Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 377 Seeking Death



Two short, quick, piercing screams burst out from the two Mei Shuangs, and the black and red light ring that wrapped the monk suddenly shattered. She had no time to react and was cut into pieces by a ball of green and yellow light.

"Hmph, you're lucky!"

As soon as the monk finished speaking, a panicked pink light ball fled to the distance at a high speed.

Although Mei Shuang possessed the rare ten thousand year old spirit milk to restore her magic power, the two almost uninterrupted super-powerful magical powers still put a great burden on her body, which gave the monk a chance to breathe.

So, in the third breath, the monk aimed at Mei Shuang who was casting a spell, but the problem came. He couldn't tell which of the two Mei Shuangs was the real one. At the critical moment, he had no choice but to gamble. When Mei Shuang was about to issue "threading the needle and piercing the space", he fled to her at an extreme speed and cut her into pieces completely.

It was obvious that this Mei Shuang was just her vision, not her real body.

When he escaped to Mei Shuang's side, the real body of Mei Shuang immediately reacted. The monk was too powerful. Under her two extreme magical powers, his aura did not drop at all, and he was still so powerful. Now, her magical power has been broken, and the only thing he could do was run!

When Mei Shuang escaped at high speed, the little girl rode on the carp grass monster, watching the two extremely fierce battles in the sky and on the ground with her big round eyes like stars.

Liuyun was a little calmer with his cloud-stepping body skills, but he was often forced out of the clouds by Qingpeng, while the male cultivator with a lion head mask held a red spirit sword in his hand, and under the blessing of the mighty vision of Bi'an, he kept waving it, and pieces of sea of ​​fire gushed out, but he was still defeated by the strange fire of the two-headed flame lion, and was surrounded by eight extraordinary level six peak monsters, with no escape.

Without the help of the soul-summoning bee, he had used all his means and could only protect himself. As time went by, he was very likely to be buried in the belly of the monster, which made his eyes appear a little panicked.

In fact, the same situation as him was Mei Shuang, who was escaping at a very fast speed.

Even if she had tried her best to escape, the gap between the monk and her was getting smaller and smaller. Would she really be buried here?

This made her think of a lot of things:

She had been the proud daughter of the Mei Sect since she was a child, and she was also endowed with the "fragrant charm" spiritual root. The Mei Sect had not had such a spiritual root that matched the "Heavenly Charm Secret" for nearly three thousand years.

She was carefully cultivated by the Mei Sect. After she established her foundation, she ran out of the door in anger because of a quarrel with her mother. Without telling anyone, she went to the weakest Western Desert in the Five Regions thousands of miles away. With her super strength and profound background, she gradually gained a foothold in the Blood Battle City and made a name for herself.

However, she was still found by the Mei Sect, and brought back to the sect from the vast sea through the relationship of the Miao Nian Sect.

After returning to Meizong, after all the bloody storms and hardships over the years, the mother and daughter finally reconciled, and her cultivation level also improved by leaps and bounds, reaching the late Jindan stage and being recognized by the mysterious organization, and obtaining a Tianlong Difeng token.

After she entered the late Jindan stage, when she accompanied her mother to meet a super sect that was friendly with Meizong, she showed her stunning appearance to the world for the first time without covering her face, which immediately made a genius disciple of that sect make a great wish to marry her in this life, but she did not appreciate it and refused with extreme indifference.

So far, super sects came to Meizong to form a marriage in an endless stream, and various genius disciples competed for it, but Mei Shuang was unmoved. She was determined to pursue the immortal way as her ultimate goal, and resolutely refused. She would rather die than marry others, let alone meet them.

Her mother, Madam Mei, was helpless. Her daughter had made up her mind to die and never marry. Besides, the Mei Sect was a super sect in Zhongzhou, so she was not afraid of offending anyone, so she let it go.

When Mei Shuang heard that the Tianyun Secret Realm was opened, a voice told her that this was a great opportunity to get the Transfiguration Spirit Medicine. At the same time, she didn't want to stay in the sect. The endless stream of suitors made her increasingly bored, so she came to the Northern Frontier, accompanied by two Yuanying stage Great Perfection strongmen.

However, now that the Transfiguration Spirit Medicine has not been captured, she will be swallowed by the monk and turned into a pile of yellow soil. From dust to dust, she will never forget the rough man with stubble on his face in the fake Nether Tomb in the Western Desert Sea, Chen Yong!

Not only did he take away her virginity, but what she couldn't stand was that the man actually yelled at her violently when she was in a state of panic: Cry, cry again, I'll kill you...

After a long time with him, she had the chance to take his life with her own hands, but she didn't do it in the end. She left alone, and was taken to Miao Nian Sect with mixed feelings and returned to Mei Sect.

That man was just a passing guest in her heart, but her life was about to end. She didn't think about anything, but the man's figure kept flashing in front of her eyes.

Perhaps, it was her youthful recklessness that made her lose her virginity to such an ugly man, but it was also that rough-faced man who made her miss others for the first time, but so far away.

She suddenly stopped and looked at the monk in the distance who was smiling like a cat teasing a mouse. Even if she died, she would drag him into hell.

With a cold expression, she took out a red bead with red lightning. This giant red thunder bead carried the power of the giant red fairy thunder with 36% of the thunder of the day. Once thrown out, everything within a radius of ten miles would instantly turn into ashes, including herself, and would also disappear into thin air.

Even if the monk's defense was abnormally strong, he could not escape death.

The monk's figure was getting closer and closer, and he would arrive in six breaths at most.

Mei Shuang held the giant red thunder bead tightly, and the breeze fluttered her black veil. She stared at the monk who was about to go to hell with her, full of calmness and determination.

Five breaths, four breaths, three breaths, the monk seemed to sense something and suddenly stopped in the distance.

A black figure, at a speed that surprised him, came from far to near and became clear bit by bit at lightning speed.

The man was covered in black clothes, and his whole body was full of cheetah-like strength. His face was firm and his eyebrows were clear. He was like a mountain, falling from the sky. With a "clang", he stood firmly in front of Mei Shuang, whose face was full of shock and determination to die. No matter how strong the wind, frost, snow and rain were, he remained motionless and protected her behind him indestructibly.

Wang Lu looked at the monk five miles away indifferently, and the anxiety in his heart, like a flood, was completely put down.

He didn't dare to imagine what terrible consequences would be if he came a breath or two later.

He didn't turn around to look at the woman covered with black veil, because he already knew that the woman was Sun Xue who didn't take his life at the beginning, and made him fall into confusion and leave without saying goodbye.

Wang Lu calmly spit out two words to the monk: "Looking for death!"


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