Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 309 Bai Hai and Huo Hai Zhu

After repeated consideration, Wang Lu told Taixu that he was willing to enter the Tianyun Secret Realm with Taishanxing, which made Taixu very happy. He wanted to report this great news to Taishanxing immediately.

Wang Lu asked Taixu some details about the Tianyun Secret Realm, and Taixu told him almost everything he knew and heard from others.

What surprised Wang Lu the most was that many medium-sized sects had started to plan a hundred years ago to grab the natural treasures in the Tianyun Secret Realm. They even crossed the realm to recruit some peerless masters in the Jindan period, in order to kill all other people who entered the Tianyun Secret Realm and completely occupy the secret realm.

Just like the Lingyun Sect, which was still a medium-sized sect 30,000 years ago, there was a super genius who shocked the world. After entering the secret realm, he did not go to look for treasures, but specialized in killing people, so that he almost killed everyone and monopolized all the treasures. It was after that harvest that the Lingyun Sect rose rapidly!

This is also the ultimate reason why Lingyun Sect did not stipulate the rules of Tianyun Secret Realm, because they relied on massacres to achieve a large sect.

Afterwards, Wang Lu asked Taixu to put away the formation, and told him that he would be away for a while and would definitely be back here within fifteen years, and then he went out.

Ten thousand miles south of the front city is a vast and boundless Baihai. Baihai is tens of millions of miles in radius, and there are five islands with millions of miles. Various small islands are scattered in it. The island is rich in resources and spiritual materials. There are countless sea beasts in the sea. There are also seven or eight level monsters occupying the island as king, occupying the island's natural materials and treasures. There are countless people who seek treasures and explore.

Wang Lu plans to use these fifteen years to practice the muscle and bone realm so that he can have more self-protection power in the Tianyun Secret Realm, and also allow himself to have one more trump card. If he gains a lot, it will be even better.

I don't kill people, but people want to kill me.


Just thinking about it makes him excited, the opportunity to kill is coming!

Out of the city, Wang Lu released the Qingluan flying ancient treasure and flew towards the south. In less than a day, he arrived at the shore of Baihai.

This place is a remote place in Baihai. The seawall is also far away from here. Behind it is a lush green mountain. Few fishing boats go out to sea from here.

At a glance, wherever you look, there is a vast sea surface, and the sea and sky are the same color.

The light blue sea water looks gloomy and deep under the diffuse sunlight. The white clouds in the sky are reflected on the sea surface, but they are overturned and crushed by layers of waves. A gust of sea breeze blows, and the unique fishy smell of the sea water becomes stronger. Wang Lu's clothes are lifted, and his black hair is flying. The endless sea makes him sigh at the unfathomable and majestic nature of the Creator.

Wang Lu put away all his magic power and stepped on the soft and delicate beach. He looked into the distance, shouted softly, and spread his body skills to run towards Baihai.

"Swoosh", "Swoosh", "Swoosh", "Swoosh", "Swoosh"......

Wang Lu was like an arrow shot from a bow, stepping on the sea water and shooting forward, and disappeared in the vast Baihai in an instant.

Even if he tried his best, his speed was less than two-thirds of that on the ground. If there was magic power on the sea surface where he landed, it would be almost the same. However, he was determined to rely on his physical strength to see how long he could last.

Half an hour later, Wang Lu had escaped more than two thousand miles away. As the distance continued to expand, the sea breeze became stronger and stronger, the waves became stronger and stronger, and the resistance to his body became stronger and stronger. There was no island to land on except the vast waves.

An hour later, although the sea was filled with thick sea fog, Wang Lu still saw a small island nearly a hundred miles away in the southeast direction. He gathered the remaining little strength and ran towards the island at full speed.

After half a cup of tea, Wang Lu finally arrived at the island.

The island was very quiet, with waves gently lapping the beach. The entire island was less than 20 miles long and was shaped like a carrot, with a large middle and thin ends.

The trees on the island were tall, seabirds were playing, and there were sea pigs that looked like wild boars looking for food everywhere. Wang Lu did not plan to stay for long, because he needed to go at least 100,000 miles beyond the Baihai Sea to reach that depth, and at the same time, the chance of being bumped into by others would be greatly reduced.

Wang Lu practiced the first page of "Kui Niu Treading the Sky" and meditated to recover. In less than two hours, he was full of strength again.

He looked at the sea and went deeper again without hesitation.

Half a month later, Wang Lu came to an island about a thousand miles in radius covered by thick sea fog.

On the island, a level 6 peak fire sea pig was standing majestically, guarding a fire osmanthus fruit not far from a small volcano on the island.

The Fire Sea Pig, which was about two feet long, one foot thick, and one foot high, was red all over, and its muscles were as strong as the King of Pigs. When it saw Wang Lu, the intruder, it roared at him, then showed its four sharp fangs, and rushed towards him in a flash.

"Hehe, you're just in time!"

Wang Lu laughed wildly, hugged his hands to his chest, stomped his foot hard on the ground, and punched the Fire Sea Pig when it was three feet away.


Wang Lu retracted his right hand, and his right hand couldn't help but tremble slightly. The Fire Sea Pig seemed to be wearing a steel helmet and armor. It was like hitting an iron mountain when he hit it. Under his punch, the Fire Sea Pig only stopped its forward steps.


The Fire Sea Pig didn't give Wang Lu any chance at all. In a flash, it rushed towards him again.

Comparing strength with it is purely looking for abuse, so it's better to avoid it for the time being.

Wang Lu made a judgment immediately.

Fortunately, his body movements after fully unfolding were much faster than the Fire Sea Pig. After chasing for half of the island, the Fire Sea Pig could not catch up with the thief and had to give up.

It hoped that Wang Lu would run to the sea. If so, it would have plenty of ways to deal with him.

In its view, humans are strange animals. In the past, those monks could not beat it with their magic power and divine treasures, but now they are fighting it in a savage close combat. Could it be that their IQ has become low?

The Fire Sea Pig returned to the crater and lay on a big rock lazily, feeling the warmth from the rock, and couldn't help but fight with it.

It knew that the man was on the island. Although it was still a little worried that he would rob the four fist-sized red fire cinnamon fruits, fortunately it was not stupid. It set up a simple formation for the fire cinnamon fruit, which was left by an unknown monk it had eaten. After several operations and analysis, it could still be used.

After figuring it out, it comforted itself somewhat complacently, saying that it was okay to take a nap if it was tired, so it could not resist the two eyelids that challenged its bottom line, and soon, the pig's voice resounded throughout most of the island.

Wang Lu had already arrived at one end of the island at this time, and the waves kept hitting the cliffs below, and the sound of the waves came continuously.

However, soon, he could not remain calm anymore:

The snoring of the fire sea pig was far greater than the sound of the waves, and Wang Lu could not help laughing.

After a long time, until the snoring was still like thunder, Wang Lu finally suppressed himself.

Well, since you are so cute, I will practice with you.

He looked at the cliffs that were a hundred feet high. Under the cliffs was a very deep blue sea. Wang Lu predicted that the depth of the sea here should have exceeded six thousand feet.

He looked far away, and the sea and the sky were connected, which was spectacular.

Without thinking, he jumped off the cliff in a fish-diving posture.

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