Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 317 The Final Flaw

Wang Lu returned to the backyard of the Tai family residence. He expected that Tai Xu would find a way to send him the spiritual materials he needed within three months.

Time waits for no one!

Thinking of the wind, tiger, cloud and dragon and the unpredictable fortune and disaster in the Tianyun Secret Realm, he took out another Baizhuan Guiyuan Pill and meditated to practice.

Even if it is a little more mana, it is good.

Three months passed in a flash, and a strong fluctuation came from the inverted six consciousness array. He cast a spell on the six consciousness array and opened a hole in the array.

First, a communication talisman broke through the air, followed by a heavy storage bag.

After Wang Lu learned the news in the communication talisman, he turned it into ashes. After checking the storage bag, his face was happy. Not only did it cover all his needs, but there was also nearly one-tenth more.

It seems that Tai Xu also spent a lot of money. The value of these spiritual materials is at least more than 100,000 high-grade spiritual stones.

The inverted six consciousness formation once again completely covered the backyard, and the spiritual materials in the storage bag were directly piled up into a grain pile. More than 300 kinds, each with 600 different spiritual materials, and 65 categories, with a total of 1,200 kinds of spiritual materials, were neatly arranged not far in front of him with the cooperation of mana and consciousness.

Wang Lu planned to draw six kinds of talismans this time, Shadow Talisman, Ruofeng Talisman, Taiyuan Collapse Mountain Talisman, Jueshen Talisman, Intermediate Blood Escape Talisman and another defensive Copper Gang Unbreakable Talisman.

The 65 kinds of natural treasures such as Tianhua Fruit, Flame Arrow Fish Scale, Flower Strange Grass, and Shensha Jade are the spiritual materials for drawing the Copper Gang Unbreakable Talisman.

Although Wang Lu has been away from making talismans for a long time, the blood of spiritual talismans has long flowed in his blood. As long as Mo Yin is in his hand, he has great confidence to draw this talisman.


Wang Lu exhaled a breath of turbid air, calmed down, bathed and burned incense, and the first sentence of the opening of the first volume of "Six Talisman Book" jumped into his mind: The way to make a talisman is to concentrate the spirit and spirit, start writing in the vastness, move the pen in the subtle places, and end writing in the breeze.

He began to organize and adjust the talismans, starting with his best Ruofeng Talisman.

Liuxing grass, fire feather stone, Tianji root, Huanzhenzhi... Forty-two kinds of spiritual materials were calcined, crushed, ground, interwoven, and fused with Dan fire... and the corresponding spells were played. Soon, a talisman of Ruofeng Talisman was made by him.

Two hours later, Wang Lu rubbed his slightly stiff temples, and with a casual move, Mo Yin came as promised. He unfolded a special azure-colored talisman paper, thought for a moment, and then dipped the talisman guide in it. On the talisman paper: hook, dot, horizontal, left-falling, pull, lead, draw...

When he began to draw the talisman, he was completely immersed in the starry sky of the talisman, swimming freely and boldly.

Two days later, he drew 50 Ruofeng talismans as light as a feather, with a faint azure color, and half the size of a palm from 600 spiritual materials.

Wang Lu almost reached the peak level of his talisman making, 12 to 1.

If someone saw it with their own eyes now, they would definitely show an incredible expression. The probability of a successful talisman for the intermediate and primary drawing is 70 to 1. Wang Lu achieved such a high talisman drawing rate with his unique attainments in the way of talismans and the minute dissection and analysis of the "Six Talisman Book" itself.

This can no longer be described as a genius, but a genius. To be more precise, he is still the talisman demon, the demon among talismans.

After concentrating and thinking for a while, Wang Lu began to draw the body-killing talisman without stopping. In less than two days, he had drawn 600 body-killing talismans and 45 talismans were completed.

Half a month later:

Taiyuan Collapse Mountain Talisman, 43;

Intermediate Blood Escape Talisman, 46;

Shadow Talisman, 10;

Wang Lu frowned and looked at the Shadow Talisman with the lowest success rate of 60 to 1, muttering to himself with some dissatisfaction: It seems that I have to study the way of spiritual talismans more after practicing, otherwise, I will not have the capital to settle down.

Wang Lu put away his thoughts, took out the "Six Talisman Book", and cast a spell on it, and hundreds of talismans on the third page appeared like a passing show.

He lightly tapped the picture in the air, and the spiritual materials and the whole process of drawing the Tong Gang Bu Po Talisman were clearly displayed in front of him. He quickly analyzed the five elements of the sixty-five kinds of natural treasures and the whole process of drawing this talisman.

A full day later, he suddenly opened his eyes, smiled, and his magic power rose lightly. The sixty-five kinds of spiritual materials were rolled into the air in front of him one by one according to the order he set.

He began to draw this talisman according to the process of modulating the talisman after slightly changing it.



Half an hour later, a palm-sized talisman with a brass color was drawn by him. Wang Lu couldn't help but feel ecstatic. He didn't expect to succeed in drawing the Tong Gang Bu Po Talisman for the first time. He thought he would fail dozens of times in a row before he succeeded.

The Tong Gang Bupo Talisman is the most powerful defensive talisman on the third page of the Six Talismans Book. Its defensive power is more than three times that of Qiancengshan. Even if a cultivator in the early stage of the Nascent Soul stage attacks with all his strength, it will not be damaged at all. After it is released, it can also resist space cracks. It is a defensive talisman that is the culmination of the Golden Core stage.

With a successful case, Wang Lu continued to work hard.

The second, third, fourth... until the 153rd time, he created another one.

The previous ecstasy was no longer there. Wang Lu had a dark face, and with a move of his magic power, the waste talismans on the ground were turned into dust by him.

After a period of depression, he finally understood the true meaning of the saying "great joy must be followed by great sorrow".

People, no matter what time it is, need to keep a normal heart, not be happy with things, not sad with oneself, even if the happiness is great, can not show too much joy, otherwise, even God can not stand it, will certainly bring disaster and punish you.

After Wang Lu regained his composure, he carefully pondered the details again, and only started to draw after he had a certain degree of confidence.

Mistakes, waste talismans, failures, just a little bit...

Five days later, out of 1,200 copper Gang unbreakable talismans, he only drew 16 after exhausting his mind and doing his best.

In a whirlwind, Wang Lu returned to the room, fell on the bed, and fell asleep.

After two full days, he got up energetically, compared the time, and the materials of 4,200 spiritual talismans were used up by him in 20 days. Except for the copper Gang unbreakable talisman, which was almost 100 to 1, the other five types met his expectations.

However, even so, he was satisfied, because he once again refreshed another record since the establishment of the Liufu Sect. According to the history of the sect's development left by his master Qiu Huaren, the Tong Gang Unbreakable Talisman was only successfully drawn by the founder of the sect, Liufu Zhenren, and the success rate was less than 1%.

Thinking of this, it has been more than 30 years since I last saw my disciple Ding Yuting. The little girl should have established her foundation. Fortunately, I left her the "Six Talismans" foundation-building formula and the foundation-building period exercises, otherwise, he would not know how to make up for it.

Now, everything is ready, and it is time to leave and return to Lingyun City.

The communication talisman 22 days ago allowed him to meet at the Tianyun Market at the foot of Tianyun Peak, outside the Lingyun Sect, six months in advance.

As for why he went to Lingyun City first, it was because he had to meet Yin Qi first to completely make up for the last flaw.

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