Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 356 Chaos (Tong)

While the blue queen bee was comforting the lion-headed male cultivator, a dragon and a phoenix shadow slowly floated up, as if they sensed the lion-headed male cultivator's unusualness, and merged into his body in an instant.

During the whole process, not only the male cultivator did not notice it, but even the queen bee was unaware of it.

The fourth month and eight days passed, when the number 155 belonging to the evil sect Juexie was erased from the survival list, except for the number 16 that became a small dot, still emitting a faint yellow light, for three full days, the other eleven numbers did not show any signs of movement, and the yellow light was bright.

As the sixth direct disciple of the current master of the evil sect, Juexie, who was almost on par with the Four Beast Sect in the Northern Frontier, the fall of Juexie, naturally someone was watching coldly in the dark.

This person had an eagle nose and hawk eyes, a tall and thin figure, and a gray robe that covered his body. He was fierce and unreleased, which made people shudder. He was Juexie's second senior brother in the late Yuanying period, Duxie.

He was waiting for the closing of the Tianyun Secret Realm. No matter who killed his junior brother, he would kill them all, even if it was Liuyun.

Fairy Zi Yue, as the core descendant of the ancient Zi family in the wilderness, came from her family to participate in the Tianyun Secret Realm because she received guidance from an ancestor of the family. As the owner of the Tianlong Difeng token, she must go through the baptism of blood and fire to get a glimmer of hope in the Tianlong Difeng Secret Realm, and pointed out the direction of the trial for her: the Northern Frontier.

Thirty years ago, she was in the late Jindan stage. She traveled across the oceans and mountains and came to the Northern Frontier five years ago. Hearing that the Tianyun Secret Realm was about to open, she learned through the secret base arranged by the family in the Northern Frontier that other Tianlong Difeng Secret Realm token owners would join this secret realm. This made her deep-seated fighting spirit boil violently. She wanted to meet the heroes of the world and fight against the owners of the same token.

She had this confidence.

Two years ago, Taishan was recruiting strong men. She showed off her skills and got a place to enter the secret realm.

After entering the secret realm, she didn't care about the five hundred miles of induction talisman at all, and destroyed it with a sneer.

In the Tianlu domain, she successfully broke through the strange formations with her family's unique skills, found some rare spiritual materials that are hard to find in the outside world, and also met Juexie who wanted to kill her with one blow.

However, under the test of the last yellow path of the Tianlu, she finally learned the power of the Tianyun Secret Realm. If it weren't for the fact that the entire Tianyun Eight Regions were turned upside down and reshuffled, she and Juexie would never have set foot on such a terrifying yellow path.

The scene of the male cultivator who also owned the Tianlong Difeng token dying like a dog without dignity hit her heart and shocked her soul.

However, when the world was broken, she and Juexie had no way out and could only live towards death. Unexpectedly, although they were seriously injured in the final test, they successfully walked the path and entered Tianyun.

After arriving in Tianyun, she spent three days recovering from her injuries, easily killed a powerful monster, found the space node, and was teleported to the middle circle of Tianyun.

However, the space nodes in the middle circle were changing all the time, wandering, and the thick cumulus fog greatly restricted her spiritual consciousness and the countless soul-eating monsters. For five days, she did not find even one space node, and she also fought a battle with a soul-eating monster.

After she had no way to deal with the opponent, she had to search slowly in the clouds.

Fortunately, the spiritual energy in the middle circle of Tianyun was extremely rich, and some extremely rare spiritual materials grew there.

After fighting and killing two level 6 peak monsters, she collected two kinds of spiritual herbs that were more than 100,000 years old, which almost made her jump with excitement.

Since then, she changed her original intention. Even if she couldn't find the space node, and couldn't go to the inner circle, if she wanted to capture the shapeshifting spirit medicine, she not only needed strong strength, but also a bit of luck. The spirit materials in the middle circle were enough. If she was greedy, she would lose. Good or bad luck was uncertain.

However, it was this idea that completely made her lose the possibility of capturing the shapeshifting spirit medicine.

Only if you are determined and unwavering can you have the opportunity to obtain the shapeshifting spirit medicine.

If you doubt yourself and deny your own ideas, even the only chance will go away.

This was the eleventh day she entered the middle circle. Not far in front of her, a small silver dot kept jumping in the clouds.

She couldn't help but think with joy: Could it be that there was a turnaround for the unintentional planting of willows and the lack of desire?

She calmed down a little, her pupils turned purple, and the silver dot suddenly became dozens of times larger, and the speed completely slowed down. A purple light came out of her eyes, and instantly filled the fifty-foot space where the silver dot was, and the cloud was dyed purple.


A clear bell-like laugh came out, and Zi Yue seemed to be walking slowly but actually very fast towards the space node.

The silver dot seemed to have spirituality, constantly tumbling in the purple mist. It was like a fish trapped in a purple fishing net. No matter how it struggled, it could not break free.


Just when she was about to touch the silver dot, a plain voice came from behind her, directly shattering the purple mist, and the silver dot disappeared like a fish swimming in the sea.

Although the word "slow" caught her off guard, it could not affect her stable node, and then was transmitted to the inner circle.

However, she still stopped. First, the tone of the person seemed plain but there was an unquestionable firmness; second, even if she activated the space node, as long as the other party played a heavy hand behind her, she would fall into the space crack and die in it.

She held back her anger, slowly turned around, and looked at Zhang Dong, who stepped out of the mist with an ordinary face.

When she saw Zhang Dong, her heart suddenly jumped for no reason. This person seemed inconspicuous, but he gave her a heavy pressure like a mountain. It can be seen how extraordinary his strength is. Could it be the Crazy Blade Wuji of the Body Sect?

No, she immediately denied it. Crazy Blade Wuji had a hint of the tyranny of the knife, but this person completely hid himself, like a dormant volcano.

However, once it erupted, it would be very terrible, and she did not intend to fight with this person.

"Hand over your storage bag and I will spare your life!"

Just as she was thinking about how to start, Zhang Dong said calmly.

This sentence, like a wisp of fire, instantly ignited the anger in her heart. She was not afraid of this person, but she was unwilling to expose her strength before entering the inner circle.

She was also a decisive and ruthless person, otherwise she would not have risen from the powerful Zi family and become the official heir of the first side branch except the main family.

The Zi family is divided into the main family and five major collateral branches. The main family dominates the Zi family's right to speak, but the collateral branches are the foundation and root of the main family, especially the first collateral branch, whose strength is almost equal to that of the main family. As the descendant of the first collateral branch, she not only has the qualification to enter the family's Zihuan Cave Heaven for cultivation at any time, but also enjoys the first right to cultivate the Zi family's top-level heavenly technique "Purple Eye Transformation".

"Storage bag, I think you are still dreaming and have not woken up yet. You are so shameless. Believe it or not, I will kill you like chopping a chicken!"

Zi Yue's whole body is surrounded by purple light, and her eyes are full of purple. Her momentum is rising steadily, and soon she reaches the realm of half-step Yuanying.

"Hand over the storage bag and I will spare your life!"

Zhang Dong saw this, still expressionless, and said lightly.


Zi Yue laughed in anger, raised her jade hand lightly, and a purple spirit sword broke through the air. With a wave of her hand, a purple sword wave swept towards Zhang Dong who remained calm.


Zhang Dong spread his legs, lowered his body slightly, and punched the sword wave.

The fist force was like a mountain, and the purple sword wave seemed to have hit a huge iron mountain, and disappeared without leaving a few sword marks.

"Purple Qi from the East!"

Zi Yue seemed to have anticipated the current outcome. She held the sword in both hands, stood in front of her chest, and slashed at the fist force that had not been worn out much.

A purple sword mark as thin as a hair seemed to come from the eastern sky, silently splitting the fist force in two, and slashing towards Zhang Dong as fast as lightning.


Too sharp!

Zhang Dong's hair stood up, and his fists swung like hemp. In an instant, hundreds of fist forces broke through the air, and only then did they break the extremely sharp purple sword mark.

Before he could catch his breath, he heard a few words that made his whole body numb:

"Purple pupils appear, and cultivation is in chaos!"

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