Tianrong, in the north of the secret realm, is more than 10,000 miles in radius, with volcanoes everywhere and very high temperatures. An ordinary foundation-building cultivator who enters this place will be burned to death and scorched in less than three days!

In the Tianrong domain, the spiritual energy is two hundred times that of the outside world, but it is not evenly distributed. When the temperature of a certain area suddenly increases, the spiritual energy gathers together and becomes extremely violent, like ignited explosives. From time to time, you can hear the loud sound of "spiritual explosion" from afar.

Even if a Jindan-stage cultivator is accidentally caught in a sudden explosion of spiritual energy, a strong one may still be able to survive, but an ordinary one will definitely die.

Of course, Tianrong also has its unique features. When night falls and the sky is full of stars, the roaring and scorching Tianrong domain is like a comforted child, stopping chasing and playing, and sleeping so peacefully and quietly.

This is the Tianyun secret realm, the only day and night in the eight realms. The other seven realms have eternal daylight and have never been swallowed by the night.

In the dark, under the brilliance of the stars, Tianrong is like a time-changing, full of vitality. All kinds of creatures hidden underground during the day have drilled out of the ground, madly absorbing the soft spiritual energy immersed in the starlight and as warm as jade.

At this time, the spiritual energy is four hundred times that of the outside world, far exceeding the spiritual energy concentration of the central sky cloud. This is simply the best hotbed for all kinds of natural treasures, and it also breeds countless strange insects and beasts, which is very scary!

However, the only shortcoming is the time of night, which is only three hours, half of the outside world, but it is enough for all kinds of creatures in Tianrong Domain to be infused and cleansed with massive spiritual power.

Another point is that when the night falls, the spiritual consciousness of the cultivator will be greatly weakened, and the cultivation is only half of the usual level. Therefore, even though the treasure is in front, you have to be alive to enjoy it.

Every time the secret realm is opened, the mortality rate of Tianrong Domain is the highest among the eight domains. Greed makes people lose themselves!

Four months passed in a flash, and less than a day would pass. It would take at least one and a half months to explore the central Tianyun. The shapeshifting spirit medicine not only possessed extremely high intelligence, but also had a natural sense of smell for various crises and dangers. In order to capture it, in addition to having extraordinary strength, it also required a bit of luck against the sky.

In the hundreds of thousands of years since the secret realm was opened, it is said that only one person has done it. That was because that person possessed the Xuanhuang Houtu Divine Body, one of the ten great divine bodies, and was brought out of the secret realm with the help of the shapeshifting spirit medicine.

The deepest part of Tianrong was a sea of ​​fire that was like an ocean. The sea of ​​fire was not pure red, but red mixed with one ten-thousandth of blue.

Ice Blue Absolute Flame!

The Ice Blue Absolute Flame ranked eighth among the ten great spiritual fires. Even if a top-notch powerhouse in the God Transformation Stage was stained with a trace, he would be burned to ashes in an instant. Fortunately, the sea of ​​fire was only one ten-thousandth of the power of the Ice Blue Absolute Flame. Otherwise, no one could cross the sea of ​​fire and go to Tianyun fifty miles away.

The two figures were stretched out by the oblique light of the sea of ​​fire. They stood facing each other, their side faces were reddened by the fire, and they were silent. This was their first meeting, but it should also be the last time they met.

Because one of them might die at the hands of the other.

One person came from the north of Tianrong. Along the way, he not only harvested a large number of rare treasures, but also killed all the cultivators he met on the road. He was Zhang Dong, a casual cultivator who traveled all the way from the northern border to the southern region.

He was born in a weak family of immortal cultivators. Because he had the dual spiritual roots of water and wood, he was valued by the family. However, when he was five years old, the entire Zhang family disappeared under the attack of his enemies. He escaped this disaster because he practiced in a well.

So far, he started his wandering cultivation career.

He experienced all the joys and sorrows in the world, and was surrounded by dangers in various conspiracies and intrigues. In his late stage of Qi training, he explored a relic with several people. After all kinds of fighting and dangers, he obtained a skill called "Kangtian".

After that, he dispersed the family's skills and practiced "Kangtian" again. Although he didn't know what level this skill was, under the forging of this skill, not only was his body reshaped and his strength strong, but his magic power was far beyond that of ordinary people. Even if this skill could only be practiced to the Nascent Soul stage, he was still like a moth to a flame, desperate.

Only by being strong can you avenge your dead relatives and clansmen!

However, "Kangtian" consumes too many spirit stones and requires a lot of natural treasures as the resources for cultivation. He spent a full four hundred years from the Qi training stage to the current middle stage of the Golden Core due to the lack of spirit stones and the difficulty of the skill.

After all kinds of hardships, he deeply realized the meaning of "hiding one's weakness". If he didn't make a move, it would be fine. Once he made a move, he would kill or be killed!

He didn't have much time left. In addition to the various injuries he had suffered in the past four hundred years, his life span was less than five hundred years. If he wanted to survive, he must have a large amount of spiritual stones to make his cultivation progress by leaps and bounds and break through to the Nascent Soul stage in just a hundred years. Otherwise, he would definitely die.

In desperation, he showed his hidden strength to a medium-sized sect, which led to this trip to Tianyun.

Being teleported to Tianrong Domain by the vortex was not what he expected. The place he wanted to go was Tianyuan, because there were thousand-year-old fruits there.

Is it really that the sky doesn't fulfill people's wishes!

Since it's here, make the best of it. He can only comfort himself in this way.

So, he no longer suppressed or hid, and completely released his strength, frantically collecting various spiritual materials, killing people when he saw them, beheading monsters when he saw them, and even the bodies of those rare and strange insects and beasts were not spared.

And, he smelled a hint of death from the beautiful female cultivator in the late Jindan stage opposite him.

He wanted to leave, but he was locked by the woman's aura. If he made any move, he would be attacked by her like a storm.


Zhang Dong coughed lightly. He did not intend to fight with the female cultivator. He said, "I don't know why you stopped me?"

"Hehe, no reason," the female cultivator laughed as if a hundred flowers bloomed. Her beautiful eyes were cunning, but she said in a shocking way, "I want to take your life!"

As soon as the voice fell, a fragrant breeze blew in his face. Zhang Dong had been prepared for this. With the help of his magic power, all the pores in his body were tightly closed. He suddenly became one-fifth bigger.


He raised his hand and punched the female cultivator.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz..."

The air made a violent trembling sound, and the fist force was like dozens of heavy water spears compressed to the extreme, breaking through the layers of space and flashing to the front of the female cultivator.

The female cultivator felt that the space around her suddenly became more than a hundred times heavier. She couldn't hide, so she could only attack and fight hard.

She knew the power of this fist. While forcibly retreating and breaking free from the pressure of space, she shouted lightly, and dozens of golden sword lights came from nowhere and chopped on the fist force.


The sword light and fist force disappeared.

"Don't know whether to live or die!"

The female cultivator was angry, and raised her jade hand. A golden long silk appeared in front of her. She kept casting a spell into it. The golden light of the long silk became brighter and brighter, and phantoms overlapped. In a moment, tens of thousands of identical golden long silks appeared. The female cultivator gently tapped the pile of long silks in front of her with her jade finger.

In an instant, Zhang Dong felt as if his body was restrained by something, unable to move at all. His body was slightly golden, and within two breaths, he was covered by the golden light.

Seeing this, the female cultivator smiled lightly and opened her mouth slightly: "Break!"


The female cultivator was instantly shocked and ran towards the sea of ​​fire.

A punch that was heavier than a mountain followed her like a shadow and hit the afterimage left by her just entering the sea of ​​fire.

"Hmph, you are fast, but the super-large sect Zhijinmen in the East Wilderness is no more than this!"

Zhang Dong ignored the female cultivator who had already escaped into the sea of ​​fire. He seemed to be worried and took out the No. 13 token from the storage bag. It was completely black, with black clouds on the front and ancient seals on the back.


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