Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 226 Blood Skull

It took less than ten breaths for Yuan Fengzi and Chen Yufeng to make a decision. Under the protection of the formation, they felt the formation shaking slightly.

Chen Yufeng made a gesture to calm down. Judging from the current situation, no matter how the human race attacks, they will be as stable as Mount Tai. Such an offensive does not pose any threat to the formation.

However, he soon thought wrong.

Countless blood-colored skeletons emerged from the sea of ​​blood. If you count carefully, there are hundreds of thousands of them. These blood-colored skeletons seem to be made up of blood bones. Two tiny flames flicker in the two blood-red eye holes. Although they are just in the early stage of the golden elixir, they win in number and are fearless.

Each blood-colored skeleton holds various weapons and magic weapons, crossbows, guns, sticks, knives, swords, spears, shields, axes, hatchets, halberds, halberds, whips, maces, hammers, forks, palladiums, and halberds...

Each magic weapon is blood-red.

At first, only a few dozen blood skeletons attacked the formation set up by Feng Yanzong. After three breaths, hundreds of blood skeletons holding blood-colored magic weapons continued to bombard the formation.

After five breaths, tens of thousands of blood skeletons attacked the formation fiercely.

After ten breaths, hundreds of thousands of blood skeletons filled the formation from top to bottom, leaving almost no place to stand. They chopped, stabbed, and split at the invisible defense shield like crazy...

Because there were too many blood skeletons, the demon clan and Feng Yanzong's formation covering an area of ​​300 acres was piled up on the invisible formation like a group of ants devouring an elephant.

At the same time, the 7,700 Jindan and Yuanying cultivators who were under the protection of the blood sea formation saw this crazy scene, which deeply shocked them. Even Shadow, who had experienced strong winds and waves, couldn't help but tighten his body and his scalp numbed when he saw this scene. If he himself was trapped in the blood sea, even with extremely powerful magical powers, he would still be worn to death by the blood skeletons like a tide.

Half an incense stick later, the "Separate Heaven and Earth" formation carefully arranged by Feng Yanzong was finally worn out by millions of blood skeletons. When they saw the countless blood skeletons densely packed around them, they seemed to not believe their eyes, and a death-like silence was deeply engraved on their faces.


I don't know who suddenly shouted, and immediately startled countless blood skeletons to make a deafening "woooo" sound. This strange sound instantly gathered into a strange spiritual attack, fiercely piercing into the souls of all the red apes and Feng Yanzong cultivators.




Thousands of red apes and hundreds of monks immediately groaned in pain.

Seeing this, the blood skeleton became even more excited and crazy. Before many red apes and Feng Yanzong monks could react, he raised various magic weapons and launched desperate attacks on them.

In an instant, thousands of red apes and hundreds of Feng Yanzong Jindan stage monks died in the sea of ​​blood.

"Woo oh"

"Woo oh"

"Woo oh"


The blood skeleton roared and then climbed on the bodies of those dead red apes and monks.

The dead red apes and monks possessed by the blood skeleton were like souls coming back to life. Their faces flushed instantly, and their bodies quickly turned blood red. They came back to life and their breath was much stronger than before they died. They launched a fierce attack on their companions who were caught off guard.

"Everyone, split into four groups and break out in four directions!"

Just as the red apes and Feng Yanzong monks were in turmoil, a strong shout came out.

Then came a huge blade, two stick shadows, and a rain of swords that attacked the countless blood skeletons that surrounded them.





A fifty-zhang-wide empty sea of ​​blood instantly appeared in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and northeast. Tens of thousands of blood skeletons disintegrated and merged into the sea of ​​blood under the full force of Yuan Fengzi, Yuan Sha, Chen Yufeng, and Zhao Pocang.


Chen Yufeng led more than 20,000 red apes, more than 200 Yuanying-stage cultivators, and more than 1,000 Jindan-stage cultivators to kill in the east.

Yuan Fengzi, Yuan Sha, and Zhao Pocang also led a similar number of red apes and Feng Yanzong cultivators to attack in the south, north, and west.

Their feet did not stick to the sea of ​​blood, and they all floated half a foot away from the sea of ​​blood. It was not that they did not want to fly higher, but that the sea of ​​blood was like a huge black hole with a strong attraction, as if to pull them down.

Half a foot away from the sea of ​​blood was the limit they could do.

At the same time, the blood sea seemed to have a huge sticky force, which reduced their body movements to more than one-fifth of their usual speed, almost making them unable to move.

The Red Ape Clan and the Feng Yanzong Alliance were like a secular army, with a thousand level five or six red apes lined up to clear the way. Whenever a red ape was killed, they would immediately cast a spell to destroy its corpse, and there would be monks or red apes to replenish it at any time; whenever a monk or red ape's mana was exhausted, they would be replaced and speed up the recovery of mana.

However, every time a blood skull was broken, within twenty breaths, the blood skull would come back to life again and emerge from the blood bubbles in the blood sea, which made the Red Ape Clan and Feng Yanzong monks extremely embarrassed. No matter how great their skills, superb magical powers, and profound cultivation were, they could not withstand the desperate attacks of so many blood skulls.





More and more blood bubbles emerged from the sea of ​​blood. Just the sound made the Red Ape Clan and Feng Yanzong monks sweat and tremble. They could only grit their teeth and fight desperately with the blood skeletons. Countless sword lights, knife shadows, axe lights, stick shadows... all kinds of talismans, disposable treasures, various spells... hit the blood skeletons.

However, there were too many blood skeletons. As long as the sea of ​​blood reached, blood bubbles kept popping up.

Even the four great monks, Yuan Fengzi, Chen Yufeng, Yuan Sha and Zhao Pocang, were each surrounded by hundreds of thousands of blood skeletons in a corner.

"Ah! I'm going to fight you guys!"

A red ape gave a final cry, and under the siege of dozens of blood skeletons, it exploded with a bang. Dozens of blood skeletons instantly sank into the sea of ​​blood, but time seemed to be stretched. It was not until fifty breaths later that the blood skeletons emerged from the blood bubbles again.

Countless similar scenes were staged within a radius of 100 miles.

At this time, Yaojun and his four companions, who were protected by the Blood Sea Array in the center of the battlefield, looked at the continuous death of the Red Ape Clan and Feng Yanzong monks indifferently without a trace of pity.

Yaojun seemed to have seen through life and death, and said: "Victory or defeat depends on this move, and we still need all the friends and fellow Taoists to help our clan."

His words were clearly conveyed to the 700 small camps.

Of the 7,700 tokens, except for more than 300 tokens that can still see the outline of the tokens relatively normally, the other tokens are almost gone.

In other words, they must make their tokens at least show the outline again.

Shadow saw that the ten Jindan-stage monks in his team were struggling in their hearts. All kinds of fear, perseverance, doubt, confusion, calmness, sadness, hope, despair... appeared on their faces, and he could understand them.

However, how could they know that he was the one with the greatest pressure.

He, who had just condensed his Nascent Soul, was the leader of ten tokens. He took up half of the pressure of the eleven tokens. As long as he did not fall, even if the ten Jindan-stage cultivators rebelled or could not hold on, it would not cause serious damage to the formation.

He sighed secretly, put away all his thoughts, hit his heart with a palm, spurted out a large mouthful of blood, and the token became clear instantly.

Seeing this, the ten cultivators also imitated him and bombarded his heart again to spurt out the blood.

After half an incense stick, one of the Jindan-stage cultivators bowed respectfully to the shadow. He directly stabbed the token into his heart like a sharp sword, and then used magic power to seal the wound.

In less than half a meal, he fell silently while sitting in the air, and the token at his heart also fell with him, silently blending into the void, and never appeared again.

Then, eight Jindan-stage cultivators of varying levels of cultivation intermittently bowed to Shadow like the Jindan-stage cultivator before, and stabbed the token into their hearts.


Shadow screamed, tears streaming from his tiger eyes!

If they were not dead, he would definitely find their families or sects one by one, take their bodies back and bury them, so that they could return to their hometowns and sects after death.

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