Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1214: Lucky Escape

Wang Lu arrived at the fourth floor in an instant and saw Yang Yan waiting anxiously. He smiled slightly.

Knowing that he could leave, he waited for him until now just to say "waiting for you". No matter what, he was very happy.

Yang Yan was overjoyed to see him return. She was about to say something when Wang Lu said, "Leave now, otherwise no one will be able to leave."


She was shocked and turned pale, and at the same time she fired the magic spell neatly and cleanly.

Two yellow rings of light covered them, and with two "bang bangs", the two of them disappeared in an instant.

Spider saw Wuyao thoughtfully and did not disturb him.

Suddenly, Wuyao said: "So far, three people have been sent out of Wancaoju. I originally wanted to intercept one of the last two. However, fate plays tricks on people, and I didn't expect that Peng Yong left a back-up in the end. I almost died, so I was delayed for such a long time. God's will is that the hatred of killing my brother is irreconcilable. Wang Lu, just wait. I will end it with you sooner or later. I hope you don't die at the hands of others. ”

Ju Handao said expressionlessly: "Oh, what should I say?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

Wuyao smiled and said: "My junior brother Kuang Dao Wuji was killed by that man. Although he is not strong enough, as a senior brother, we must avenge him no matter what. Just like our Wancaoju, no matter how long has passed, that killing wave will The meaning stays in the heart forever.”

The giant man was silent for a moment and then said: "Wang Lu is deeply involved with me, Wancaoju, and we are fighting with him to the death. For me, the gain outweighs the loss."

Hearing this, Wuyao smiled and said: "Okay, I also understand that senior does not want me to live and die with him, but this is my persistence, just like the hatred between Wancaoju and the enemy, it cannot be resolved. I can’t forget that I will eventually have a battle with him.”

The giant man raised his eyes and said sternly: "I don't care what grudges you have with him. If you become a member of Wancaoju, your first goal is to regain Wancaoju. You can do whatever else you want. Before this is achieved, In advance, if you want to do anything, hey, don’t blame me for being cruel!”

Wuyao's heart trembled.

A short sentence made him understand that he could not move the current Wang Lu, and that this person was inextricably linked to the rise of Wancaoju.

The fall of Kuang Dao Wuji shocked him greatly. The sect spent a huge price to find out that the culprit was Wang Lu of the Dream Sect of the West Desert. Furthermore, the resentment lingering around him when Kuang Dao Wuji died, and when he fought to the death with Peng Yong The unfocused neglect is clearly visible once that time has passed.

Even if the royal road is hidden deep, there is no way to hide it.

He couldn't understand why the spider would guard the royal road. He had to know that he controlled one-third of the power of Wancaoju.

For the sake of being a mere king, the other party did not hesitate to fall out with him.

It seemed that there was something inside that he couldn't see through at his current level.

As luck would have it, just after taking care of Peng Yong, Wang Lu just happened to walk away like a prophet, but the spider didn't give him a chance to say anything, causing Wang Lu to run away.

Spider didn't want to have a conflict with Wuyao just after they met, so he said: "Peng Yong has been destroyed, and our Wancaoju's next plan should also be put on the agenda. His and I plan to go to the realm and recruit talents. I just I want to advise you, there is no guarantee, don’t make an enemy of it, life or death is unpredictable, and it will put me, Wancaoju, in danger.”

Wuyao asked curiously: "Why?"

The giant man smiled and said: "Do you think I, being suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth at this current level, can win the king's road?"

Wuyao thought thoughtfully: "Isn't it?"

"You're right about your guess. Even if I try my best, I'm still on par with him. I believe you can understand my words."

"How could this be?"

Wuyao was shocked. He didn't believe there was anyone more powerful than him in this world.

The giant man said: "Leave out of this world and I will explain it to you in detail."

Wuyao is also a free and easy person. He understands that there must be a reason for the giant man to say this.

Among the feud between Junior Brother and Wang Lu, his bright future is the most important.

Since you can't kill him this time, you can do it next time. If it doesn't work next time, then try next time, and you will eventually succeed.

Leaving soon, Wuyao said that his heart was as cold as iron, but Ti Zong was his hometown that he could never let go of.

He said: "This junior wants to leave something behind for me, Ti Zong. Otherwise, I will feel guilty if I leave here."

The giant man agreed without thinking: "It's not just you, the man from the Saber Shrimp Clan has the same idea as you. Let's go, the three of us will launch the formation together, first go to the Saber Shrimp Clan, and then go to the Ti Zong. Within the permission of the three of us, leave as many treasures as possible for your sect and his tribe."

Wuyao was noncommittal, but he was very moved in his heart.


he said gratefully.

One day is coming, and there is only one day left in this world. No matter how hard-hearted a person is, he will still miss the world that gave birth to him and raised him.

Spider understood that Peng Yong also had a death-free token like him. However, he rebelled against the formation in the room and suffered a strong backlash. His strength dropped a lot. This gave Wuyao an opportunity. thereby being killed.

They all say that you will not survive if you do your own misfortune. If you want to get more, you will end up risking your life.

He could imagine Peng Yong's arrogance at that time, thinking that even if his strength was greatly weakened, he could still be invincible.

The result is right in front of you.

In fact, Spider and Wuyao didn't know that in Peng Yong's plan, Wang Lu and the other four alone could bring him enough tokens, but to his disappointment and despair, the four not only didn't bring him a single token, but also had no news in the last six months.

As a last resort, he could only take the risk of killing people to get the tokens.

It is conceivable that because Wang Lu and the other four were too far beyond ordinary people, each had their own adventures, which delayed time. If Peng Yong had been a little more patient, he would not have taken that road of no return.

As long as Wang Lu and Wuyao met, they would never let each other go unless there was an accident, and there would only be a fight to the death.

He could have won over and used Wang Lu, and if he was not injured, he would have had the opportunity to obtain twelve tokens and thus control half of the core rights and interests of Wancaoju.

Unfortunately, time is gone and cannot be returned.


Wuyao and Spider disappeared in a blink of an eye and fled towards the Fortune Pool.

It's funny to say that in the last stage of the Fortune Pool, only Xu Xiaoqiang and the token he owned were left.

And it's unknown whether the two late-stage masters who fought to the death before merged with each other's tokens, or whether they died together and left the tokens somewhere else.


Wang Lu's eyes darkened and then brightened, and he was teleported to a sea area with endless reefs.

Yang Yan, who was teleported away with him, didn't know where she was sent.

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