"Uncle Wang, Aunt Wang gave birth to a chubby little brother for you..."

"Ah, really?"

"Yes, and he's a handsome boy..."

Before the fat boy surnamed Wu finished speaking, the middle-aged man called Uncle Wang couldn't wait to carry a hoe and ran towards home, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Seeing Uncle Wang's surprise and urgency, the fat boy surnamed Wu also hummed a tune happily and ran towards Uncle Wang's house.

Uncle Wang, surnamed Wang, named Hao. He is a genuine mountain village farmer in his forties. Due to poverty, he has never been able to get married until last year when he married Zhang Yan, a widow whose husband had died two years ago.

Zhang Yan is a peasant woman who is ten years younger than Wang Hao and is honest and upright. Because her husband had a strange disease and could not get up, he left without saying goodbye, leaving her alone.

Neighbors and villagers saw that it was not easy for Zhang Yan to be alone. Although she could do some farm work, she could not hunt. So they thought about finding a man for her. Wang Hao's only relative, his uncle, was also worried about Wang Hao's lifelong event. He happened to hear about Zhang Yan's story and asked the matchmaker to go to Zhang Yan's house.

As soon as the matchmaker arrived at Zhang Yan's house, she spoke eloquently and talked about Wang Hao's goodness.

Zhang Yan heard about Wang Hao and slowly recalled what he had seen and heard...

Wang Hao was as his name suggested. He was an honest and honest person. Although he was a little poor, he would not starve to death with his own strength and a little hunting skills. Although he did not have enough three meals a day, he could still survive.

Zhang Yan thought about Wang Hao's diligence and steadfastness, and under the persuasion of everyone, she half-heartedly married Wang Hao.

She herself, a woman, really couldn't live a life of relying on the weather for food.

After the two got married, they were very affectionate and no one disliked each other.

Wang Hao did farm work in the morning, and Zhang Yan went to help. When doing heavy work, Wang Hao silently carried it alone. When Zhang Yan went to help, he just smiled at her and shook his head.

After lunch, Zhang Yan planted vegetables and wove cloth at home, and kept circling around a house, while Wang Hao went into the mountains to hunt.

She repeatedly told him not to go deep into the forest, and Wang Hao listened to his wife. Although there were not many prey brought back, and sometimes he couldn't catch any, he could always come back safely every time he went out, and even when he was lucky, he could bring back some, such as wild game such as hares, pheasants, mountain birds, and flying squirrels.

In this way, although life was hard, the two worked together to respect and love each other, and lived a comfortable and peaceful life.

Zhang Yan was very filial, and he arranged to take his third uncle home, saying that it would be convenient to take care of the elderly. Whatever delicious food, the third uncle would eat first, and the third uncle was asked to do as little farm work as possible. The family was happy, which touched Wang Lu very much.

Three years after marriage, Zhang Yan unexpectedly had a child, and her belly was getting bigger day by day.

The family was very happy and carefully nurtured the unexpected gift from God.

This can be said to be a late birth!

The most amazing one is the third uncle, who tells everyone every day that their Wang family finally has a successor, and he talks about this all day long.

After knowing that Zhang Yan had a child, Wang Hao said that Zhang Yan would stay at home no matter what, and would not let her do any farm work, while the third uncle took care of the daily life of the family.

Wang Hao was busy all the time, and even secretly went to the depths of the forest several times without telling Zhang Yan to hunt some better animals, and once even shot a goat.

Although Zhang Yan was a little skeptical, she saw her husband's happy face and remembered it in her heart. Her husband worked so hard for her and the child in her belly, and she quietly let tears slide down her cheeks several times.

These days are the days when the child is born, and Zhang Yan's belly is bulging more and more obviously, and she can't even move freely.

Wang Hao did not go out hunting again. He cultivated the necessary fields in the morning and went home to take care of Zhang Yan immediately after finishing the work.

He was afraid that his uncle would not be able to take care of Zhang Yan when he was out, so he specially gave the preserved meat that was pickled at home and could only be eaten during festivals to the only midwife in the village, asking her to help take care of him in case of emergencies.

Today, Wang Hao went out early, but soon after he went out, his heart suddenly beat strongly. After working in the field for a while, the inexplicable heartbeat became stronger and stronger. He was a little worried about Zhang Yan, because these days were the days when his wife was about to give birth.

When he was walking towards home, he met the midwife's ten-year-old grandson, Xiao Wu Pangzi, on the way. After listening to Xiao Pangzi's words, he ran home without saying a word.

When he ran to the door of his house, he saw a person walking back and forth in front of the door like a hurried rooster. It was his uncle.

As soon as he saw Wang Hao, who was sweating and surprised, he said to him: "Good son, our Zhang Yan gave birth to a white and fat boy for our Wang family, you should go in quickly!"

He was full of joy and urging.


Wang Hao nodded heavily.

He ran into the inner room with excitement and joy, leaving only the voice of his uncle full of gratitude and comfort: "Thank God, our Wang family finally has an heir, an heir!"

Wang Hao came to the inner room, at this time, the midwife was packing some postpartum items by the bed.

His wife Zhang Yan was half lying on the bed, looking at her son who had just been born in her arms with tenderness on her face. Little Wang Hao was quietly absorbing breast milk, and his little mouth made a light "sucking, sucking" sound. When Wang Hao heard it, he felt that the whole space was so quiet and peaceful.

Looking at his wife and son, he actually stood in front of the bed stupidly.

"The child's father, the child's father..."

Wang Hao suddenly woke up.

"Come and hug our son!"

Zhang Yan said shyly.

Wang Hao took the child in a daze, his movements were gentle and slow. When he held his son, an inexplicable tear fell silently on the child's face. The child actually sucked into his mouth.

At this time, Wang Hao gently handed his son back to his wife, and then ran out quickly. When he got outside, he shouted to the sky: "I, Wang Hao, have a child, I, Wang Hao, have a child, I, Wang Hao, have a child, the child's mother, we have a child!"

The voice pierced the void and went straight up to the sky!

That night, a light was as small as a bean, and the faint light warmly surrounded this small thatched house.

"Dad, what name should we give our son? Can you think of one?"

Zhang Yan gently hugged his sleeping son and said to Wang Hao.

Wang Hao scratched his head: "I haven't thought about this. I don't know what to give it. How about you give our son a name?"

Wang Hao looked at her tenderly and said.

They are all illiterate. In fact, no one in the village can read.

As usual, when a child is born, they are randomly named without any special meaning. For example, the first one born is called Damao, and the second one is called Laoer. For example, the midwife's grandson Xiao Wu Pangzi is named Wu Xiaosi because he is the fourth child.

When Zhang Yan heard Wang Hao say this, he knew that Wang Hao had given him the right to name the child, and his heart was warm.

She looked at her husband and the son in her arms affectionately, thought for a moment and said: "Since our son was born on your way home, let's call him Wang Lu?"

"Okay, Wang Lu, Wang Lu, mother, I'll listen to you and call him Wang Lu."

Wang Hao made the final decision. He couldn't read a single word, but no matter what, as long as it was named by his wife, it was the best.

At this time, the little Wang Lu in Zhang Yan's arms seemed to have heard a name, and he licked his lips slightly and fell asleep again.

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