Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1034: A Corner

Tan Zhou's sonorous, powerful words, sincere and sharp words all made the three of them calm down from their excitement.

Seeing no one to refute, Han Chongying understood that it was time to make a decision. He stood up with a flourish, took a deep breath, and said steadily: "The third brother hit the nail on the head, we are all strong, everyone. You must remember that if you do something you know you cannot do, you will be severely punished by fate. This is a truth that applies to everyone. "

Hearing this, the four people were moved and shouted in unison: "I will obey my elder brother's instructions."

At this time, Tan Zhou also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

The boss is often arbitrary and irreversible, but miraculously, every decision he makes is extremely correct.

This time, he was also the first to propose the action of capturing the opponent. This was what he was most worried about, but he let him go without any hesitation, which is really admirable.

In the middle, he also saw the gap. Doing good deeds is not something that can be done as long as it is said.

Only those who dare to truly face, face up to, admit and understand themselves will make the right choice in accordance with their heart, rather than admitting their mistakes against their will.

Cultivation is also about cultivating the mind.

"Well," Han Chongying nodded, "Okay, this matter has come to an end. Let's discuss whether to ignore Wang Lu or help him."

As soon as he finished speaking, the outspoken fourth sister said: "Since we have let him go, as the saying goes, if you are a man and do your best, send Buddha to the West and see what he can bring out. Just exchange it for equal value."

Tan Zhou thought for a while and suggested: "It is not advisable to ignore it. If this person stays for three to five years or even decades, all the creatures in the millions of jungles will go crazy, even our souls." Chong will also be made restless and panicked. I guess this is due to the fact that his natal spirit beast has not concealed its aura for some reason. I won't vent my anger easily, so as not to be missed, so what I mean is that it is better to comply with his request and send him away as soon as possible. It is so easy to get, and we have worked hard to snatch it back from the hands of various poisonous things. As the fourth sister said, it needs to be exchanged at equal value, and it is better to do it sooner rather than later. If it is later, I am worried about those few An old guy can't help but strike first."

"Hey, there's nothing to worry about. Aren't we looking for those helpful explorers? Why not?"

The fifth brother man played into his heart and said with a strange smile.

"Haha," Tan Zhou smiled leisurely and said solemnly, "Those old demons are not surprising individually, but together they can still command most of the poisons. Over the years, we have not fought against them once or twice. They have become old acquaintances. I am not afraid that Wang Lu will be killed by them and his natal spiritual beast will be divided and eaten by them. On the contrary, I am worried that they will be conquered by that spiritual beast. After each of them gave their valuables, Under the threat and leadership of the spirit beasts, they can easily gather the power of the entire million jungle to force us into submission, or uproot us and turn our clan into ashes of the past.”

"Hmph, he dares. I don't believe that there really is a monster in this world that far surpasses the ghost clams of our own clan, and that it can command a party with only a small amount of strength. It's simply a fantasy and unheard of. I'm going to destroy it right now."

Han Chongying waved his hand to signal him not to be impulsive.

Then, he seemed to have seen a scene in the future, and said with a meaningful smile: "Fifth brother, don't be impulsive. In the past thousand years, all brothers and sisters have seen and personally experienced the benefits brought to us by the great changes in the world. . In this era of great changes, we, the Geng people, can no longer stay in isolation and build cars in isolation. We must go out and seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I suddenly felt that perhaps, making friends with Wang Lu would be beneficial to us. It will be beneficial without any harm. Maybe it can break open the world that has imprisoned hundreds of millions of creatures for more than 40,000 years, allowing us to regain our lives."

As soon as the words fell, the hearts of the four people in Tanzhou were shocked. They were all extremely powerful people in the late stage of becoming gods in this world, and a sudden enlightenment that was as light as light smoke and like a dream flashed before their eyes.

Is it possible that what the boss Han Chongying said will really come true?

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