Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 294 Yin Qi's Apprentice

Wang Lu didn't take the news displayed by the Golden Throne Order seriously, and fell into a deep sleep.

After he took over the Golden Throne Order from his master, the order had displayed similar news no less than ten times. When it appeared for the first time, he almost threw it away. Having such a heavy monitoring device by his side made him feel uneasy. However, after thinking about it, he temporarily suppressed this idea.

After all, this was left to him by his master, and he could rest assured if his master recognized it.

Of course, in order to further confirm the news that the Golden Throne Order appeared out of nowhere, Wang Lu took advantage of Yin Qi's joy at getting the top-grade Ghost King Pearl and deliberately asked him for advice.

Unexpectedly, Yin Qi directly assured him that the Golden Throne Order had no harm to any holder, but rather many benefits. Every time the news appeared on the Golden Throne Order, Yin Luanxuan would publish it on every Golden Throne Order equally. As long as the cultivator holding it was within 50,000 miles of the place where the news came from, he would receive it.

Yin Luanxuan had no idea about the holder's news and location. This was just a one-way display channel. The owner received the news and it was up to him to decide whether to go or not; and once the transmitter sent the news, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and he could only wait.

Two days later, Wang Lu woke up. He was exhausted from two and a half years of continuous alchemy. Although his sea of ​​consciousness was not damaged like the first time he made alchemy, he was still a little depressed.

He had been honing his alchemy skills for nearly five years. Although he had made some progress, he had not made even one pill. Fortunately, there were thousands of residual and waste pills, which was a little comfort to him.

Wang Lu planned to put alchemy aside for the time being. More haste makes waste.

He walked straight out of the backyard. When several Taishanxing’s employees saw him, they all stood respectfully on both sides and watched him leave.

Coming to a busy and bustling street, Wang Lu took a deep breath as he looked at the endless stream of people rushing to and fro. He felt people’s passion for cultivation and love for life. It was no longer the lonely and cold backyard. More than five years of companionship made him feel a little warm.

He looked at the direction, crossed the streets and alleys, and came to a phoenix-shaped Yinluan Pavilion covering more than 30 acres on West Street. He couldn’t help but sigh again at the power of Yinluan Pavilion. Why is it everywhere?

The layout of Yinluan Pavilion in the front city is still exactly the same as that of the other city, but there are not many rooms, only 36.

A young cultivator in the early stage of foundation building named Yin Qier saw him coming and welcomed him to a room of Jia 29 with a smile.

Wang Lu was sipping the spiritual tea, while Yin Qishier sat calmly opposite him. He did not show any humility because of the difference in cultivation. He was chatting and laughing, and behaved very naturally.

"Excuse me, senior, is there anything I can do for you this time? I will do my best." Yin Qishier asked with a smile.

"I have no other purpose. You can sell me the most precious jade slip about alchemy in Guixuan." Wang Lu said calmly.

"Senior, please wait a moment. I will take it immediately." Hearing this, Yin Qishier walked out without any hesitation.

Less than half a meal later, Yin Qishier returned to the elegant room and respectfully handed Wang Lu a jade slip. Wang Lu took the jade slip and asked, "How many spiritual stones?"

"Senior, since this is just a jade slip related to alchemy, it is not worth a few spiritual stones. I will give it to you as a gift from me." Yin Qishier replied sincerely.

"Haha, interesting, then I'd rather obey you than be disrespectful." Wang Lu laughed, but then changed his tone and asked him casually, "Guixuan is spread across the five domains of this world, and its strength is unfathomable. I wonder if you know Yin Qi?"

"Ah, what!" Yin Qier showed a look of shock when Wang Lu mentioned Yin Qi, but then suppressed it immediately. He knew that he could not escape Wang Lu's sharp eyes. After regaining his composure, he seemed to have made a decision and bowed to Wang Lu, saying, "To be honest, senior, please keep it secret. In each of the five major domains, from Yin Yi, Yin Er, Yin San to Yin Jiu, there are only nine deacons. The nine of them are in charge of the Yin Luanxuan branch in each domain city. From one to nine, although each deacon is only in the late Jindan period or Jindan Dayuan cultivation, he has deep magic power and amazing magical powers. I am the registered disciple of Yin Qi in one of the domains."

Yin Qier himself didn't know why he told the other party this secret of Yin Luanxuan.

However, his intuition told him that maybe this person could help him become the only disciple of the master from the registered disciple. He was willing to take a gamble with a one in five chance.

If so, it would be a great opportunity. There were many people in Yinluanxuan who wanted to be the master's disciple. He was barely accepted as a registered disciple by the master because of his family background and his talent.

Wang Lu looked at Yin Qishier and asked with a smile: "Does Guixuan have any relevant ghost skills?"

Suddenly, Yin Qishier was shocked and knelt on one knee to Wang Lu and said: "Cai Shaodong greets Senior Wang Lu!"

After Wang Lu asked this question, he immediately understood that the person in front of him was a junior that the master valued very much.

Master Yin Qi has always had a high opinion of himself and hardly takes anyone seriously, but for some reason he praises Wang Lu highly. This is the first time since he became Yin Qi's registered disciple in the middle stage of Qi training. Therefore, he is even more respectful to Wang Lu.

"Haha, get up. It's been nearly fifty years since we parted in Blood Battle City. Is Senior Yin Qi doing well?" Wang Lu asked in retrospect.

"Senior, after returning to the headquarters, Master successfully condensed the Nascent Soul after five years of seclusion. He is already a mid-stage Nascent Soul expert. Now he is in Jin... Oh, now he is in Yinluan Xuan, and he is a powerful elder of this Xuan." When Cai Shaodong talked about Master Yin Qi, his face was full of respect and pride, but with a hint of fear.

Master Yin Qi is the person who has spent the least time from the early stage of Nascent Soul to the mid-stage of Nascent Soul in the history of Yinluan Xuan. Even the founder of the sect took sixty years. It can be seen how amazing this is.

Such a fast speed alarmed the ancestor who had been in seclusion for five hundred years. He was directly appointed as a powerful elder by the ancestor and had the right to go to his cave of cultivation at any time to ask him for advice. This immediately established Yin Qi's unshakable position in Yinluan Xuan.


What surprised Wang Lu was that it was very rare to achieve Nascent Soul in five years. What was even more incredible to him was that Yin Qi had already reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul in less than fifty years.

Even if he was a natural spiritual root and practiced the Ghost Dao technique, it was impossible for him to break through to the middle stage of Nascent Soul in just fifty years.

Besides, he had heard Yin Qi talk about how Ghost Dao cultivators made rapid progress at the beginning of their cultivation, but slowed down to a snail after the Golden Core stage, not to mention the Nascent Soul stage.

Could it be that after achieving the Nascent Soul stage, Yin Qi had the ability to cheat against the sky, causing his cultivation to soar all the way and he couldn't stop at all?

For Nascent Soul cultivators, what matters is not external things, but their own talents.

The better the aptitude and the purer the spiritual root, the faster the cultivation can keep up with the consumption of lifespan.

Almost all of the late Nascent Soul cultivators were geniuses with special spiritual roots, single spiritual roots, or special physiques. Few cultivators with double spiritual roots, triple spiritual roots, or other spiritual roots could reach the realm of great cultivators. Even the early Nascent Soul cultivators with heavenly spiritual roots would not break through to the middle Nascent Soul stage within fifty years no matter how hard they practiced.

Wang Lu also had to sigh, there are so many things in the world, Yin Qi is really a god!

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