Above the gray fog

Chapter 995: Finding the way.

Inside the Zhulong ring.

Lin Shan poured out all the things in the middle-aged man's storage bracelet.

Scattered extraordinary resources, a starship, and some technological weapons of unknown function.

"This official is quite honest..." Lin Shan looked at the things on the ground. For a Sequence 6, this might be a bit too little, not to mention that it was a Sequence 6 official.

Lin Shan searched among the scraps, separating the useful from the useless, and finally saw only two useful objects.

A glass bottle blocked by a rubber stopper, with a danger sign on the glass bottle.

A gun with a very metallic texture.

[9A-level gene medicine: contaminated during the synthesis process, there is a certain risk in taking it. ]

[Level 4 Spirit Tool - 98LM Gun - Automatic Soul Absorption Version: The crystallization of federal technology, which can pose a threat to creatures at the Sequence 6 life level. ]

There is nothing much to say about the genetic medicine. This may be the luck of the child of destiny. As for the risk reminder, Lin Shan has skipped it. The basic ability of the child of destiny is to resist risks.

This level 4 spiritual tool is just like the spiritual weapons originally developed by the human race. It is powerful and can be loaded by itself. However, there is one thing that far exceeds the spiritual weapons made by the human race.

This gun does not need to use the characteristic core as the center. It is a very pure technology. If there are enough resources, it can be mass-produced without limit, but this possibility is not great because this advanced weapon is not equipped to all soldiers.

This is normal. Even if there is no characteristic core to limit the number, there will be other things to limit it. This is a balance.

Lin Shan explored for a while and found that this weapon is neither the original technology nor the old technology. Generally speaking, the shadow of the old technology is a little more. It seems that no matter how it changes, the original technology and the old technology are always the source.

After sealing the useless scraps in a corner, Lin Shan sucked Tang En in.

"Teacher!" Tang En called very naturally, looking at Lin Shan expectantly.

"Choose one of these two potions." Lin Shan took out two levels of gene potions, 9B and 9A, and said that 9A might be risky.

Without much hesitation, Tang En decisively chose 9A.

Hearing this, Lin Shan nodded slightly, "Drink it now, and I'll help you watch for any dangers."

Gene potions are different from magic potions. There is no need to wait for time. They will take effect after drinking.

Tang En raised his head and drank the bottle of 9A-level gene potion with a danger sign.

Lin Shan used his soul power to lock and observe the changes in Tang En's body.

Tang En's face changed immediately after the potion entered his mouth.

He knelt on the ground in an instant, grabbing the ground with both hands, as if he was enduring something.

Lin Shan knew that he was enduring pain.

The effect of the gene potion was very violent. The cells in Tang En's body were constantly breaking and regenerating. Lin Shan could not see the deeper genetic recombination, so he could only grasp Tang En's current state through the changes in cells and Tang En's life level.

A few seconds later, Tang En rolled on the ground, with blood oozing out of every pore, and whimpering from his mouth, but no loud wailing.

Seeing that Tang En had such willpower, Lin Shan nodded slightly, which was still acceptable.

With a wave of his hand, a strong life force surged towards Tang En, helping him to resist the brutal transformation of the genetic medicine.

Tang En rolled on the ground for half an hour before he stopped and gasped exhaustedly.

A thick golden luck separated from Tang En's body and entered Lin Shan's body.

293 years of life.

This life span is really easy to come by, Lin Shan sighed in his heart.

"Try your ability." Lin Shan's words appeared in his ears.


"You should know your own ability."

"My ability..."

Tang En stretched out his palm, and a thin purple lightning swirled in his palm.

Seeing this change, Tang En's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief, "I... I also have extraordinary abilities?"

Lin Shan was observing from the side, there seemed to be no difference between this genetic characteristic and the characteristics of the potion. What is the essence of the genetic characteristic?

After watching for a while, he found nothing, so Lin Shan explained, "In the eyes of others, you are taking a 9C-level genetic potion, it's best not to expose it."

"Yeah." Tang En nodded repeatedly, "I understand."

"If there is no better choice when you advance, go to the creation sand table to find my soul, there is an 8B-level genetic potion." Lin Shan explained one by one like a treasure.

Tang En was deeply moved, "I know, teacher, I will never let you down."

"Yeah..." Lin Shan saw Tang En, who was about to cry, nodded slightly, "Walk your own way, I should also walk my way."

In a trance, Tang En had already taken out the Zhulong ring.

He first touched the ring on his hand, and it was gone as expected.

Then he looked at the metal sleeping cabin with a firm face, "I will definitely not let you down."

Lin Shan was already wandering in the vast universe at this moment.

Sitting in the main control room of the starship, Lin Shan tried to use divination to find the location of the next child of destiny.

Parchment can only search for children of destiny within the galaxy, and cannot provide him with clues about which galaxy has more children of destiny and high quality.

Of course, it is not impossible to provide, but it costs money.

Lin Shan, who only has more than 3,000 years of life left, does not want to spend this life. Coincidentally, divination is also suitable for finding the way.

Lin Shan changed which direction has high-quality children of destiny to whether this direction has high-quality children of destiny.

Doing so will reduce the consumption of divination and increase the success rate.

After trying again and again, and after divination in all directions, Lin Shan only obtained three destiny threads.

From these three destiny threads, it is unclear which direction is better.

Lin Shan used these three threads as the basis for divination again, and finally confirmed the direction before he was about to collapse.

With the direction, the next step is to choose a means of transportation.

The starship quickly shuttled towards the federal border, and Lin Shan's consciousness entered Eden Square.

He is a man with more than 3,000 points, and it is impossible that he can't even get a starship that can cross the galaxy.

Through the embodiment of the Cyber ​​Hermit Halo, Lin Shan found that it was not cost-effective to use source material to manifest technological creations. After a series of consumption, only more than 90 billion source materials were left, and Lin Shan planned to keep it to improve his strength.

In fact, the most effective way is to go to the Federation to rob a ship, but the Federation's technology still cannot satisfy him, and he cannot use the route opened by the Federation. He wants a starship that can travel freely in the surrounding galaxies.

There are only two ways, essence and Eden points.

As soon as I entered Eden Square, a market atmosphere hit me.

There were scattered stalls and many buyers. Except for the lack of hawking, everything else was no different from the market for ordinary people.

Eden Square was filled with Eden members. The scarecrows no longer swept the floor. Most of the time, they stayed in the corner like real scarecrows.

Lin Shan walked straight to the corner, thinking about how to say hello.

"Hi~" In the end, he used this rustic way of greeting.

"Who the hell are you?"

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