Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1043 Goodbye Yin Shijiu

As Yin Si expected, on the fifth day, the door of the secret room opened, and Yin Jiu, still handsome in white clothes, walked in with a smile.

Wang Lu stood up suddenly!

At this moment, one can imagine how the two of them felt.

The world of cultivating immortals is turbulent and bloody, and one must always be on high alert. It is difficult to say what will happen next moment and whether it will be there tomorrow.

This is the reunion after nearly a thousand years. Although they both know each other's existence, knowing and meeting are completely different things.

Not brothers, but better than brothers.


A high five in the air.

Another solid bear hug.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Then there was a burst of laughter.

Sitting face to face and seeing the empty wine cans on the table, Yinjiu shook his head and sighed regretfully: "Nie Fei is not a good boy. His elbows are turned outward. Even my third ancestor is greedy for their family. "Brother Wang, I didn't expect you to get there first."

"Haha, I thought it was Brother Nineteen that you specially prepared for me. This wine is indeed extraordinary. After drinking it, I truly experienced what it means to have an endless aftertaste."

Wang Lu said cheerfully.

Yinjiu said with a smile: "Brother Wang, just have fun secretly. The fine wine and jade liquid is very famous in our Yinluan Pavilion. It can be said to be the first treasure of Nie Fei and his family. Only two small jars are produced every hundred years. Please buy it." There are countless of them, and they are all old monsters in the middle and late stages of becoming gods. They have been watching for a long time, but they didn't expect that two fish would slip through the net. "

Hearing this, Wang Lu's attitude toward Yin Si Nie Fei further improved.

It's a pity. I knew it was so precious. I would keep a bottle anyway. Returning to Dream Sect to drink with Ya'er wouldn't be the most touching beauty of the day.

I had a chance to beat him for a while and see if I could squeeze a can or two out of his mouth.

Although there was no nectar and jade liquid, Yinjiu had already prepared it. With a raise of his hand, a wine bottle as white as jade and two exquisite jade cups as red as agate flew to the table.

He opened his mouth and said: "We brothers have not seen each other for more than a thousand years. The world is unpredictable and the past has changed. The past cannot be traced back. This wine was brought to me by a monk in the middle of the Jindan period fifty-three years ago. The lion opened his mouth in Yinluan Pavilion and wanted to exchange it. Five spiritual crystals, and they are not allowed to touch, let alone remove the cork, and can only use their eyes to observe and detect with their spiritual sense. These requirements are not only harsh, but simply excessive. Most people don't even think about where the liar comes from. He actually deceived me, Yinluanxuan, and threatened to punish him with death if he didn't dare. However, my Nie family is still a discerning person. After carefully looking at it, I decisively exchanged it for five spiritual crystals and gave him two bottles of the best heaven. Ling Dan, and told the monks that if there is still such wine, feel free to bring it as much as you want, and the price will not change. "

Wang Lu couldn't help but become interested in this small white jade bottle, but he looked left and right, his snow pupils opened, but he couldn't see the reason.

Yinluanxuan is still full of talents, and they can see through the truth and falsehood with just experience and knowledge.

Just as he was thinking and curious, applause broke out.


He patted his hands lightly and said, "Stab it." A beauty in a red dress walked in like a spring breeze.

The woman's eyes are like autumn water, her eyebrows are like spring mountains, she is gentle and elegant, her temperament is like orchid, and she is in the early stage of spiritual transformation.

When they came to the two of them, they faced Wang Lu Yingying with an indescribable manner and charming charm.

Then he stretched out his slender green fingers and "bang", the cork jumped out and filled the jade cups in front of them.

A high fragrance condenses and does not dissipate. It goes straight in and refreshes the heart and spleen.

"Haha, fine wine goes with a hero. I have long heard my husband talk about my brother. Seeing him today made Xiaoyi involuntarily feel the respect of a mountain."

The woman's voice is like the cry of an oriole, the jade beads falling on the plate, crisp and graceful, and ethereal.

"Haha, I met Wu Yi by chance when I was traveling in the Eastern Wilderness in my early years. I finally got the beautiful woman back with my stubborn face and a face as thick as a city wall. What do you think, Brother Wang?"

"Come, let's drink this glass of wine that my sister and I filled up myself."


The two of them were so proud that they drank it all in one gulp.

The fragrant fragrance penetrates Baihui, limbs and bones, exuding a unique and long-lasting aroma of wine.

Wang Lu admired with misty eyes: "The wine has a long-lasting reputation and will last forever. It is fresh and pleasant, and the beauty is unparalleled."

After reading, Yinjiu's eyes flashed wildly. He was shocked by Wang Lu's refined and gorgeous words, which was breathtaking.

He joked: "Brother Wang is so talented, as if he was born in heaven. No wonder he is fascinated by two of the four flowers in the West Desert. I admire you."

"Haha, sister-in-law, pour the wine and let's continue drinking."

The royal road was carried by water.

I still remember Zhang Yuqin back then, because she always kept Chen Yaer in mind and never forgot Li Mouqing, so she stayed away from her love. She never married and died in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

This was told to him in Korean when he returned to the Dream Sect, and he gave him a light pink jade bracelet, saying that Zhang Yuqin asked her to give it to him before going.

Wang Lu held the pure and beautiful jade bracelet in his hand. He was in a trance and lost his soul. He stared at the sky in a daze for three days and three nights.

The word love can break one's heart. He has Ya'er and doesn't want to touch her again.

But what about Sun Xue?

Thinking of the piece of jade she hung up for him with her own hands, the piece of jade that saved him from being possessed several times, and the billions of miles away from the mysterious island where he was trapped to find him in the Dream Sect, her infatuation moved the world and made him heartbroken. .

She was from the Mei Sect and she had arrived in Zhongzhou. Wang Lu didn't want to think about it anymore.

Wu Yi smiled lightly, filled up the wine, and the two drank wildly.

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