Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1196 Zheng Dan's attack

Zheng Dan also had the same idea as the male cultivator. She also thought that Wang Lu was just struggling to survive.

And is this really the case?

Wrong, and very wrong.

In a ball of brilliant golden light, Wang Lu stood in the void unscathed. The Sky-Supporting Stick beside him turned into a pure gold stick that was ten feet thick and twenty feet long, standing steadily and proudly in the invisible and fierce flames.

The Sky-Supporting Stick turned into such a large form just to attract as much of the strange fire as possible to it.

Others could not avoid it, hey, it was a good way to get burned.

Under the calcination of the extreme flame, the Sky-Supporting Stick was no longer hard and slowly softened. If it was as hard as iron before, it was as soft and hard as stone now.

If you look closely, only his snow-white eyes can see that on the pure gold surface of the Sky-Supporting Stick, there are dense and slender micro-dots of various colors, which are being squeezed out bit by bit by the Sky-Supporting Stick.

This was the first time he saw with his own eyes how the stick eliminated the useless treasures of heaven and earth.

The Sky-supporting Stick was doing two things at once. Not only did it use its mysterious power to evolve itself, but it also used a small part to help him block the invisible and colorless fire with an absurdly high temperature.

If it relied on magic power and strength to support it, it would be like boiling a frog in warm water. In the end, not only would the frog be scalded to death, but even the iron pot would melt. He would not be able to hold on for long.

Wang Lu was still frightened by such a terrible fire.

However, it did not mean that he had no way out. Whenever "Infinite" and Deep Blue were deployed, they would win more and lose less.

Hehe, it's just that now, the Sky-supporting Stick and I both wish that your fire would be more fierce, violent, and hotter.

Let's put it this way, whatever means you have, just call on me, I won't even resist.

As expected, in an instant, the fire suddenly soared, the temperature soared, and Wang Lu couldn't help but tense up all of a sudden. This sudden fierce fire was indeed very scary.

Fortunately, the other person just glanced up calmly, and as the golden light shone, more tiny impurities seeped out from the smooth mirror-like surface.

Wang Lu was immediately ecstatic, and shouted in his heart, come on, let the storm come more violently.

The more enthusiastic he was in the Burning Heaven Confinement, the more gloomy the expression of the male cultivator outside the confinement was, and he even had some self-doubt.

But he just didn't believe in evil, and swallowed a drop of milk left to save his life, and his magic power was restored to its original state.

The magic power poured into the Burning Heaven Confinement like a flood.

At the same time, he roared loudly: "I want you to die!"

Unknowingly, half an hour had passed, the confinement was still there, and the golden light was still there.

The male cultivator's face was ashen, he was about to give up, but the other party was like the stinky and hard stone in his mother's cesspool, unmoved by wind and rain, and indestructible.

He had already had the slightest intention of retreating.

The two of them were fighting fiercely at this point. Even if Zheng Dan was slow, she could still feel the victory was tilting towards Wang Lu.

The male cultivator's mana was exhausted again. As long as Wang Lu held on to the last moment, he would win without attacking.

For some reason, in this situation, her nervous heart no longer fluctuated and slowly calmed down.

In fact, this was what she wanted to see. Obviously, the male cultivator's strength brought her overwhelming pressure and fear. This person was the kind of ruthless person who would kill you as long as he targeted you.

The man who was trapped in the strange fire and was also unknown was much gentler, but the premise was that you must not have any disloyalty to him or stop him, otherwise, the end would be the same as the male cultivator's.

She could foresee that if the male cultivator did not withdraw, he would most likely suffer a great defeat and die on the spot.

However, the male cultivator's decisiveness was beyond her expectations.

And her reaction was even more jaw-dropping.

The male cultivator understood that he had encountered a monster that was like his nemesis. Either the other party had practiced a profound waterway technique, or possessed a treasure with the property of defending against water.

I admit defeat. I will come back to deal with you later.

The male cultivator took a deep look at the Burning Heaven Binding that was burning silently and blazingly, and suddenly soared into the sky and was about to leave.

However, to his horror and exasperation, his whole body suddenly tightened. At some point, two muddy yellow vines emerged from the ground silently and tightly entangled his legs.

Not only that, in his eyes of extreme shock and anger, a yellow light shot out from his left side at a high speed.


When his life was hanging by a thread, the male cultivator burst out with unprecedented strength, "Zheng", a white spirit sword came to his hand, "Shuashua" two swords, and his body relaxed. He came quickly and accurately, as if he had pinpointed his inner thoughts. He could not escape, and could only fight desperately.

Only by living towards death can you find a glimmer of hope.

He wanted to exchange his life for another's, so that the newcomer would take a step back.


In an instant, a sword aura that burned everything followed his life-saving magic weapon, the "Earth Flame" spirit sword, and slashed at Huang Mang who was close at hand, with a sense of both dying and never returning.

Huang Mang was shocked when she saw it. How precious is this fairy's life? You are just a trapped beast fighting. Who will accompany you to the underworld?

In the teleportation, a carp flicked its tail, and in a flash, the two passed by.

It's you.

The male cultivator was shocked. It turned out to be Zheng Dan, who saw him burning four people from the Zheng family from afar.

You, damn it, dare to take advantage of others' misfortune, wait for me.

However, before he could vent his anger, a head with wide eyes and big eyes rose into the sky.


The male cultivator’s headless body fell to the ground with a thud and could not get up.

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