Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1137: Painful Reflection

Wang Lu left the jungle and walked for another two thousand miles. He turned to a mountain with few people. He found a cave and set up a formation.

He swallowed a spiritual medicine with the color of emerald similar to ginseng. With the spell of the hidden acupoint realm, "bang", the spiritual medicine was shattered into nothing.

Then, it was replaced by the familiar magical black aura, which spread rapidly to all parts of the body.

Wang Lu quickly devoted himself to repairing his body.

Time passed in a flash, and half a year passed.

It was almost the same as he expected. After using thirteen ancient spiritual materials, his body was healed and restored to its original state.


"Bang" a ball of golden light exploded, and the sky-supporting stick came into his hand. Wang Lu stroked the stick and pondered.

"I'm sorry, I wronged you!"

In the shocking duel with Ximen Gan, the three layers of endless overlap directly drained the mysterious power in the Sky-supporting Stick. Fortunately, the stick can recover by itself, otherwise it will only have weight in the future, but no spirituality, and its power will drop sharply.

However, all this is due to his own shortcomings.

The stick may not be the ancient treasure "Shenyu" mentioned by Tian Yidong, but it is indeed forged by the legendary Jinyu Stone. This stone is the top treasure even in ancient times and is extremely rare.

The most important feature of Jinyu Stone is that it is indestructible and heavy like a mountain. It can be enlarged and shrunk at will, and it can absorb the energy of heaven and earth to keep itself in a perfect state at all times.

Before, he was weak and didn't think that he had not fully exerted the true strength of the stick. After comprehending the "endless overlap" to the third level, the power of the stick was finally released to the extreme.

It's a bit regrettable that due to too many impurities, the mysterious power of the essence was also consumed after one stick.

Is it really like this?

Wang Lu smiled bitterly. It was because his own strength was not enough, so the stick had to fill it with its own strength, and the three-fold endless overlap could be performed.

Fortunately, it was made of Jin Yushi and actively repaired itself, otherwise, the good Sky-supporting Stick would be destroyed in his hands.

After five years of silence, the Sky-supporting Stick not only failed to recover, but also less than half of it.

With the power back to himself and the power fully restored, he and the stick can complement each other, and the power can be continuously injected into it, which can accelerate its recovery a thousand times.


Wang Lu held the stick with both hands and shouted softly, "Boom", and the endless power rushed into the Sky-supporting Stick like a river.


The golden light flashed wildly, and the Sky-supporting Stick was assisted by the power, and the light became more and more brilliant.

Soon, Wang Lu entered a state of being me and not me.


Time flies, and a year has passed.


Wang Lu laughed wildly, and the Sky-supporting Stick returned to its peak with his help.

During the year he spent with Bangzi day and night, he sensed the sea of ​​fire in the Qizheng Secret Realm. Its own smelting once again eliminated 24 other precious materials, and now only 59 impurities remain.

Through the refinement of the sea of ​​fire, the Sky-supporting Stick has a trace of spirituality and its power has greatly increased.

If all the impurities are removed, the Sky-supporting Stick will become extremely heavy. At that time, it will be an extremely terrifying and terrible existence.

Thinking of the future, Wang Lu's heart was turbulent.


He couldn't help but smile evilly, and all the damage caused to him by the seizure of the honorable position no longer existed.

Since he was defeated by Ximen Gan and escaped the pot of death with the help of God, Wang Lu deeply understood that he was just a first-class strong man, and there was still a big gap compared to those super masters.

Whether it was the giant red fairy thunder true talisman that surpassed the high-level high-level talisman or the Wanshan Guiyi talisman, it was just a small fight with the top-level strong men in the God-transforming period and would not bring substantial damage.

The study and practice of the talisman path came to an end for the time being.

Second, the strength is still insufficient and the power is not enough.

Without the Kuiniu Divine Pill to open the "Micro-Acupoint Realm" for cultivation, he can only rebuild the "Hidden Acupoint Realm" and use the ancient spiritual materials to find hidden acupoints again, until he is completely powerless and can no longer find a hidden acupoint.

Without enough strength, using three layers of endless overlap will only increase the burden on the Sky-supporting Stick. Over and over again, one day the stick will be destroyed in his hands.

In his opinion, only by hitting four layers of endless overlap can he step into the strongest group of people in this world.

Finally, it is the practice of "Infinite".

He has a treasure in his hand but ignores it, which is a waste of heaven's gift.

Ximen Gan's understanding of the sword momentum of "Ximen Yijian" alone killed him and sent him straight to hell.

"Ximen Yijian" is only a top-level heavenly skill, while "Wuliang" is not a skill, but at least it is a top-level heavenly magical power, and it is far beyond the top level of heavenly level, reaching a height that he cannot describe.

Could it be that "Wuliang" is not as good as "Ximen Yijian"?

He was deceiving himself and thinking that practicing and understanding so much was enough, but in fact, he had not even mastered the basics, and was far from it.

The focus of the next step is to practice "Wuliang" first, and practice "Wuliang" to a state where even magic power cannot accommodate it, followed by the hidden acupoint state, and finally cultivation.

Hey, without real talent and real skills, let alone saving his disciple Ding Yuting, even he himself is a clay Buddha crossing the river, and he can't save himself.

Wang Lu made a painful decision.

There is still half a year, which seems short, but there is no extra time for him to waste, and every breath is precious and important.

He sat upright and started to deduce and practice "Wuliang".

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