Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1208 The Origin of Wancaoju

In one month, the mana should be able to increase a lot, so that the cultivation level can reach the middle and late stage of the middle stage of the transformation of the spirit.

This opportunity is rare and extremely rare.

Wang Lu did not worry at all, and quickly entered the state of selflessness by watching his nose and heart.

It can be said that the more skilled, the more courageous.

At this time, in a room on the fifth floor, two people were fighting in a dark sky, and the sun and moon were dim.

From the outside, the room was square and two feet long, wide and high, but there was another world inside, which was ten thousand times wider than the room itself. In addition, it was indestructible. As long as it did not exceed its limit, it would never break.

One of them was Peng Yong, who was wearing a green and yellow costume. At this time, his cultivation level had reached the middle stage of the late stage of the transformation of the spirit in just thirty-five years, directly crossing a great realm, which was unbelievable.

His opponent was a young man in the middle stage of the late stage of the transformation of the spirit, wearing an ordinary gray robe.

This man had an ordinary face and an ordinary height, but his body was surrounded by a terrible aura as heavy as a mountain.

What a strong man who practiced both magic and martial arts.

The man had no external weapons, and he fought Peng Yong with only a pair of fists, and he was not at a disadvantage.

If Wang Lu was here, he would recognize it at a glance. Isn't this the boxing method that he used to kill Kuang Dao Wuji by chance that year - "Pangu Shattering Immortal Fist".

Could he be a member of the Body Sect?

Peng Yong frowned secretly. He had been fighting with this man for more than half a year. The opponent's strength was extremely high, and the huge strength of his whole body was like a surging river. He didn't show any decline after fighting for such a long time.

Moreover, the man had an unfathomable magic power. The strength alone made him feel very difficult. If he used both magic and martial arts, it would be even more difficult to deal with.

The man's life span was not long, at most 1,500 years.

In his impression, there was no such powerful person in the Body Sect. In the past, there was an outstanding Kuang Dao Wuji, but it was said that this person had died young.

He was 90% sure that the other party was a member of the Body Sect.

However, Zhongzhou is boundless, and there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers everywhere. Many cultivators are deaf to the outside world and only focus on cultivation. In their eyes, fame and fortune are like passing clouds and smoke, not worth mentioning, but they have the strength to shock the world. They often make a stunning debut, which makes people look at them with admiration.

There is also a 10% chance that the man belongs to this kind of people.

Along the way, he has obtained seven tokens, but what puzzles him is why none of the four people he recruited from thousands of people have shown up?

Is there something wrong with his eyes?

No, according to his experience and knowledge over billions of years, the cultivator with the lowest overall strength can at least get five tokens, not to mention the other three, especially the female cultivator in the flower skirt who makes him a little nervous.

This woman is amazingly powerful. Unless he repairs the three souls and seven spirits, even he is not sure of winning.

The other two are not good people either, and they will definitely find at least five tokens.

However, why hasn't anyone come to the door now? Could it be that the four people have encountered the same strong man as before?

In his opinion, the four of them together had at least 20 tokens, plus his number, at least half of them could be taken.

Hey, the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

Not only did he not see anyone, but the imagined 25 tokens were still 18 short of the number.

He was unwilling to accept it. Could he just watch Wancaoju split into three and stand on three sides?

Peng Yong's character and potential were both top choices. He was more than enough to be trained as a core disciple of Wancaoju, but he was not compatible with his soul at all.

At the beginning, he didn't even want to take over his body. He just wanted to bring him to Wancaoju to become his right-hand man and lay a solid foundation for Wancaoju to reappear in the world.

The man who fought with him had potential in all aspects that was not inferior to Peng Yong or even exceeded Peng Yong, and could also make him a disciple of Wancaoju in one step, but in order to collect the basic lower limit of 12 tokens, he had to kill him.

He was able to recover his three souls and seven spirits. Peng Yong and the three-eyed snow wolf made great military achievements and obtained a "Heaven and Earth Soul-Replenishing Pill" left by the owner of Wancaoju.

This pill was made with several kinds of natural treasures related to the soul, and it was unique even in the Tianding Continent at that time.

For this pill, Peng Yong was almost dying, and the three-eyed snow wolf was also left in that powerful restriction.

Either he found a matching body and returned, or he obtained twelve tokens to rescue the snow wolf.

Or the three of them attacked at the same time.

Oh, don't even think about it.

Since Wancaoju jumped out of the mustard seed, the three of them were lucky enough to survive with their bodies, and they had serious disagreements about the future of Wancaoju and the next plan.

Coincidentally, the backhand that the owner of the house had laid out suddenly took effect, and Wancaoju brought them to this world, and distributed fifty tokens, and used them to select the first batch of disciples.

As soon as they arrived at this realm, they found something wrong. Except for being able to remember everything below the level of God Transformation, everything above the level of God Transformation was like a black curtain covering their eyes, and it was pitch black.

On the one hand, they were horrified, and on the other hand, they were secretly surprised and delighted. In this realm forgotten by the heaven and earth and the avenue, once someone breaks through the bottleneck of heaven and earth, there is a high probability that some earth-shaking big figures will appear.

It is conceivable how profound the layout of the owner is, which can be called a stroke of genius.

As long as someone collects all twelve tokens, he must be a dragon and phoenix among people, even if he is placed in the Dingtian of ancient and modern times, he will be shining and shining for thousands of years.

So, they made a conclusion that as long as they have ten tokens in hand, they will work together to change the rules and take them away.

Of course, if there is a lucky son who gets 25 tokens, he will immediately have the qualification to sit on equal footing with them and be able to call most of the permissions.

But 25 tokens are easier said than done.

No one can get 12, let alone 25.

Look, just like this man in front of him, so powerful, and not just 6 tokens.

After completing his soul, he entered Wancaoju a year ago.

Why choose Wancaoju?

Among the three of them, one chose the Fortune Pond, and the other went to the periphery for some reason. In order to avoid a conflict with the man in the Fortune Pond, Wancaoju should be the best choice.

As long as he collects 25 tokens, he can control half of the power of Wancaoju, so he started hunting.

No matter who it is, including the three of them, they will definitely not be able to reach the sixth floor.

However, the spiritual energy on the fifth floor is too rich, and fighting here is not good for Peng Yong's body. With his current cultivation, fighting for life and death will inevitably cause irreversible damage to his spiritual veins and acupoints.

How to enter the stage of transformation from now on.

In order to induce the two people, or more precisely, to prevent them from suddenly feeling bad and activating the spell to be teleported out of Wancaoju, he could only trick the two into the room and eliminate them one by one.

To this end, he endured the backlash from Wancaoju itself and successfully pulled the two into the room.

Originally, the man and another cultivator who was also in the late stage of transformation were fighting to the death. Seeing that they were led into the jar and had no escape, the two abandoned the past and joined forces to kill him.

The two were worthy of being the strongest people in this world. After dozens of days of fierce fighting, and when he launched a powerful secret method, he successfully eliminated one person and collected his six tokens.

At present, only this male cultivator who always maintained an extraordinary calmness was left.

And just a moment ago, the token suddenly showed that two more people came to Wancaoju.

One of them was trapped on the fourth floor, and the other came to the fifth floor.

Anyone who can come to the fifth floor must have six or more tokens in his hand. The person on the fourth floor must have at least five. Even if the two have six and five tokens respectively, and the male cultivator opposite has six, as long as he kills all three of them, his tokens will instantly increase to 24. If he goes to the Jiwu, Shitang and Baoshi of the other three veins and kills one person, he will have half of them.

Why can he be sure that the three people in Jiwu, Shitang and Baoshi can only have one token each?

Hehe, this is not simple.

If they really have four tokens, they would have run to other hills and tried every means to collect five tokens to save their lives and escape.

The three people stayed there motionless for several years for one and only one reason: a token made them unable to go up to heaven or down to earth.

Haha, stay well and wait to be harvested by me.

He was going to give up, but with the sudden arrival of the two, he saw the dawn of success. It was really sleepy and someone gave him a pillow.

He was overjoyed.

So, he took two approaches at the same time, dealing with the male cultivator while forcibly infusing the man's spirit with a secret method to guide him to rush to the sixth floor.

The purpose was to make him suffer some injuries, which would heal him and allow him to absorb the spiritual energy of the fifth floor, which was like the spiritual milk of ten thousand years. When the spiritual energy rushed up, it would only make him more injured, and it would be much easier to deal with him.

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