Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1221 Super (Part 1)

Time flies, and three years have passed in a flash.

Almost every year and under the continuous reflection of the Snow Eye, Wang Lu finally understood and mastered the production of a talisman.

This shows how difficult it is to draw these three talismans.

As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning. No matter what, it is a good start.

But for Wang Lu, not only did he not know that three years had passed, but he also did not know that even if he used the Snow Eye to the limit, he did not expect that even the first step of the talisman modulation would be so difficult.

In fact, this cannot be blamed on him. Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, yin and yang, they are mutually generated and restrained. The seven seemingly ordinary fusions actually have their own unique side. It is not as simple as kneading them together with mana and consciousness.

Doing so will only cause them to repel each other greatly. The talismans made in the end are not only completely useless, but even in the process of their fusion, due to the excessive resistance and repulsion, they may explode like thunder.

With his current cultivation, he would not be hurt, but spiritual materials are hard to find, and time would be wasted.

Moreover, the three kinds of talismans are not one or two hundred, but more than four hundred. If he wants to integrate them perfectly, without Xue Tong's repeated tracing and insight, unless he surpasses the stage of transformation and refines his consciousness to the "touch realm" as fine as a hair, he can understand them one by one.

At this point, Wang Lu was completely unaware, but he held on to a sense of urgency as urgent as a spark and a resolute persistence in the way of talismans, and he was hungry and thirsty, tirelessly cracking the way and art of talismans.

At the same time, after three years, his magic power was reduced by 60%, his consciousness was consumed by half, and his body was greatly deficient.

If it was before the trip to Wancaoju, the consequences would be disastrous. With his current madness, the fusion of the talisman would definitely drain him directly, even if he had the essence of heaven and earth. It would not be enough and would be useless.

For the weight of the body, these are only superficial injuries, but the deep soul and the analysis and understanding of the talisman are overwhelmed, which will completely make him fall into an endless exploration like "mirror flowers and water moons", until the oil is exhausted and the lamp is exhausted, sitting and passing away, without any awareness.

This is the most terrifying.

The important step of the talisman has been completed, and the next step is the most important talisman drawing.

"Come on."

Wang Lu whispered unconsciously.

"Swish, swish, swish, swish..."

I saw a dozen small dots, hundreds of thin lines, thousands of various lines and arcs shuttling back and forth, crossing, and blending, layer by layer, layer by layer, overwhelming...


Suddenly filled his eyes.


Wang Lu roared, his eyes suddenly closed, and all the scenes were presented in his mind without any error...

A year later, his magic power was about to be exhausted, his consciousness was weak, his body was gray, and he was like an old man with a candle in the wind. If he was not careful, he would be blown away by the rain and wind.

However, his spiritual perception was unusually clear, and the little Yuanying no longer practiced, with his eyes shining and his hands clasped together.

Time passed by breath by breath, and three months passed quickly.

Suddenly, the little Yuanying moved his little hand, "bang", a drop of milk rose into the air, Wang Lu opened his mouth and swallowed it into his stomach.


A pure spiritual power was instantly transformed into rolling magic power, and Wang Lu's spirit and spirit were restored to their original state.

The little Yuanying also took a small sip and swallowed a touch of the rich and insoluble magic essence.

Wang Lu's body shook subconsciously, and his eyes shot out a toughness like fine steel, and he immersed himself in the vast ocean of talismans again.


He swallowed two drops of milk again, and four years passed.

Eight years later, Wang Lu's soul returned to its place and he woke up leisurely.

After stretching his body, he contemplated for dozens of breaths. Now he was done, and everything about the three talismans was under control.

Originally, he wanted to adjust his breath for a few days, but time was urgent and imminent. He didn't expect that it would take eight years to deduce the three talismans. This was something he had never thought of.

Fortunately, there are still ten years, no, at most eight years, he has to start a plan to save people.

In eight years, can "you three" really be drawn?

Man proposes, God disposes.

If you don't do it, you will always spend your time in suspicion. Practice is far more real than wild imagination.

Don't stop, strike while the iron is hot.


Wang Lu waved his hand, "Swish, swish, swish, swish", 20,000 pieces of ghost and god invisible talisman spiritual materials were arranged neatly like an army, occupying half of the room, emitting a deep spiritual power.

Wang Lu's eyes were locked, calm and unhurried, and all the steps were clear in his mind.

As soon as the magic power was raised, a subtle but long and condensed invisible flame burned silently.

The spiritual consciousness was divided into 403 small strands, and under the stretching of the snow pupils, it began to melt and fuse the spiritual materials.

Wang Lu concentrated his mind, and his mind had no external things. After a few breaths, he automatically fell into an extreme and fast state.

Swish, swish, swish, swish...

The 403 spiritual materials were accurately and accurately merged and combined like young swallows returning to their nests in a rush and orderly manner...

At the same time, the magic power was pouring and rumbling.

Half an incense stick passed quickly, and Wang Lu's eyebrows moved.


The talisman that was about to succeed suddenly exploded.

The first time, it failed.

The corner of his mouth curled slightly. Failure is not terrible, but what is terrible is not knowing where the mistake was.

With a change of mind and the power of magic, Wang Lu began to make it for the second time.

After half an incense stick, the explosion did not sound, but the talisman that emitted a fishy smell from a small wine glass became a "highly poisonous" thing, like a small ball of gel. How to draw it?

Hey, another failure.

He didn't feel any regret. He unfolded it for the third time.

Failure, failure, failure, and failure again...

As the number of failures increased, Wang Lu not only did not move, but his speed became faster and faster.

From the first talisman, to two, three, four, five, six, seven, ten, twenty, and thirty at the same time.

You have to know that this is a blend of 403 spiritual materials, and thirty is a large number of more than 12,000.

What kind of tyrannical consciousness and tenacious divine mind can control and support it.

At this moment, Wang Lu seemed like an emotionless, cold-blooded killer. His eyes, heart, mind, and spiritual perception were all about the decomposition and understanding of various spiritual materials like butchering a cow.

He tried his best, fired at full power, and his magic power was like a huge wave, never to return.

All this, as he expected, without a deep foundation, there is no way to draw such a super talisman that truly surpasses the advanced and high-level talismans.

Yes, he didn't know why the "Six Talismans" wanted to compete with him for magic power, always leaving him only a small part, the purpose is to forge his magic power limit.

Only by tempering steel can you shake and draw a world-shaking talisman.

Everything in the "Six Talismans" is just to lay a solid, unshakable and difficult foundation for the successful drawing of all the talismans in the "Six Talismans".

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