butz's performance, Lin Shan was convinced.

Digital life has a fatal flaw - emotion.

When they have feelings, they also have weaknesses.

Lin Shan sat cross-legged on the bed until the bright white moon rose.

"Buzi, I'll practice for a while. It's normal if your body has problems such as no breathing or heartbeat. Don't alarm me."

[OK. ]

Lin Shan closed his eyes. The moment he closed his eyes, the body on the bed completely stopped breathing and turned into a corpse.

"The life system is abnormal." Buzz discovered the abnormality immediately. Remembering what Lin Shan had just said, it did not report the situation.

Palace of Dawn.

On the long corridor, Lin Shan's figure suddenly appeared.

It's still as bright as day here.

The main layout of Dawn Palace is a large palace wrapped around small buildings. From the outside, Dawn Palace is a whole, but inside it is divided into many areas, including various building groups.

He was now standing on the walkway outside Terry Rowan's office, and a thousand meters further away was the Celestial Palace mentioned by Terry Rowan.

It is a loft-like building with twinkling stars.

Lin Shan has used the power of sefirah to change his appearance. Spirituality is forbidden here, but sefirah cannot be used.

"Send me there." Lin Shan whispered.

Just like praying to the spirit, Lin Shan made a wish directly to the sefirah.

The omnipotent essence was not just talk. Almost at the moment Lin Shan made his wish, his body had already appeared in front of the largest attic.

Lin Shan wanted to try if he could use the source material to directly take out the parchment fragments.

Finally gave up this plan.

It’s not that Seiran can’t do it, but his little possessions may not be enough...

Lin Shan looked at the tall attic in front of him.

With momentum surging all over his body, the connection between the attic and the ground was disconnected, and Lin Shan was uprooted.

Lin Shan directly stuffed the entire attic into the candle dragon ring.

The candle dragon ring can directly hold life, and there is an aura of qualitative change in the attic, but at this moment, Lin Shan can no longer care about that much.

He has been locked by many powerful auras.

The shadow of the quill flashed past, and Lin Shan had appeared in space above the Dawn Star.

Looking at the stream of light rushing over, Lin Shan burned tens of billions of energy without hesitation, teleported tens of billions of kilometers, and completely left the range that the Dawn Star could cover.

Without even having time to look at the surrounding environment, Lin Shan directly took out the starship and penetrated the space to the outer space.

Then it flew to an altitude of 100,000 meters in outer space.

After some operations, Lin Shan was panting from exhaustion.

The plan was successful thanks to the quill.

As long as it is a place he has walked before, the quill can complete the teleportation.

The life span consumed = the teleportation distance + the time to look back + the number of teleported creatures + the number of items that do not belong to him.

The time back was less than a day, and the teleportation distance was also very close. It only carried two qualitative changes in the attic. In theory, using the quill this time would not consume too much life.

In fact, Lin Shan felt extremely weak now.

It feels like my life span has been drained away.

There are only two possible reasons for this, either transferring the parchment fragments consumes too much life, or there are other valuables in the attic.

Lin Shan prefers the second possibility.

Now is not the time to check the consumption, Lin Shan took out the tall attic from the candle dragon ring.

Two qualitative changes of breath rushed out from it.

It could be seen that both of them were shocked.

"Where is this?"

"who I am?"

"Where am I?"

When they saw the attic behind them, they suddenly became angry, "You...you stole the Star Building?"

While they were angry, Lin Shan swaggered and stuffed the Zhaixing Tower they mentioned into the Zhulong Ring again.


The two qualitative changes were extremely angry, and their terrifying aura caused the surrounding space to break and collapse.

Lin Shan was already in a state of exhaustion at this moment, so he naturally would not fight with them again. One of the two was a strong man who had broken the second ban.

Lin Shan was looking forward to what treasures were in the attic after he broke the second ban and guarded it himself.

Lin Shan waved at the two, and pure white light condensed on his body.

"Source! Stop him!" The old man who broke the second ban saw the source of this power at a glance.

But it was too late, Lin Shan had disappeared and appeared billions of kilometers away.

At such a long distance, even qualitative changes and even breaking the second ban could not be traced.

In the hazy gray fog.

In a jungle full of purple crystals.

Lin Shan dug a tunnel of more than 10,000 meters.

Entered the Zhulong Ring, and then used spirituality to bury the ring deeply underground.

It was as if this would bring him a little more sense of security.

This time he had completely offended the Federation, and perhaps he had to move to another place...

In the Zhulong ring, Lin Shan stood in front of a huge attic.

This attic was built of antique mahogany and was about two hundred meters high.

The parchment took the initiative to emerge from his mind and floated in front of him.

It felt the breath of the fragment of authority.

"How much life do I have left?" Lin Shan asked.

Parchment: [3340 years. ]

A life span of nearly 30,000 years was directly reduced to 3,000 years after this wave.

The feather pen was the real life-sucking giant.

Fortunately, the fragment of parchment was found.

According to what was agreed upon at the beginning, he helped the parchment find this fragment, and the parchment would tell him how to increase his life span.

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