Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 304 Conditions

After a while, Lin Hong came downstairs with a cheerful face and took Wang Lu to a private room on the second floor.

Immediately, he bowed his hands to Wang Lu and said: "Senior, the shopkeeper of this pavilion is inside. You guys can talk in detail. I still have some things to deal with, so I'll take my leave."

Wang Lu watched Lin Hong disappear at the stairs and stood in front of the door for a while. In case of an unexpected sudden appearance, he secretly raised a bit of mana and pushed the door open.

There was nothing in the room except an ink painting of the sea and islands on the wall facing the wooden door and a tall monk with his back to him.

Just when Wang Lu was about to speak, the monk suddenly turned his body around. Wang Lu seemed to be dazzled. This man seemed to have suddenly walked out of the ink painting. A strange feeling arose spontaneously, but where was the strangeness? , and he couldn’t say it.

The monk who was about ten feet away had a young face and long silver hair covered with gray spots. He had star-shaped eyebrows and sword-like eyes. He was extremely disharmonious but perfectly blended into one.

This person is at the peak of Jindan cultivation, and his aura is very deep, like an invisible ancient well, reflecting a bright light. His strength may not be as good as that of Tai Qingyu, but it is similar.

While Wang Lu was looking at him, the monk also looked at Wang Lu.

Although the monk in front of him who is looking to buy the Hundred Returns Return to Yuan Dan is only at the beginning of the middle stage of the Golden Dan, judging from the aura he exudes, he is enough to rank in the top twenty among all the middle stage Golden Dan monks in Qiancheng.

He was very satisfied with this and felt determined.

Wang Lu clasped his fists at him and said, "My lord, Su Quan, the shopkeeper must have known my purpose of coming. If you have any requests, fellow Taoist, please feel free to ask for them. I don't ask for much. Ten bottles of Hundred Turns Return Pill, and spiritual stones are not a problem." "

"Haha, Su Daoyou said in a loud tone. For our Baidan sect, I am not boasting about Haikou. There are as many as you want. Even the top-grade spiritual stones are plentiful." The shopkeeper of Baidan Pavilion sneered at Wang Lu, But his voice changed, "However, if you want ten bottles of Hundred Turns Return Pill, just give it to you. Not to mention ten bottles, even twenty bottles, I can give it to you at my own discretion. The premise is that you must agree to one condition. "

Hearing this, Wang Lu couldn't help but show a hint of curiosity, but more importantly, he suddenly felt extremely wary of this person in his heart!

He understood that the other party had a big plan!

However, it is inevitable for him to obtain the Baijiu Yuan Dan, and he has no choice but to seek skin from a tiger. Now that he is about to embark on the road of physical training, he has complete confidence to become the most powerful among the golden elixirs in the entire world of immortality. Personally, this is his confidence and even more domineering.

When the shopkeeper of Baidan Pavilion saw the determination in Wang Lu's eyes, his heart shivered, and then he immediately disappeared. He was just a small middle-stage golden elixir monk. Even if you have great supernatural powers, if you want to obtain the Baidanguiyuan elixir, you have to do it. Be prepared to sacrifice your life.

"Okay, your Excellency, please tell me. If the conditions are too harsh, I can't do anything about it. If the conditions are not too difficult, maybe I can consider it." Wang Lu laughed.

"It's very simple. Two requirements. First, I will give you twenty bottles of Hundred Returns Return Pill. I don't care how you use it or how much cultivation you have. Follow me to a secret realm in sixty years; second, the secret realm. I only want one of the treasures, and the rest will be yours." The shopkeeper stared at Wang Lu and said a condition that surprised him.

"Okay, it's so simple. I agree. Sixty years later, as long as I don't die, I will still be waiting for your message in the same place." Wang Lu agreed without thinking.

"Hey, if you don't take what God wants, you will suffer the consequences; if you don't welcome the time, you will suffer the consequences."

Humph, in sixty years, with the help of twenty bottles of Hundred-Turn Return Pill, he has already broken through to the late stage of the Golden Pill. In addition, with the addition of "Kui Niu Treading the Sky Technique", "Thousands of Thousand Threads Blade Formation", Orange Floating Clouds and Different With Xiang and his peerless talisman seal, even if he is a strong person in the Nascent Soul stage, he still has the confidence to compete with one or two.

After Wang Lu left, the shopkeeper turned his back again and stared intently at the densely populated island in the vast ocean in the painting, as if the island had infinite charm, and he stared at it like a man possessed for three hours.

"Come in!"

Lin Hong walked in cautiously and with a low eyebrow, and said: "To report to the shopkeeper, I activated all the secret tactics, but Su Quan still ran away. Just like the last time, he lost his trace. However, the messenger talisman You can find him."

"Well, so what if we find it. This person is very alert. He also knows that we have played a game of cat and mouse these two times. We have lost twice, so it doesn't matter. We are here to participate in the auction this time. Are there any middle-stage Jindan monks who you find unfathomable?" the shopkeeper waved his hand and asked.

"There is one person, Gu Yang, who rose like a comet from the Sword Sect." Lin Hong replied respectfully.

"The Sword Sect, Gu Yang, very good, it's him. The stronger the strength, the more flavorful it is." The shopkeeper stretched out his seemingly long tongue and licked the dry corners of his mouth.

This scene made Lin Hong tremble all over, but he didn't show even a trace of movement.

After Lin Hong stepped back respectfully and nervously, the shopkeeper muttered to himself over and over again to the picture of the island: If God doesn't take it, you will suffer the consequences; if you don't welcome the time, you will suffer the consequences... ...

Wang Lu returned to the backyard of Tai's house and looked at the hundreds of knuckle-sized, thick yellow Baijiu Guiyuan Pills that exuded a unique medicinal smell stacked up in layers in the elixir bottle. He had to sigh that the murder of the shopkeeper of Baidan Pavilion was Cut decisively.

There are only five pills in a bottle of Baijiu Yuan Dan, and the auction's base price is 5,000 yuan of high-grade spiritual stones.

At the auction held every three years, each monk who bids will be issued a token, and the rules are set that no one can bid for more than two bottles. At the same time, the winner needs to register his identity in the Baidan Pavilion and cannot participate in the auction again within 24 years.

Such an auction mechanism makes all the Jindan mid-stage monks even more crazy, constantly waving the spirit stones in their hands, and the bidding prices are rising all the way.

Even before each auction, there are gambling houses that rank the top sixteen bidders according to the monks' identities, status, talents, strengths and other conditions, and set the odds, which shows how popular it is.

Therefore, until the end of the auction, the spirit stones of each bottle of Baizhuan Guiyuan Dan will double. Judging from the blood escape talisman, one of Wang Lu's most powerful intermediate talismans, it can't even buy one-third of a bottle of Baizhuan Guiyuan Dan.

However, in his opinion, the two cannot be distinguished in terms of spirit stones, but each has its own use.

What puzzled Wang Lu was that with twenty bottles of Baizhuan Guiyuan Pill, countless cultivators would come out to fight for the mysterious shopkeeper, and they would not give it to him for nothing. Could it be that the unknown secret realm sixty years later had some special requirements, and he just happened to meet that requirement?

What exactly did the shopkeeper of Baidan Pavilion want? This made him a little dazed, and a sense of fear surged into his heart.

When he walked out of Baidan Pavilion for the first time, he found someone following him. However, with the magic of the "Deep Hiding" technique and the cover of the God-Rejecting Divine Cloth, whose grade was still unknown, he avoided the pursuit of Baidan Pavilion one by one. This time, it was the same.

However, even if they found him, what could they do?

Don't be afraid, kill one if one comes, and kill a pair if two come. Anyway, the worst case is to roll up your pants and run away.

Now that the pills to increase cultivation are ready, he will make the final preparations for body forging: Kuiniu Divine Pill!

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