Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 228 Lingbao Divine Cone

At 7:00 on the second day, the four great monks, Yaojun, Yaosheng, Zhang Huaiyuan, and Li Rongyu, led the remaining 200 Yuanying-stage monks in the central battlefield to the southern battlefield.

After half a day and a night of recovery, everyone basically stabilized their serious injuries with the help of Qinglong Huanling Pill, and their mana was restored to 70%.

Everyone drove the escape light and rushed to the southern battlefield at a high speed.

This was the plan set by the high-level officials of the Western Desert. The seven sects used the Blood Sea Flooding Formation to first defeat the demon clan and Feng Yanzong alliance. After repairing, they immediately rushed to the southern battlefield and took down the southern Leifeng clan together with the Donghai Caiyu clan and Bing clan. After the victory, they went west again, joined Cangxu Mountain and Jijiantang to eliminate the Tianqingpeng clan, and then turned to the northern battlefield to support Nanming Sect and Basha Sect to defeat the Earth God Bull. Finally, they gathered the overall strength of the Western Desert to enter the eastern battlefield and defeat the entire demon clan and Feng Yanzong in one fell swoop, winning the final victory.

Now the Central Battlefield has been won. According to the deployment of the ancestors, we can complete the battle step by step and completely defeat the demon clan and Feng Yanzong alliance.

Half a day later, Yao Jun and his group of more than 200 Yuanying period cultivators came to a wasteland. The wasteland was full of gullies and rocks. A deep and wide rift stretched across the wasteland. The Caiyu clan, Bing clan and Leifeng clan used this rift as the dividing line and fought a decisive battle here.

The southern battlefield was the first place to start the decisive battle among the five battlefields. In the battle yesterday, both clans showed their best skills and launched fierce attacks on each other.

The Caiyu clan and Bing clan are famous for their water skills and magical powers. The Leifeng clan is one of the four major demon clans in the Manghai because of the Tianding Fire Thunder, one of the thirty-six heavenly thunders.

Of course, the Thunder Phoenix Clan only has a trace of the magical power of Tian Ding Fire Thunder. If it is the real Tian Ding Fire Thunder, even if the power of the entire Western Desert is gathered, it will definitely not be able to fight it.

As the first and second largest tribes in the East Sea of ​​the Western Desert, the Caiyu Clan and the Bing Clan almost mobilized half of their top combat forces to participate in the war. The two tribes have a total of 3,000 Jindan-stage cultivators and more than 300 Yuanying-stage cultivators.

The Thunder Phoenix Clan is not to be outdone. There are no less than 5,000 level 5 and 6 Thunder Phoenixes, more than 200 level 7 and 8 Thunder Phoenixes, and four level 8 peak Thunder Phoenix monsters. This is also the reason why the human race is still very struggling even though the number of Yuanying-stage cultivators is one level higher than that of the other side.

The Caiyu Clan and the Bing Clan led only two Yuanying-stage late-stage great cultivators, Caiwei of the Caiyu Clan and Bingdao of the Bing Clan. Both are rare female Yuanying-stage late-stage great cultivators, radiant and brilliant.

Both tribes set up a defensive formation in the rear, and fierce fighting was carried out within a radius of thirty in the rift valley.

The arrival of Yaojun and his party was not discovered by the Leifeng tribe under the cover and protection of the defensive formation. The two great monks Caiwei and Bingdao did not react at all, and continued to fight with the Leifeng tribe as usual.

For a whole half day, until the night fell in the Manghai, the two tribes called off the battle, and Caiwei and Bingdao returned to a wooden hall leisurely, and immediately imposed a ban.

When Yaojun and his four companions saw Caiwei and Bingdao coming, they all stood up.

"Excuse me, four Taoist friends. Seeing you all come calmly, I believe that the central battlefield has been successfully taken down, and we are one step closer to the plan formulated by the ancestors. It is really a cause for celebration." Caiwei saw Yaojun and his four companions, and her beautiful eyes lit up.

"This decisive battle is mainly in the central battlefield and the eastern battlefield. Although the southern factions won the central battlefield, they paid a heavy price. Fortunately, they did not disappoint you. Fellow Daoist Cai and Fellow Daoist Bing, your two clans came from tens of millions of miles away to help. All the sects in the southern part of our country are grateful. However, now is not the time to express gratitude. I wonder what the current situation of the southern battlefield is like?" Yao Jun asked on behalf of the four people.

"As the bridgehead against the demon clan, which battle in the south did not cause serious injuries? Countless casualties? If our Western Desert had not had seven sects rushing to the front line, the demon clan might have widened the area by tens of millions of miles." Cai Wei said solemnly.

"The Thunder Phoenix clan is worthy of being one of the four major demon clans, especially their four great demons have mastered a little bit of the true meaning of Tianding Fire Thunder, which is extremely difficult to deal with. In the past two days, because the two of us can only contain three of the great demons at most, the other great demon is like a fish in water on the battlefield, causing us to lose more than ten Yuanying stage strongmen. At the same time, the Tianding Fire Thunder formation arranged by the Thunder Phoenix clan fifty miles away can continuously stimulate the potential of the Thunder Phoenix and enhance their demonic power and magical powers. This caused us to lose soldiers and generals almost at the beginning of the war, leaving us with only passive defense. In my and my sister Bingdao's opinion, the Thunder Phoenix clan's goal is to have a protracted war with us, so that the extra great demon will continue to kill our Yuanying stage cultivators in a guerrilla manner until our vitality is greatly damaged, and then complete the whole task in one fell swoop and destroy our two clans." Caiwei had no way to deal with this conspiracy, and said worriedly.

"Don't worry, fellow Daoist Caiwei. The Thunder Phoenix Clan must not know that the central battlefield, which is the second main battlefield, was destroyed by us first. As a surprise force, we can definitely give them an unexpected surprise." Yao Jun smiled faintly.

"Hey, Daoist, what good plan do you have? I would like to hear the details." Cai Wei heard this and said happily.

"After this battle, there are still 219 Daoists in the Nascent Soul stage in our southern sects. Although our vitality is seriously injured, we have now recovered 70% of our combat power under the care of the Qinglong Huanling Pill. Before the decisive battle, the ancestors took into account the emergence of various situations, so that when dealing with formations, as long as they are not the ten great formations of ancient times, ancient times or ancient times, we have ways to break them. Leave this to us." Yao Jun said confidently.

"Could it be the magic treasure of the Central Eight Formation Sect, which is said to break all the formations: the Divine Cone?" Bing Dao asked in surprise.

"Fellow Daoist Bing is knowledgeable and I admire you. Yes, it is the magic treasure "Divine Cone" of the Eight Formation Sect, the first sect of the Western Desert Formation Sect. This magic treasure was handed to me by the Five-Eyed Po Sou Patriarch. Because my Central Battlefield is very likely to be the first to break out, the ancestors considered the important role of the formation in the decisive battle, and just in case, the ancestors gave me the magic treasure Divine Cone. Maybe you will think that magic treasures generally require special spells and related talents to open? So, the Po Sou Patriarch arranged a simple formation on the magic treasure. As long as the relevant formation formula is entered, the Tianding Fire Thunder Formation, which the Thunder Phoenix Clan is proud of, can be broken with one blow. At midnight tonight, we will hide and lurk in their rear, and when we fight tomorrow morning, it will be the opportunity to break the formation and kill demons." Yao Jun said confidently.

"Haha, with the help of you and the other four fellow Taoists, the rift in front of the formation will be the burial place of the Thunder Phoenix clan." Caiwei let out a moving laugh like a silver bell.

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