Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 306: Refining into Strength

Wang Lu has never been able to figure out the problem of the bull-headed monk. Maybe the truth will come to light only when the time comes.

It was useless to think too much. Then, he used the extra 250 pieces of spiritual materials to take out another demon pill obtained from an unknown monk from the storage bag, and divided the demon pill into 250 parts. , he practiced the process of "transforming liquid" continuously and day and night to the point of perfection. Every time it gelled, he steadily carried out it according to the planned ideas and procedures.

As he expected, due to the extremely keen spiritual awareness, extremely stable control of the fire, and the extremely high temperature melting of the blue light in the Four Directions Dingtian Cauldron, the interaction between the three to merge into one, the first few dozen copies failed. .

However, Wang Lu did not give up. In the next two hundred or so times, he became more and more skillful as he practiced, hitting the target accurately almost every time, which made him more and more confident.

Of course, after he had consumed all the 250 spiritual materials, three years had passed again.

The time was four years shorter than the expected time. This is because with the continuous refining, the Sifang Dingtian Cauldron seemed to have completely awakened from an eternal dream, and Wang Lu's cooperation with it became more and more tacit. .

At the same time, he also released the six-star Gongyue Blade. The Seven-Blade, which already had some spirituality, had a strong reaction to it when it saw the Sifang Dingtian Cauldron cooperating with Wang Lu's alchemy work so hard and without complaint. Hostility has also been reduced by more than half.

After that, Wang Lu didn't pause at all. He planned to go all out and refine the Kui Niu Divine Pill again.

One hundred and nine spiritual materials were sent to the Four Directions Dingtian Cauldron by him. With the cooperation of elixir fire, magic power, divine consciousness, and the Dingtian Cauldron, in less than five days, one hundred and nine kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures were collected. It "liquefied" into a puddle of solution. Over a day, when only a trace of liquid remained in the gelatinized black mass, a blue dot as dazzling as the sun appeared in the cauldron, one-fiftieth of the Imperial Grade Tianyun Ox. The demon pill was instantly liquefied and integrated into the black glue block in the explosion of the blue dot.

Immediately, a blue light suddenly enveloped the rubber block, and the black rubber block slowly condensed into a circular shape.

"Ning Yuan!"

Hard work pays off, Wang Lu sighed softly.

Although this was his first time refining it by hand, the entire refining process of the Kui Niu Divine Pill was much simpler.

Two days later, when the black glue block gradually turned into a round black bead the size of a copper coin, an extremely rich and indescribable fragrance of the elixir was hidden in the cauldron, only a faint wisp of it drifted out.

Wang Lu knew that the pill was ready right now!

He also understood that the Sifang Dingtian Cauldron had done its best to completely retain the fragrance of the medicine so that the Kui Niu Divine Pill could be refined more perfectly.

Time dropped drop by drop like raindrops splashing on Wang Lu's heart, getting closer and closer.

Wang Lu stared sharply at the Sifang Dingtian Cauldron. His body was stretched to the limit like a fully stretched bow, and his hands made a weird posture. He had practiced the method of collecting pills thousands of times. The ancient ferocious beast Kui Niu, which looked down upon the heaven and earth and smashed the sun, moon and stars, was also reflected in various parts of his body.


Wang Lu shouted loudly, his hands were like a butterfly threading a flower, like a Weaver Girl threading a needle, and he fired ninety-nine and eighty-one magic formulas at the Dingtian Cauldron in all directions. In the blink of an eye, these magic formulas transformed into the image of a Kui ox. He sank into the divine elixir in the cauldron.


As if transcending the limitations of time and space, like a sound from outside, a world-swallowing Kui Niu cry burst out from the elixir. Wang Lu couldn't help but feel trembling. At the same time, the Four Directions Dingtian Cauldron once again erupted with a burst of intense blue light. It instantly filled the entire backyard and was about to soar into the sky, when the Inverted Six Consciousness Formation suddenly transformed into an invisible light curtain, suppressing the blue light in the courtyard.

"Boom" a loud noise!

After ten breaths, the shocked Wang Lu woke up, and the whole world became quiet.

He looked at the Sifang Dingtian Cauldron, which was still as stable as Mount Tai. An elixir the size of a copper coin was quietly suspended in the cauldron, emitting a dark black light. Wang Lu made a move with one hand, and the elixir came through the air.

A black light instantly filled Wang Lu's left hand. He held the magic pill with a slight trembling and couldn't help laughing.

More than ten years of planning, more than ten years of hard work, and more than ten years of forbearance are all just for the present, and only for this Kui Niu Divine Pill in my hand. Although ten years of cultivation have been wasted, everything is worth it. .

Wang Lu found a jade bottle and carefully put the magic pill into it. He was tired and needed a good rest.

Whether it is mana, consciousness or his soul, they have reached a limit.

In fact, what Wang Lu didn't know was that there was no alchemist like him in the world of immortality. He had been refining alchemy for many years. If it weren't for his profound knowledge, strong magic power, powerful spiritual consciousness, and stable soul, he would have been comparable to a fifth-level demon. The beast's powerful physique, not to mention three consecutive years of alchemy, even half a year, more than 90% of the alchemists have been overwhelmed. Wang Lu is an alternative among the alternative.

Moreover, based on his terrible talent for alchemy, even with the heaven-defying help of the Sifang Dingtian Cauldron, without his tireless refinement, he would not have been able to reluctantly set foot on the alchemy path.

The accumulation of continuous alchemy was the key to his transformation from quantitative to qualitative changes.

Wang Lu returned to his room and fell asleep. When he woke up, it was already three days later.

Feeling refreshed, Wang Lu continued his efforts, and with the forty-eight materials, he once again refined twelve Kui Niu Divine Pills.

Seeing the thirteen shiny black magic pills, Wang Lu felt full of happiness. Now everything was ready, except for using the magic pills to open the "Kui Niu Treading the Sky Art".

Wang Lu sat upright and took out the jade slip. With a move of his consciousness, the aura of the ten Kui Niu magic pills entangled the jade slip. The aura of the magic pills was like ten keys. The jade slip suddenly burst into a strong white light, and the first page of "Kui Niu Treading the Sky Art" finally appeared.

Wang Lu memorized all the contents in an instant, and soon, the first page disappeared.

The name of the body forging on the first page is: Bailian Chenggang

There are five levels of Bailian Cheng Gang, and each level requires taking two corresponding magic pills:

The first level is the muscle and bone realm. After practicing, a dense and thick invisible membrane will cover the surface of the body, which can withstand the attacks of most magic weapons. The forged bones have a strength of one ten-millionth of Kui Niu bones. A punch is like a Gang, which can easily break a small mountain, which is completely comparable to the powerful lethality of some top-grade attack magic weapons.

The second level is the meridian realm, which can make the eight extraordinary meridians in the body more than ten times stronger. After practicing, it complements the muscles and bones and is invulnerable to swords and guns. Unless the top-grade magic weapon is without any defense, it can cause certain damage to the cultivator.

The third level is the blood realm. With the completion of the blood realm, the blood in the whole body is like Qiong, and the blood essence is rolling. The strength of the cultivator himself will double again. Under one punch, even if there is the defense of the ancient treasure, it will also be turned into powder.

The fourth level is called the Five Internal Organs Realm. Although the cultivators are extremely powerful, that is because with the blessing of mana, the magic weapon can kill the opponent. However, even if the organs in the cultivator's body are nurtured by mana, once they are slightly damaged, they need years of recuperation to recover. What's more, there are many who die on the spot. Once the five internal organs are greatly strengthened, even if they are suddenly attacked, they can retreat calmly and not be seriously injured and killed. Once this level is mastered, combined with the first three levels, the pure strength of the body alone can fight against ordinary level eight monsters.

In the last level of the Soul Realm, the soul of a person is extremely weak. Although cultivators are stronger, they are still vulnerable to treasures or magical powers that can attack the soul. For body cultivators, the soul is the first target of attack by cultivators. If the soul is forged into a piece of Jing Gang, as long as the three souls and six spirits are as stable as a mountain, the body cultivator can completely ignore any attack from the cultivator, directly break all methods with one force, and tear the opponent apart with bare hands as if taking something from a bag.

By then, after the fifth level is completed, the cultivator's body can be forged into the legendary Gang body. With a wave of his hand, he can break mountains and rivers and destroy powerful enemies, just as easy as breathing and drinking water.

Wang Lu couldn't help but yearn for it.

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