Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 342 Snake and Moon

When Taishanxing used this killing move, he immediately shocked Yin Shijiu and the other two. However, the three of them paused for a moment and then fought a life-and-death battle with the wolves again.

However, Taishanxing's face was ashen at this time, like a person who was about to reach the end of his life and was seriously ill. This was a manifestation of overdrawing his mana and consciousness to the limit. The four life magic weapons had to be called several times before they could barely return to his dantian.

He suddenly collapsed on the ground, took out several pills, and meditated to recover.

At Yin Shijiu's place, it only took some time to kill all the wolves, and there were more than a thousand two-headed demon wolves gathered around the cold male cultivator and the foreign woman.

Both of them understood that they could not keep any tricks. As time went by, at most one hour, if they did not kill all the 10,000 two-headed demon wolves, those killed demon wolves would be resurrected again under the rules of Tianyuan.

Time was urgent, and they could not think too much, so they had to give it a try.

The wolves surrounded the male cultivator. The power barrier on the male cultivator was almost broken. A ball of light burst out from his calm and gloomy eyes. The "roar" was like a sound from the sky. The whole grassland trembled slightly under this cold roar like a giant python. Even all the wolves trembled involuntarily.

A Teng Snake, which was a million times smaller than the ten ancient beasts, twisted its body and slowly circled out from behind the male cultivator. Although its face was extremely blurry, the pressure from the ancient beast directly caused all the wolves to crawl and kneel.

However, the next moment, the wolves seemed to be shocked, "Woo-ow", "Woo-ow", "Woo-ow"... one after another, the wolf howls shook the sky, and the violent ferocity of the silver moon wolf buried deep in their blood was completely aroused by the Teng Snake.

The wolves showed their ferocity and rushed towards the male cultivator like a tide.

Seeing this, the male cultivator opened his mouth and sucked, swallowing the Teng Snake behind him into his stomach. "Roar!" The male cultivator let out a Teng Snake's hissing sound, and his body rose twice as high. His shirt suddenly tore into pieces, and a Teng Snake figure appeared on his chest. His thick arms were covered with dark and shiny scales like a snake's body.

His legs shook, and the ground shook immediately. He dodged and broke into the wolf pack. With a punch, it was like a Teng Snake raging in the sky, and the snake's tail split the mountain. More than a dozen demon wolves were instantly blown away and exploded in mid-air.

A blood mist splashed, and the male cultivator stretched out his scarlet long tongue like a Teng Snake, unconsciously licked the blood of the demon wolf, and smiled, "Hehe", like a dragon and snake, a cloud of blood mist splashed everywhere.

Soon, the unknown green grass was sticky with the blood of the demon wolf, and more than a thousand demon wolves were dead.

The male cultivator stood proudly on the grassland, the breeze gently blowing his long hair. He seemed to enjoy this bloody scene very much, with his eyes slightly closed, quietly smelling the fishy smell that kept pouring into his nose.

In less than a few breaths, the Teng Snake mark on his chest disappeared, and the male cultivator shuddered suddenly, as if the massacre just now was just a dream, so real but unreal.

He shook his head, looked around, and became cold again.

Yin Shijiu saw the Teng Snake vision of the male cultivator, and his heart was slightly chilled. He finally knew the male cultivator's true identity, Yu Hao, a direct descendant of the ancient Yu family who had not appeared in the world for a long time.

This person has had one million Teng Snake blood since childhood. He is the chosen son who practices the Teng Snake Sutra. He is also regarded by the Yu family as the son of the Teng Snake of the present age. He has a body like a Teng Snake, which is very powerful. His strength is extremely extraordinary. In addition, the immortal cultivation method he has practiced has never been shown to the world, which makes people feel deeply afraid.

Now, he has successfully cultivated the top Teng Snake phenomenon among the mysterious and strange phenomena. Moreover, the phenomenon of strength is very rare and difficult to practice. Fortunately, no matter what kind of practice he practices, there is only one phenomenon in the end. This is the truth and iron law of the immortal cultivation world.

Otherwise, the two phenomena will definitely blow him to pieces.

However, Yin Shijiu's shock did not stop. He saw the foreign female cultivator floating in the air, and the black crescent scimitar in her hand drew a circle in front of her. The originally clear and cloudless blue sky was driven away by darkness in the blink of an eye.

A dark crescent moon rose slowly behind her, and the grassland around her was pitch dark.

There were gusts of cold wind, and the wind carried strands of dark silk threads, which shuttled back and forth among the wolves like swimming fish, as if they had woven a black net to catch all the wolves. More than a thousand two-headed demon wolves immediately let out chaotic and uneasy howls.

As the space covering the wolf pack became darker and darker, the wolves' howling gradually decreased, and soon fell into a dead silence, until there was no sound, only gusts of light wind blew up the long skirt of the foreign woman, revealing a pair of delicate, slender, crystal clear long legs, flashing amazingly bright in the entire ink-splashed darkness.

Like a fleeting moment, like a meteor chasing the moon, twenty breaths passed quickly.

The night was over, the sky was clear, and the foreign woman had a trace of blood on her mouth. A bloody grassland with a radius of more than 100 meters appeared out of thin air.

"Splashing ink full moon!"

Yin Shijiu couldn't help but blurt out.

This is a kind of peerless magical power that can increase the pressure of space within a certain range to hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, or even millions of times in an instant. It is the secret and foundation of the Yin family, the second of the top ten families in Zhongzhou.

Obviously, the wolves were pressed into meat paste under an unknown heavy force, and then there was a bloody grassland.

It is said that when the Crescent Moon is cultivated to perfection, the entire space within a hundred miles will disappear in the darkness until it is reorganized into a new space. However, at this time, the space is full of space cracks and space turbulence is rampant, and everything no longer exists.

No one in the Yin family has been able to practice the Mo Yue phenomenon for nearly four hundred years. According to Yin Luanxuan's investigation, only two talented male cultivators in the Yin family have cultivated the Mo Yue phenomenon, and there is no female cultivator.

Could it be that this foreign female cultivator is the peerless genius hidden in the dark of the Yin family?

He thought about it and thought that this possibility is very high, because female cultivators are more compatible with the splashed ink full moon, and the pressure exerted is more powerful.

In less than a cup of tea, Yin Shijiu killed all the remaining two-headed demon wolves.

At this point, the whole world was completely quiet.

"Hu", the soft wind blew, and the four people looked silently behind the wolf pack where they stood before.

"Squeak", a green door slowly rose at the end of the grassland and opened invisibly, revealing the central sky cloud wrapped in white clouds.

At the same time, a faint, invisible murderous aura rose between the four people. Taishan Xing and Yin Shijiu looked at each other and saw the strong murderous intent in each other's eyes.

The two of them moved almost in unison and passed each other.


Author's words:

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