Xie Lingyun brought Wang Lu to the Talisman Pavilion of the Talisman Hall, but was blocked outside by two Jindan late-stage cultivators.

The cultivators who came here to hand in the talismans came one after another, and almost everyone was careful and smiling, carefully handing the talismans to a burly and beardy Jindan late-stage cultivator.

In the hall, this person sat behind a white jade square table in a steady and arrogant manner, lazily looking at one of the Jindan early-stage cultivators who handed in the talisman.

"Palace Master Jin, this is the talisman of my Blood Spirit Sect for the past half month, please take a look." The Jindan early-stage old man respectfully handed over a storage bag.

Jin Lan waved his hand, and a young cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building standing beside him took the storage bag and placed it on the white jade table beside Jin Lan. Jin Lan looked at it impatiently, and the smile in his eyes quietly disappeared. He said lightly: "The talismans of your sect barely meet the requirements. Although your sect is established by talismans, it is also a small sect. Let's do this. Reduce the talismans by one quarter in the second half of the month."

"Thank you, Hall Master!" The cultivator in the early stage of Jindan clasped his fists and walked down.

"Next!" The young cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building shouted.

A short old man in the middle stage of Jindan walked in, and after a moment, he strode out with joy on his face.

After five more people, it was finally the turn of Xie Lingyun and the others.

Entering the hall, Jin Lan glanced at Xie Lingyun and Wang Lu indifferently. When he sensed that Wang Lu had some profound cultivation, he was obviously surprised. It seems that this person is the shameless Futang Wang Lu.

"Ha, Master Xie, long time no see. What's wrong? Have you completed the task of half a month so quickly? Oh, I see. Your hall must be worried that once you go to the front line, you will be in danger of your life. But then again, as long as your Fu Hall hands in the task this time, you don't have to face the monster tribe. Our Fu Hall is very fair." Jin Lan said with a thorn in his words.

"Fellow Daoist Jin, how are you? As far as I know, you always assign the most low-level and high-level talismans to my hall, more than twice as many as others. I wonder if this is fair?" Xie Lingyun retorted.

"As the leader of the southern part of the Western Desert, your sect needs to shoulder more responsibilities. This is a responsibility and honor. Master Xie should thank the Fu Hall. Besides, your Fu Hall has as many as five Jindan-stage cultivators. Although the intermediate Fu is a bit far away for you, it is more than enough to deal with the primary Fu. Master Xie will not disgrace the name of your sect, right?" Jin Lan changed his tone and raised the reason to the righteousness of the sect. He knew that Xie Lingyun was a person who loved face and was very protective of her. Once this was said, it would be difficult for her to refute it, and she could not refuse it. She really had to swallow it even if she gritted her teeth.

"Haha, that's absolutely true. Our Fantasy Sect is not only the leader in weapon refining, but also the best in talisman making. Alas, this junior brother beside me did not come with me for some reasons. Now that he is here, he is only half the people in the Talisman Hall. However, as a senior sister, I am not such an unkind person. I can't hand over the heavy burden of the Talisman Hall to him. Besides, if I hand it over to him, he also knows how to dispatch and manage it. He is just like your master who is obsessed with talismans and keeps making talismans day and night." Xie Lingyun immediately refuted. Jin Lan forced a big hat on their Talisman Hall, and she had to accept it. However, she also had every reason to believe that with Wang Lu's talent for making talismans, he could definitely become the deputy master of the Talisman Hall.

"Humph, it's just nonsense, shameless. I am the most accomplished person in the entire Western Desert Talisman Dao. I can already draw intermediate-level spiritual talismans. I am a veritable Talisman Dao master. How can I compare with a small Jindan early stage cultivator?" Upon hearing that Xie Lingyun wanted to forcibly seize power, Jin Lan did not consider the truth of Xie Lingyun's words at all, and immediately said angrily.

"Ha, Daoyou is so excited, is it because you received some benefits and don't want to give up the position of deputy hall master?" Xie Lingyun looked at him and smiled.

Hearing Xie Lingyun's question, Jin Lan calmed down instantly. He sneered and said, "Whether to be the deputy hall master or not is not up to me, but the entire human alliance. You admire Wang Lu so much, so the intermediate talisman should be no problem for him. Then I will see if he has drawn five of the 500 heavy water gun talismans, Ruofeng talisman, Jue Shen talisman, Binding Demon Talisman and Ice Thunder Talisman."

"Since the deputy hall master is so anxious, I will show you one by one." Xie Lingyun smiled.

Hearing this, Jin Lan suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. For the first four commonly used intermediate and low-level spiritual talismans, he has increased the success rate to 50 to 1.

Especially for the Ice Thunder Talisman, he thinks that except for his master, he is the first in the southern part of the Western Desert. The success rate of the Ice Thunder Talisman has broken through to 40 to 1, which makes him very proud.

He didn't believe that the young Wang Lu could be as good as himself. The success rate of talismans can only be improved by drawing them over many years. Even if the rate can be improved a little, it is the result of thousands of trials and tribulations.

Thinking of this, he felt a little more stable, but the next short breath of more than ten breaths made him feel that it must be an illusion.

Xie Lingyun took out the least number of demon-binding talismans, ten pieces, and he felt nervous when he saw this.

Then, thirteen wind talismans, thirteen heavy water gun talismans, and thirteen body-breaking talismans, his whole body was cold.

Finally, twenty ice thunder talismans, which made his face pale.

Just as Xie Lingyun was thinking about how Jin Lan would speak, Jin Lan roared like a madman: "This must be the talisman he brought back from somewhere else. Five kinds of 500 spiritual talismans, I don't believe anyone can draw them in just half a month, and the success rate is no less than 50 to 1. Even Master can barely do it, let alone him."

"He must have cheated first. He had already prepared these five spiritual talismans long before making them."

"What a cheating first. Don't use your ignorance to question others' strength. It's pitiful. He can't even accept this little blow. What qualifications do you have to be the deputy hall master of the Talisman Hall?" Xie Lingyun said sarcastically.

In fact, when she saw that Wang Lu had completely drawn 2,500 spiritual talismans in just half a month, and the success rate was so high, she was also quite shocked. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes and trusted Wang Lu, she would have thought it must be a fantasy like Jin Lan.

This requires not only superb and even perfect skills, powerful and precise control of the mind, but also a talent for the art of talismans that is far beyond that of ordinary people. Junior brother is so young, could it be that he is a rare talent for the art of talismans like Tian Yidong?

"Ha, everyone present has a certain understanding of the art of talismans. Even those who have just come into contact with talismans are very clear about the success rate of talismans. I just don't believe that Wang Lu can draw such a high success rate of talismans in such a short time! I want to fight him with talismans. Prepare a thousand materials for the magic earth escape talisman for each of us for ten days. The time is tomorrow at noon, and the location is the square of the talisman hall. I will expose your lies on the spot. Humph, a master of talisman making is not easy to achieve at a young age." Jin Lan sneered.

"Tomorrow, Wang will definitely arrive on time and learn from the deputy hall master's skills. Goodbye!" Wang Lu glanced at Jin Lan calmly, and then left the talisman pavilion with Xie Lingyun.

Seeing the two leave, Jin Lan snorted coldly. He was very confident in the fighting talisman he proposed. Who dares to take on porcelain work without diamond drills?

The Divine Movement Earth Escape Talisman is a kind of intermediate low-level talisman that he is most proficient in. It is close to the level of intermediate intermediate talismans. The success rate of talismans has reached an extremely high level of 35 to 1. Even his master Fu Chi can't match him. This is also his biggest trump card. He has never shown it in front of people. This time, he wants to use this talisman to subdue everyone and make those who doubt him convinced and speechless.

How can he let go of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fight and become famous.

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