Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1166 Zi Jiu Returns

The formation is divided into nine phases, each phase has 360 "angles", each "angle" is divided into 360 "centi", "centi" is divided into 360 "millimetres", and "milli" is divided into three One hundred and sixty "seconds", "seconds" turned into three hundred and sixty ""na"", "na" turned into three hundred and sixty ""zhimo"", and at the end of the "branch", the formation inheritance he had obtained would end here.

So far, it is difficult for Xu Xiaoqiang to understand it even for a second, let alone the end of the branch and the end of the branch, it is completely unimaginable.

In his opinion, these seven formations, if they were in their full glory, would have reached the profound realm of Dana. Fortunately, they were weakened thousands of times by time, which gave him the courage to find out.

Xu Xiaoqiang concentrated on using his own formation method to crack it. He did not expect that he would devote himself so quickly to studying it eagerly. He even forgot where this was and why he came here.

He is like a beginning scholar, working tirelessly and not asking for a thorough explanation.

With the analysis and decomposition of the seven powerful formations step by step, his understanding of the formations is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It has been half a year since I came to this so-called ancient sect.

Wang Lu still sat cross-legged with his eyes closed like an old monk. Even the wind, rain, lightning, and thunder could not make him move at all.

Among them, perhaps because his location was too remote or too hidden, no one came, only dozens of seventh- and eighth-level monsters.

However, after sensing the incomparable aura of strength faintly emanating from his body and the fact that he looked like a peerless ferocious beast, they ran faster than a rabbit.

In the past six months, he has eliminated forty-six more plausible hidden apertures, leaving only three behind the first group of fifty.

Naturally, there were forty-nine groups waiting for him.

It's not that he doesn't want to continue, but that Zi Jiu is coming back.

From this, he discovered something strange.

Under normal circumstances, it takes seven days to confirm an acupoint, but in an environment with strong spiritual energy, the time will be much faster.

Just like in the past six months, he could settle on forty-six of the original maximum of twenty-six acupoints, and the time was almost shortened by half.

Although he did not find the thousand and first hidden aperture, it brought him a great surprise.

Among all the talismans he drew, one kind of talisman still remains in the "Six Talisman Albums", and that is the high-level and intermediate spirit gathering talisman.

Originally, he thought he would never use this talisman again in his life, but unexpectedly, this sudden surprise gave him a chance to appear.

In fact, in Wang Lu's consideration, what he wanted to draw was a high-level spirit-gathering talisman, but there was no such talisman in the "Six Talisman Book" at all.

He guessed that if he drew a high-level soul-gathering talisman in this world, he would definitely suffer divine punishment.

Because you are using cheating methods to steal spiritual energy from heaven, earth and all living beings. You are too selfish and harm the harmony of heaven and earth.

That's why this talisman was not included in the first volume of the Six Talisman Books.

With Zi Jiu's speed, how far would he have to go in half a year?

A quick calculation shows that it is 518.9 million miles away. Even discounting the round trip, it is still 259 million miles away. If you save the time for the little butterfly to be lazy or play around, it is still a long way to go. Fifty million miles as many.

How big an ancient sect can be, taking the size of this green mountain revealed half a year ago as an example, it would only cover a million miles in radius.

You know, the Dream Sect is only thousands of miles away.

Could it be that Little Butterfly has gone through the entire ancient sect?

No, several times.

Wang Lu stood up and looked ahead.

In fact, he had discovered long ago that there was no direction at all when he came here, and everything in the southeast, northwest and northwest was invalid. He had to either find the jade map slips left here or set the direction himself.

Although I don’t know why, “it” itself is also an intriguing thing.

In less than ten breaths, a purple light flashed in the distance, and Zi Jiu returned to his right shoulder in an instant.

However, just when he wanted to have a simple communication with it using his spiritual thoughts, Zi Jiu just lay down directly, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

Wang Lu was completely stunned. After several breaths, he had to smile bitterly.

My little ancestor, even if you do simple tasks such as running and searching, you will end up like this.

Alas, I am convinced by you too.

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