Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1202 The Remnant Soul’s Thoughts

The enemy doesn't move, I don't move.

I guess you should be wondering who among the five of us is still alive, and how many tokens can he bring to you?

In fact, Wang Lu was still a little puzzled. Since the remnant soul came from the Wancaoju sect, why did he care so much about the token? With his strength after living for so long, he should be able to enter all the formations of Wancaoju without any obstacles. Or maybe he is a person of Wancaoju, and even the formations will not stop him.

Could it be that the remnant soul is not concerned about the formations, but something else?

If the remnant soul wants to revive, it is nothing more than finding a high-quality physical body, preferably with excellent spiritual roots and a powerful spiritual body, so that he can take fewer detours in his cultivation.


Suddenly, he thought of a cruel and severe fact and one of the possibilities.

If the remnant soul is really a cultivator from Wancaoju, by comparing with the two great masters of the transformation of spirits who died in Yaogu, this person's cultivation must be above the transformation of spirits stage, then he must be clear about the series of realms after the transformation of spirits stage. Could it be that the laws of heaven and earth in this world will also restrict him, causing him to temporarily lose his memory and forget the law?

If this is true, then it can explain why he needs so many tokens.

Only with tokens can he break the corresponding powerful formations and get what he wants.

There is another point that he has to pay attention to. Fifty tokens, as long as one person gets half or more of them, even if he was once an important figure in Wancaoju, he is just a remnant soul after all. What can he use to compete with that person for the super treasure left by Wancaoju for the destined person?

On the one hand, he wanted to prevent this from happening, and on the other hand, he was also planning for this to happen, but the target became himself.

In this way, all the doubts make sense.

Another possibility, if the laws of heaven and earth in this world did not affect him at all?

With his powerful experience above the level of incarnation, even if he has practiced four layers of overlap within five years, he may not be his opponent. How can he get out of this situation?

Hehe, at worst, he can drink up all the milk, use Deep Blue and "Infinite", and fight to the death.

If this is the case, perhaps he can be forced to surrender.

The remnant soul has survived from the distant ancient times with great difficulty, not just to survive, how could he kill a thousand enemies and lose eight hundred of himself.

The last possibility is that no matter whether the laws of heaven and earth affect the remnant soul or not, it has absolute control over Wancaoju.

Even if someone obtains fifty tokens, his position cannot be shaken at all. All he did was to find a destined person for Wancaoju, become his right-hand man, and avenge Wancaoju.

This speculation is not impossible, but the iron must be hard, and only with strength can you have the right to speak.

Wang Lu randomly found a hidden cave next to the Medicine Valley, wiped out all traces, set up a formation, and then fell into the calculation and practice of the fourth layer of endless overlap.

In less than half an hour, he fell into a deep level of practice.

Half a year passed quickly, and a yellow light rushed out of the Medicine Valley. Without any pause, Zheng Dan fled to the Beast Valley in the northeast direction, where only one person had gone so far.

Three years seems very long, but in fact it is pitifully short for a strong man in the God Transformation Stage.

If she had the strength of Wang Lu and the male cultivator, three years would be plenty.

For other God Transformation Stage cultivators who are not much stronger than her, it is not easy to decide life and death.

The two of them first carefully tested, and only after they had a general understanding, would they take real action.

The strong men in the Spiritualization Stage not only have a huge amount of mana, how can they use it up in a short time? They also have a keen intuition about danger, and will not leave big loopholes for the enemy. In addition, they all have some trump cards and elixirs to restore mana. The life-and-death battle is a war of attrition. If they encounter people who fight and flee, the time will be greatly extended.

It is rare to see two people like the two who fought with real fire half a year ago because of a disagreement, and they have such behavior because they are extremely confident in their own strength.

The reason why she stayed in the Medicine Valley for half a year was that she found a jade slip about spiritual medicine in the storage ring of a male cultivator.

It marked a spiritual medicine that she had never known before.

The moment she saw it, she was excited, as if her strong will to survive moved the heavens, and it turned out to be a three-color neon flower.

And by chance, there was such a flower of unknown age in her storage bag.

Without thinking, she swallowed it decisively. "Boom", in just a moment, her body was like a spiritual volcano erupting. If it weren't for the "Eternal Life Secret" of the Zheng family's wood-based top-level martial arts that forged her mana into an endless, deep and long-lasting one, Zheng Dan would have exploded and died.

She immediately sat in meditation to guide the refining. After half a year of refining, something unbelievable happened to her.

It was as if she had practiced hard for a whole thousand years, and her cultivation level went directly from the middle of the late stage of the transformation of the spirit to the peak of the late stage of the transformation of the spirit.

The further the realm is, the harder it is to increase the mana, especially in the late stage of the transformation of the spirit, where it can't be improved even a little after decades of diligent practice.

This is also the reason why many late stage of the transformation of the spirit have not been able to practice to the peak of the late stage of the transformation of the spirit in their entire lives.

Although the peak of the late stage of the transformation of the spirit is still far away from the unknown upper realm of the transformation of the spirit and the half-step realm, it has allowed her to take a big step forward after all, which is good after all.

Zheng Dan was stunned, and lost confidence in Wang Lu and the others, and regained it.

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