Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 12 Crazy Talisman Making

As soon as Wang Lu returned to the cave, he closed the door and did not go out.

This time he needed to draw a large number of spirit-gathering talismans, arranged in the form of the Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams, which could gather more than three times the spiritual energy as usual.

However, such spirit-gathering talismans are only effective for those below the foundation-building stage. The master said that the success rate of drawing spirit-gathering talismans is less than 10%, and the spirit-gathering array required forty-nine spirit-gathering talismans, and the deadline for each spirit-gathering array is only one month.

Qiu Huaren himself had tried it, but because the success rate was too low, he insisted directly.

The materials required for the spirit-gathering talisman are 100-year-old mulberry leaves, and the talisman guides are seven kinds of spiritual materials such as dragon beard fruit and drunken thousand flowers.

Everything was ready, Wang Lu took a deep breath and began to draw.

Indeed, as the master said, ten materials in a row ended in failure, but he was not discouraged. He constantly summed up his experience and found out the shortcomings. He finally succeeded in the 45th time and drew them one after another.

It has been more than two months since the 100th successful drawing.

Looking at the remaining 500 materials, Wang Lu took a good rest for two days, and then worked tirelessly again. In the end, he drew 500 soul-gathering talismans with an amazing half success rate and 1,000 materials.

At this time, April had passed.

After two days of deep sleep, Wang Lu bathed and changed his clothes, and came to the stone chamber of the spiritual spring. He arranged the soul-gathering array according to the array diagram. When the last soul-gathering talisman returned to its position, the spiritual energy scattered around the cave quickly gathered, including the spiritual energy around Aoshan, which also began to slowly return to the nest.

Wang Lu sat in it, and the spell was raised, and the spiritual energy surged.

Half a year passed in a flash, and Wang Lu went from the seventh level of Qi training to the early stage of the ninth level of Qi training. He only felt that his magic power was full, his whole body was strong, and his spiritual consciousness was exaggeratedly extended to about a mile.

There were few soul-gathering talismans left, and he thought about it and planned to go to the Spirit Material Pavilion again to buy the materials needed for the soul-gathering talisman.

However, the spiritual stones in the storage bag were empty, and there was no other way but to draw the talisman again.

Among the materials he bought last time, there were materials for "Flying Talismans", but this kind of talisman is relatively precious and not easy to succeed. Master Qiu Huaren once told him that the ratio of his flying talismans was two hundred to one.

Cultivators in the Qi Refining and Foundation Building stages do not have the ability to fly in the air. Only when they reach the Golden Core stage can they fly in the air. Cultivators in the Qi Refining and Foundation Building stages can only use flying magic tools or flying spiritual tools to break through the air and travel.

However, flying magic tools are rare and expensive. For ordinary cultivators in the Qi Refining and Foundation Building stages, it is an unattainable treasure and can only be imagined.

As for Master Qiu Huaren's blue gourd, it was left to him by the sect.

Although the flying talisman cannot fly for a long time, it can allow cultivators to have the ability to fly in the air for a stick of incense. It is an excellent equipment for escaping, escaping, killing and stealing treasures.

Unfortunately, the flying talisman is too difficult to draw, so every time it appears, it will cause fierce competition. It is particularly tight and comparable to the expensive paper in Luoyang.

To this end, he bought a full three hundred sets of materials for drawing the flying talisman.

Wang Lu took out the flower feather leaf, put the talisman pen on the talisman made of light fantasy sand and dozens of spiritual materials, and began to draw carefully on the flower feather leaf.

Failure, failure, failure...

Until the thirty-eighth time, he finally succeeded.

Looking at the lifelike and crystal-clear feather on the flower feather leaf in front of him, Wang Lu smiled.

Keep up the good work.

The subsequent drawing went very smoothly, and a full twenty-nine flying talismans were placed in front of him "one word", and time went on for another half a year.

For a year and a half, Wang Lu kept practicing and making talismans. He dragged his exhausted body, jumped into the small spiritual spring, took a comfortable bath, and slept soundly for three days and three nights.

This year, Wang Lu was more than seventeen years old.

After leaving the Aoshan courtyard, he pointed the spell, and a communication talisman suddenly disappeared. An hour later, a eagle came flying.

Arriving at Yucheng, walking around and looking around, two hours later, he came to the Spiritual Materials Pavilion again.

Today's Spiritual Materials Pavilion was the same as usual. As soon as he walked to the door, the waiter in black came to greet him warmly.

He looked at Wang Lu, his eyes full of disbelief. After more than a year, the other party's cultivation level suddenly rose by two levels. The iron rule of the immortal world is that the higher the realm, the longer it takes.

In a year and a half, he stepped from the early stage of Qi Refining Level 7 to the early stage of Qi Refining Level 9. Such a speed is enough to rival the genius of heavenly spiritual roots or different spiritual roots.

It is obvious that Wang Lu is not, otherwise he would have been snatched away by major sects long ago, and he would not have lived the life of a casual cultivator.

Is it really as my aunt said, that he has a master who makes talismans, so that he can continuously provide elixirs and pile up his cultivation level?

"Daoyou, long time no see, please come in."

Shi Kuang said in a low-key manner.

His name is Shi Kuang, and he is Zhu Ning's nephew.

Wang Lu followed Shi Kuang to the hall. There were a dozen cultivators around the counter. They frowned and asked, "I wonder if Fellow Daoist Zhu is here? I still miss your Cuiya Spiritual Tea."

Shi Kuang was stunned for a moment, then he understood the meaning of the music and suddenly realized, "Fellow Daoist, please sit upstairs for a while, I will pass the message immediately."

Sitting on the fragrant and refreshing spiritual tea, about half an incense stick of time, a silver bell-like voice came: "I haven't seen you for a year and a half. Fellow Daoist has improved a lot in cultivation. Congratulations."

Zhu Ning, who was wearing a purple dress, smiled and walked slowly.

Although Wang Lu didn't know how much Zhu Ning's cultivation was, he knew that her aura was no less than that of his master. His intuition told him that Zhu Ning was at least in the late stage of foundation building.

In fact, he should respectfully call her senior, but if he lowered his status, the other party would inevitably lower his opinion of him.

Wang Lu stood up, clasped his fists and said, "Master recently drew some talismans and seals. Would you like to buy them?"

"Fellow Taoist, please sit down and let's talk slowly. I wonder what kind of talisman it is?"

Zhu Ning asked.

Wang Lu took out ten volley talismans from his storage bag and placed them on the table.

"Hey, there are still ten volley talismans!"

Zhu Ning looked at the volley talisman and stood up in surprise.

In her opinion, it would be good for Wang Lu to produce some elementary and intermediate talismans at most, but she never expected that it would be such a rare volleying talisman.

This forced her to look at the young man in front of her again.

"If the deacon doesn't accept it, then I will go to another house."

Wang Lu smiled.

"Fellow Taoist, you are joking. I have collected the volley talisman and a six thousand low-grade spiritual stone. What do you think, fellow Taoist?"

Zhu Ning quickly put away the volley talisman, fearing that Wang Lu would regret it.

The volleying talisman was basically priceless. Even Wang Lu himself didn't know how much spiritual stone it was worth. He thought that five thousand or so was enough, but he didn't expect it to be so valuable.

He was shocked, but his expression was on point. He pretended to be nonchalant and said calmly: "Deal."

Zhu Ning gave him a sweet wink, threw out a storage bag, and said, "There are six hundred pieces of medium-grade spiritual stones in it. Fellow Taoist, please click on it."

When Wang Lu heard this, his hands couldn't help but tremble, and he exclaimed in his heart that he was rich.

In fact, he didn't know that Zhu Ning, who was already happy in his heart, was better at acting than him, but he just didn't show it.

In her plan, their Spiritual Material Pavilion will hold a small auction specifically for these ten volleying talismans. Once they become famous, their business will be more than three times more popular than it is now.

Wang Lu said with an uneasy heart: "Deacon, these are some materials I need. I hope you can help me prepare them quickly."

Zhu Ning took the jade slip and looked at it carefully. She couldn't help but murmur in her heart: This young man buys so many every time. His master should be a master of talisman making.

So he smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist, please wait for a moment and we will make arrangements now."

Zhu Ning personally changed Wang Lu for a cup of spiritual tea and hurried downstairs.

After waiting for an hour, a gust of fragrant wind came, and Zhu Ning brought all the materials.

When Wang Lu paid the spirit stone, Zhu Ning stretched out his hand to block it and said: "Our fellow Taoist's friendship is deeply appreciated by us at the Lingcai Pavilion. In the future, whenever your master draws a talisman similar to the volley talisman, please ask fellow Taoist to be the first to do so." Time has thought of us, and this material should be regarded as a meeting gift for your teacher."

When Wang Lu heard this, he nodded secretly. He was indeed an expert in doing business. He was so beautiful in everything he did and spoke, which made him feel a little arrogant.

So he took out five more volley talismans from his storage bag and said distressedly: "Originally, I wanted to keep them for myself, but the deacon was too polite. As the saying goes, you can't let you cheat when doing business. These five Zhang Lingkong Talisman can be used as the spiritual material this time, does the deacon think it’s okay?”

As soon as Zhu Ning saw the volleying talisman, she pursed her lips and smiled and said: "Okay, I, Zhu Ning, have made your friend. By the way, what do you call fellow Taoist?"

Wang Lu cupped his fists and said, "I'm Wang Lu, please take care of me from the deacon in the future."

"Hahahahaha, let's each other, come and pack a pound of green bud spiritual tea for fellow Taoist Wang to take away."

Zhu Ning laughed.

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