Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 370: Unstoppable

While Yin Qi was mumbling to himself, Wang Lu soared up from the huge pit where he fought a life-and-death battle with Yu Hao. He looked at the thick clouds, unfolded his body skills, and turned to leave.

His cultivation had broken through to the final step of the late Jindan stage, but don't underestimate this step. If Wang Lu found a place to practice here for about a year, he might be able to break through the bottleneck of the late Jindan stage. In the outside world, it would take at least ten years of hard practice to do it.

However, with the improvement of his cultivation, his magic power has become much deeper, and at the same time, his spiritual consciousness has also been improved to a certain extent.

The most important thing is that he has completely completed the first page of "Kui Niu Treading the Sky" and the first level of the first level of the muscular and bone realm and the second level of the meridian realm, and officially stepped into the early stage of the third level of the blood realm.

He now felt that his skin and flesh were like endless white clouds in the sky. Even if he was chopped by a knife or a sword for years, there would still be no trace left. Every bone in his body was wrapped in a layer of extremely dense black light. Even if his six-star arched moon blade was without any resistance, it would take dozens of times to completely cut it off.

The main meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians in his body were widened by three times, and each meridian was covered with a thick and dense black light like bones.

Before the widening, the blood flowed like a stream. Now his meridians are like a river, and the blood is like a turbulent river, rushing forward, which makes his strength increase again.

Don't underestimate him for just entering the blood realm. His blood seems to be purified. Not only is it much thicker, but it is like a flood mixed with mud and rocks in the meridians and blood vessels, continuously providing Wang Lu with the domineering power to smash a small mountain into ashes with one punch.

In less than an hour, Wang Lu found a high mountain.

On the straight and smooth cliff, there grows a dragon snake orchid that is over 100,000 years old and one of the main materials for refining the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

This Ganoderma lucidum exudes a strong musky smell that is refreshing, but a sixth-level peak mutant fire snake is entangled on a protruding branch less than ten feet away from the agave.

Wang Lu jumped down without hesitation, not giving the fire snake a chance to resist. A punch as heavy as a mountain "bang" exploded the fire snake into powder. He quickly used a sub-blade of the Six-Star Arched Moon Blade to cut the dragon snake orchid from the root and put it away.

He was very lucky. A small silver dot jumped out from nowhere. His eyes shot out a ball of crystal light as condensed as pulp, fixed the silver dot, and cast a spell to break the space.

Silver light covered his body, and Wang Lu disappeared in the silver light in an instant.

In a trance, he was teleported to the middle circle of the sky cloud.

He knew that in the thick clouds in the middle circle, there were thousands of soul-eating monsters incarnated from the sixth-level peak monsters that were difficult to deal with.

He shouted softly, and a ball of black light enveloped him. This was the defensive means given to him by the body of strength and the Hundred Refinements into Gang. In Wang Lu's opinion, after he entered the blood realm, although this circle of black light was far from his "all-embracing, round and integrated" state, it was enough for self-defense.

This was much stronger than the spiritual power circle constructed by his pure mana.

Time was urgent, and Wang Lu had no intention of killing the monsters guarding the spiritual materials of heaven and earth. What he wanted was to enter the inner circle quickly and as soon as possible to prevent the spiritual medicine of transformation from being taken by others.

Thinking of the shape-changing spiritual medicine, he was extremely anxious. There were countless strong people coming to the Tianyun Secret Realm this time. There were not only the top ten masters who obtained the Tianlong Difeng token, but also the five geniuses who were determined to compete with the Tianlong Difeng token holders and were hiding in the dark. There were even some low-key people who pretended to be pigs and ate tigers. If all of them were as abnormally powerful as Yu Hao, maybe two shape-changing spiritual medicines would not be enough for them to share.

How could he not be anxious? He was so anxious that he almost stamped his feet and screamed.

Although he knew that he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, he still kept shuttling in the thick clouds and mist, flying back and forth. For a whole half day, he didn't encounter even a small silver dot.

"Fuck, you grandma, come out, come out quickly!"

Wang Lu roared in his heart.

After thinking it over, he really had no idea. Even though his current speed had surpassed Fang Tian's peak, he still couldn't reach the center of the circle.


Wang Lu shouted, extremely angry, and punched the endless clouds.


Like a mountain torrent splashing and a volcanic eruption, the clouds rose into the sky like a mushroom cloud. Within a radius of five miles, the clouds no longer blocked his sight and were swept away.

Seeing this scene, Wang Lu suddenly had a thought.

Since you don't show up, I'll force you out.


Wang Lu shouted wildly, and the orange floating clouds came to his head like a wave. He opened his mouth and sucked the clouds. The clouds were swallowed into his stomach like a wisp of spiritual energy. He gathered all his strength and came to the denser clouds five miles away, punching without thinking.



"Boom boom"


With the combined blessing of his full magic power and all his strength, Wang Lu's power was unprecedentedly great, and the clouds and mist rushed backwards like a frightened beast.

Wang Lu's non-stop, continuous punches continued to scatter the clouds and mist like a torrent. He swept away the clouds and mist for a thousand miles, so that some mountains, rivers, and those guarding the treasures of heaven, materials and earth within a thousand miles were swept away. The monsters were like frightened birds, dropping their spiritual materials and fleeing one after another, but Wang Lu didn't even look at them. All he wanted was the space node that was about to drive him crazy and couldn't be hidden.

Compared with the elixir of transformation, these spiritual materials are just a pile of rubbish!

At the same time, under the endless power of Wang Lu, a small silver dot fled in a hurry.


Wang Lu couldn't suppress the ecstasy in his heart, and shot towards the small silver dot that was like a fish in water in the clouds and mist at an extreme speed of 450 feet per breath.

Ten breaths later, the silver dot seemed to realize that he really couldn't outrun the pervert behind him, who was just like stepping on white clouds twenty days ago, and completely gave up the idea of ​​​​escape.

"Haha, you ran away, why didn't you run away?" Wang Lu came to the side of the silver dot with a smile, shot out a spell, stopped it, and continued, "Don't think about running away, wait until I go back to pick it up. After collecting those three rare spiritual materials, I will let you go."

After Wang Lu Youzai effortlessly collected three spiritual materials that were over 100,000 years old, he came to a silver dot that was motionless and seemed to despise him. He smiled "hehe" and said, Just point it out.

Silver light bloomed like fireworks, and Wang Lu disappeared again.

He shouted in his heart: Inner Circle, I'm coming!

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