As if he was about to grow to the Heavenly Demon Realm, his communication with Zijiu was greatly improved in his mind, and he was no longer guessing while talking like before.

However, it took him a long time to understand what he meant.

After a few hours of mental induction, Wang Lu finally understood all of Zijiu's experiences in the past six months.

The little guy seemed to be a little tired, and glared at him fiercely, as if to say, it's really hard to talk to you, just like talking to a chicken and a duck, playing the lute to a cow, it's meaningless.

Then he ran to the grass nest by himself and fell asleep.

Wang Lu laughed "haha" and put the grass nest into the spirit beast bag.

He learned from Zijiu that this world is very strange. After flying for a month, it seemed to be lost suddenly. No matter how it flew, it just circled in place and couldn't move forward.

Wang Lu wanted to tell it that maybe it encountered a powerful formation, but before he opened his mouth, Zijiu was a little tired and wanted to sleep.

However, the little butterfly did not gain nothing.

It actually found a place that looked like a medicine garden.

However, it was not known whether that place was hidden very deep or protected by a formation, and it could not find it despite its strength.

Fortunately, it gave a relatively clear direction.

It seemed that such a simple experience made Zi Jiu exhausted, but Wang Lu knew that it was not easy for Zi Jiu.

The reason was that this ancient sect was much larger than he had imagined, not to mention a hundred times, at least dozens of times.

If it was said to be vast, it would be a piece of cake for Zi Jiu. Don't forget that Zi Jiu himself was an expert in breaking formations, and even it was confused. Obviously, the closer it was to the direction it pointed to, the greater the backlash.

It didn't mean that there was no road ahead, but it was protected by some kind of power and prevented people from passing.

Under the interference and obstruction of that power, Zi Jiu not only broke through the siege and returned smoothly, but also explained to him everything he saw and sensed clearly, which was already precious.

As for whether that place is a medicine garden, there is nothing to think about, just go and find out.

Among them, Zi Jiu noticed that along the way, it did not see even a building similar to a house. Another point is that there were wars everywhere, and people seemed to be fighting for something and would not give up until they achieved their goals.

Counting with his fingers, he has been in this so-called ancient sect for twenty-six and a half years, which is the longest time in all his past experiences.

Now it seems that it has confirmed his previous guess that it is very difficult to get out, and a certain condition must be met.

As for this condition, there is already a rough guess.

After staying for so long, it is time to go out and take a look.

Otherwise, his life may be buried here.

When he first came, it was not because he was not strong enough, but he suddenly had a mysterious premonition that he wanted to solve the mystery of the 1,001st hidden acupoint. There is great hope here and now.

It's like someone is guiding him in the dark.

Wang Lu understood that the mysterious and unpredictable avenue of "that person" accounted for only 10% at most, and the remaining 90% was Xue Tong's credit.

Now that the Banyu Hidden Acupoint has been grasped in his palm, his strength has increased exponentially, and his body has become stronger exponentially. Without trying, he knows that the three-fold endless overlap of his powerful killing move will be as easy as drinking water and breathing, and will never hurt the Sky-supporting Stick again.

For the fourth level, firstly, this level is very difficult, and it is impossible to achieve it without decades of hard practice; secondly, unless his strength doubles again.

Wang Lu is calm and confident.

The 1001st Banyu Acupoint made him see many possibilities.

Under Xue Tong's dialysis and screening, the 1002nd hidden acupoint of the next round is on the way, not far away.

All he has to do is to find the medicine garden and pick as many ancient spiritual materials as possible, at least hundreds of pieces, and if there are tens of thousands, it would be even better.

Judging from the 65 plants used in the Banyuqiao, the 1002nd Yinqiao used at least twice as many, or even several times as many.

This forced him to make plans early.

In addition, the 23 acupoints and two meridians in "Crossing the Clouds" also need time to speed up the opening and connection.

Time, there is still not enough time.

With imagination and hope for the future, Wang Lu moved his body and appeared in the air 4,000 feet away.

The speed increased by 200 feet from 3,800 feet.

This speed is comparable to the dream cloud ride of him and Chen Yaer.

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