Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 234: Decisive Battle 2

"Is everything okay, my nephew? This is a ten-thousand-year Brahma Fruit. It can slightly restore some of the lifespan that was cut off by my magical power just now." Not long after Wuxu and Dongxuan left, Nongwan stood up and put a A spiritual fruit the size of a mangosteen that was pure gold and was handed to Tianni.

"How can you be so cowardly at night? With the four of us working together, you will definitely die. If you die, the entire West Desert will be devastated. I am just thinking about my world of cultivating immortals in the West Desert. I didn’t do anything harsh to you and put away your good intentions. If my master falls, I won’t let you go. I hope you will take care of yourself.” Tianni did agree to join forces with Wuxu, but she didn’t know how to hide it. The last person in the dark turned out to be the old ghost from the underworld who had resurrected from the dead. The moment her sneak attack was delayed, she hesitated. As for the reason, even she herself couldn't explain it clearly.

Wuxu and the others completely misunderstood her. She could only sneer when they said she was deeply hidden and had excellent acting skills. She didn't take Wuxu's threat to heart at all. If she really came to trouble her, she would not be a good person. The one who offends will keep telling the other person to come and go.

She still remembered what her master said to her before he died: Disciple, you must solve the mystery of ascension on behalf of your master. It is my lifelong wish to become an immortal. I have no chance. There is no need to take revenge. I will delay this person. , I do have a bad move, and having him as your opponent is also a good knife to sharpen you...

Tianni released a snow-white flying treasure and flew up. Under her pinch, it flew away in an instant and disappeared into the horizon heading towards the Bloody Battle City.

"Hey, come out, old ghost of Huangquan, I know you haven't left yet." Nongwan Taizun looked at the void somewhere, sighed, squinted his eyes and said.

After a while, I saw that there was no movement in the surrounding void. Only the red clouds in the sky quietly watched the world, and the wind in the vast sea blew away the memory of the fierce battle. Other than that, everything was as usual.

"Originally I wanted to inquire about something from you. Since you don't want to show up, let's just say goodbye. I can't do anything to you, and I don't know why you joined forces with them. Well, don't miss it next time. I won't To elaborate, as long as you participate in this battle, everything you want to know will be clearly presented to you by then. There is only two hundred years of preparation time. With your current strength, I am afraid that it will be in vain. It will be a disaster. Young master, that’s it for now. I’ll see you in Tenglong two hundred years later.” After saying this, Tai Zun Nongwan disappeared as if he melted into the wind.

After a long time, a shadow seemed to come from a very far distance, gradually becoming clear from blur. He looked at the place where Nongwan Taizun disappeared, and a very ugly smile appeared on his ugly face. He played with it Holding a delicate purple thumb-sized dragon-shaped jade plaque in his hand, he whispered to himself softly: "Tenglong, this is indeed a good opportunity."

After saying this, he looked towards the far west of the Western Desert, released a dark flying ancient treasure, walked up and disappeared into the red clouds.

On the first day of the war between the two clans, the Tianqingpeng tribe, with the help of five late-stage Nascent Soul monks from Fengyan Sect, killed three late-stage Nascent Soul monks from Cangxu Mountain and Jijian Hall in less than a day. More than a thousand Golden Core monks and more than a hundred Nascent Soul mid- and early-stage powerhouses were slaughtered, but there were still a small number of monks from both factions who fled into the boundless sea.

The Azure Peng Clan did not kill them all, but arranged for a seventh-level Azure Peng old demon to accompany their Holy Maiden Feitian to hunt down Du Kong in the Quiet Arrow Hall.

On the second day, the Tianqingpeng clan headed to the northern battlefield with great momentum. On the third day, they arrived at the battle site of the northern battlefield, a grassland with a radius of dozens of miles.

The Nanming Sect and the Basha Sect are worthy of being the leaders of the good and evil sects in the northern part of the Western Desert. They unite the four sects and two sects in the north and the other large and small sects in the north to fight against the Earth God Bull for three days in a row, and they also gain a greater advantage in time. Over time, the sects in the northern part of the Western Desert will rely on their accumulated advantages to defeat the various tribes in Manghai, headed by the Earth Divine Ox.

Accidents will happen.

When the two clans were fighting fiercely, the Tianqing Peng clan attacked instantly, and the situation took a turn for the worse. Chang Fei, the great monk of the late Yuanying stage of the Nanming Sect, and Xing Zerong, the second elder of the late Yuanying stage of the Basha sect, immediately led a large force to break out of the encirclement. Speeding all the way east.

The two armies of the Tianqing Peng Clan and the Earth God Bull were united into one, and their arrogance was overwhelming. Especially the Earth God Cow was beaten so hard by the northern sect that it almost lost its temper. Unexpectedly, strong reinforcements arrived in an instant, which made the already temperamental The fiery Earth God Ox pulled up the Azure Peng tribe and chased the northern sect fiercely. In the end, the Azure Peng tribe and the Earth God Ox tribe were blocked by the second elder of the Yasha Sect in a desperate and self-mutilating manner. Each sect in the north had half an hour to escape.

However, Xing Zerong died under the siege of two eighth-level peak demons from the Earth God Bull and a late Nascent Soul monk from Feng Yan Sect, and died in the boundless sea.

Bloody Battle City, the residence of Dream Sect, Qingfeng Mountain, in a secret room, all the secret room formations were opened. The master of the palace, Lei Shun, sat quietly on a stone bench. He looked at Wang Lu, who was as breathless as a gossamer on the stone bed and his face was ashen. He had tried his best to rescue him, and even force-fed Wang Lu two of the extremely precious Green Dragon Spiritual Resurrection Pills. Wang Lu's life breath had dissipated from the very rapid speed at the beginning to the slow disappearance now, within two days at most. Wang Lu will leave this world and this world of immortality.

When Wang Lu was rescued by the Shadow Talisman and returned to the army, he reported to the sect leader that Wang Lu needed to be rescued immediately. After receiving the promise, he took Wang Lu back to Qingfeng Hall without stopping.

On the way, he felt that Wang Lu's vitality was fading rapidly. He pried open Wang Lu's mouth and fed him a Qinglong Huanling Pill. Although it stopped the hell from taking him away, he was still in danger.

He originally wanted to use the sect's teleportation array to go to his old friend seven million miles away. This person should have a way, but a year ago, because of the return order of Chen Yang, the son of the deputy sect leader Chen Zhu, the teleportation array needed 30 years to accumulate enough energy again, he had to give up this idea.

Could it be that Wang Lu was really killed by heaven!

For four days, he kept using magic power, special ten thousand year elixir, and precious elixir to try all kinds of methods, but still couldn't stop Wang Lu's life from passing away. Wang Lu showed no signs of waking up from beginning to end. He was like a living dead. Even with his eyes closed, he could see the calmness and faint tranquility in his eyes.

He could only accompany him, or the next two days would be the last two days of his life.

Thinking of his battle with Fang Tian, ​​the Son of Wind, he realized that Wang Lu was the most outstanding person and the most amazing star.

However, it was useless to say or think anything now, because this talisman demon in the history of the Dream Sect would always leave his brightest light in the vast sea forever.

Maybe someone would think of him and mention him in the future, but the glory has passed, the meteor has appeared, and everything will melt in the torrent of time and never see it again.

All he can do is to quietly guard him and not let the raging war outside disturb his peace in the last two days.

After leaving the glory, wither away quietly!

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