One day later, when they arrived at the western battlefield, on a small grassland, the corpses of human monks were scattered all over the ground. Many monks were covered in blood and flesh, and their bodies and limbs looked like they had been gnawed. It was horrible to look at.

The blood stains on their bodies had already turned a faint black color, and it was obvious that they had been dead for at least a day.

Everyone looked at the corpses on the ground in silence. With their hundreds and thousands of years of experience, they still felt sad and felt a sense of desolation, which aroused their hatred for the demons and the flames of fighting.

The human side of the western battlefield was led by the Western Region Cangxu Mountain and the Jijian Hall. The two factions were also the leaders of the Western Region’s righteous and evil ways. The one who was fighting against them was the Tianqingpeng Clan of the four demons of the Manghai.

"Good Tianqingpeng Clan, I swear not to be a human if I don’t avenge this!" The Medicine Saint swore angrily when he saw this hell-like scene.

"Not good, the Tianqingpeng clan must be the clan that the demon clan and Fengyanzong have placed heavy bets on. They must have sent no less than five late-stage Yuanying or peak-level eight demons to the western battlefield, and we did not encounter anyone from the Tianqingpeng clan in the south. They will definitely go to the northern battlefield first and then turn to the east. In fact, their strategy is the same as ours." Yao Jun suddenly said.

The demon clan and Fengyanzong also bet on one battlefield, and then gathered the advantages of victory, constantly eroding them, and finally won the final victory.

"My little sister agrees with your opinion. Even if we rush to the northern battlefield now, it may be too late. I hope that the Eight Killing Sect and the Nanming Sect can make adjustments in time. Otherwise, once the Tianqingpeng clan and the Earth God Bull clan gather, it will be more dangerous than good." Caiwei's face changed and she said.

"For now, we can only speed up to the eastern battlefield to join the Miao Nian Sect, the Nie family, the Eight Array Sect and the Secret Mantra Sect." Zhang Huaiyuan also felt that the situation was precarious and suggested.

"Alas, the demon race and Feng Yanzong, it seems that this is the only way." Yao Jun pondered for a moment. According to the current situation, this was the only way to turn the situation around.

Then, he said solemnly: "Dear Taoist friends, the northern battlefield may have fallen. We don't have much time left. We can only go straight to the east and join the Miao Nian Sect. Everyone immediately board the flying ancient treasure and we will set off immediately."

More than 400 Yuanying period cultivators heard this and without saying a word, they all spread their light and jumped on the ancient treasure.

When everyone got on, Yao Jun put in 15 high-quality wind spirit stones at a time, and at the cost of destroying the flying ancient treasure, flew towards the east at a super high speed of nearly 350 feet.

Everyone on the flying ancient treasure took various kinds of elixirs to restore mana, because they knew that this was the last battle. If they won this battle, then they would have won half of the unprecedented battle between the human and demon races, and the other half would be in the distant and high sky.

The decisive battle between the ancestors of the God-Transforming Stage is crucial. If three or more ancestors of the God-Transforming Stage are killed by the other side, the battle in the sky will be declared over immediately.

The victory or loss of the battle in the sky accounts for half of the victory, and the battle between the two tribes below the God-Transforming Stage on the ground accounts for the other half of the victory.

Only by adding two together can the final victory be achieved completely. This is the unanimous decision of the ancestors of the God-Transforming Stage on both sides.

At this time, 38 cultivators of the God-Transforming Stage in the sky above the vast sea are fighting against each other. 17 cultivators of the early and middle stages of the God-Transforming Stage from the various sects in the Western Desert are fighting against the eight ninth-level monsters of the four major demon tribes, the ice python that has just broken through the category of the ninth-level monster beast, and the eight strong men of the God-Transforming Stage from the Fengyan Sect.

Whether it is the various sects in the Western Desert, the demon tribe, or the strong men of the God-Transforming Stage from the Fengyan Sect, they are almost evenly matched, and both sides have played their cards.

The spiritual treasures of Fengsha Hall, Tianfan Fan, Fantasy Flag of Fantasy Sect, and God Cone of Eight Array Sect all appeared, and the demon clan and Fengyan Sect were not to be outdone. The spiritual treasures of the Red Ape Clan, Jingtian Stick, the spiritual treasures of the Thunder Phoenix Clan, Tianding Fire Thunder Pearl, and the sect treasure of Fengyan Sect, Qiankun Sword, were also displayed one by one. The ancestors of both sides tried their best to give each other a fatal blow, so as to support others.

Of course, in addition to their thirty-four ancestors, at this time, in the sky above the vast sea, the leader of the ten spiritual masters, Nong Wan Taizun, and the fifth-ranked Tianni were calmly facing the second-ranked Fengyan Sect's master Wuxu and the third-ranked Dongxuan.

Nong Wan Taizun looked like a young man, dressed in black, with half-long hair tied with a white headband, floating on his cheeks. He was not tall, standing casually in the void, his eyes as bright as the morning star, as if he could see through his past and present lives at a glance, making people dare not look directly at him, giving people an illusion of a deep sea.

Tianni was extremely graceful, wearing a monk's robe as white as snow, a white monk's hat, and two strands of black hair hanging down her ears. She looked silently at Wuxu and Dongxuan not far away. There seemed to be two million-year-old icebergs in her eyes, which had never melted. She exuded a cold and extreme cold air all over her body, and the whole space seemed to be frozen.

Wuxu looked like a sickly young man, with delicate eyebrows, a round forehead, skinny, and long hair scattered casually. He kept making "coughing" sounds, like a candle in the wind, which could be blown away by a gust of wind at any time. He stood in the void, like a light jumping in different spaces, making it difficult to grasp his figure.

The last Dong Xuan turned out to be a female cultivator with a slender figure, several inches taller than the average woman. Her skin was whiter than snow and as smooth as cream, emitting a strange, faint fragrance. She was graceful and elegant, like a pitiful and quiet woman, making people unable to help but pity and feel sorry for her.

Nong Wan Tai Zun and Tian Ni were in one place, Wu Xu and Dong Xuan separated, forming a situation where Wu Xu and Dong Xuan surrounded the two.

Nong Wan Tai Zun looked at the two of them and said calmly: "The four of us have been fighting for four days, and we know each other's background very well. This war between the two clans was provoked by you, Wuxu. Is this luck of the Western Desert really that important to you?"

"Cough" "Cough" "Cough"

"Nong Wan, you are wrong. It's not important, but very important. My Feng Yan Sect has been silent for a full 300,000 years. Like a rat crossing the street, we have been hunted by your Miao Nian Sect for more than 100,000 years. Fortunately, God did not destroy my Feng Yan Sect. After you thought my sect was extinct, we escaped from death. Finally, after more than 100,000 years of humiliation, we finally restored the appearance of 300,000 years ago. In fact, we don't blame you, because there can only be one super sect in each domain. If you want to blame, blame us for not being as good as others at that time. However, from today on, it is time for your Miao Nian Sect to hand over the super sect of the Western Desert." Wuxu coughed a few times and answered the question irrelevantly.

"Haha, not to mention that our battle has not yet been decided, even in the war on the ground, I think your side is in danger. Even if my Western Desert Sects lose, I don't believe that Wuxu and Dongxuan can defeat me. Go back and practice for thousands of years." Nong Wan Tai Zun has known their skills and magical powers through the battles with the two of them in the past few days. Although the two have peerless magical powers that even he is afraid of, he believes that it is impossible to defeat him.

"Cough" "Cough" "Cough"

"Hehe, does Tai Zun only think that there are only two of us? You are careless." Wuxu suddenly showed a strange smile at the corner of his mouth.

As soon as the voice fell, a sudden change occurred!


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Today, the company has a winter solstice dinner. I am drunk and finished this chapter. Please support me. Thank you!

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