Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 385: Encirclement and Killing

Yin Shijiu was in the air above the Tianchi Lake, and he flew down the mountain at high speed without stopping. In less than five breaths, he arrived in front of the formation. The black sword cast a spell, and the formation immediately revealed a gap.

Yin Shijiu flew out of the formation without even looking. At the moment he flew out of the formation, a figure soared into the sky. The figure waved lightly, and a flying treasure in the shape of a carriage stopped steadily in the air. The figure and Yin Shijiu flew into it almost at the same time. The flying car made a "swish" sound and turned in the air. After a breath, it was already seven hundred feet away, and the speed was so fast that even the peak level eight monster beast could not catch up.

Then, the crowd was boiling again. Mei Shuang, a member of the Mei Sect, covered with black veil, appeared in the vortex. The female cultivator had a graceful figure, her beautiful eyes looked at the survival list, and flew to the formation.

As soon as she flew out of the formation, two figures flew towards her at high speed.


The two people crossed each other, and the air wave swept the entire Tianyun Square, and the square shook violently.

At the same time, when people were surprised, a ship-shaped flying treasure suddenly appeared in the air. Mei Shuang's beautiful eyes lit up slightly, and she flashed into it. The ship shook and disappeared instantly.

"Wanli Flying Boat!"

A young man in the late Yuanying stage, whose figure was like a spear piercing the sky and the sky, who had crossed the two figures before, looked at the disappearing flying boat and said hatefully.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Xue has a wide range of knowledge, I admire him very much."

The charming young woman of the Yuanying Great Perfection of Mei Sect laughed like a silver bell.

"Xue Qingqiang was destroyed by the hands of Mei Shuang of your sect. I hope that next time, she can be so lucky and have you by her side. Humph, my Xue family will remember this grudge." The young man with long hair tied up casually with a red rope said calmly.

"Life and death are determined by fate. If you are not afraid of death, just come, and my Mei Sect will take it." The young woman restrained her smile and said nonchalantly.

The young man said nothing more. With the speed of the Wanli Flying Boat, Mei Shuang was already thousands of miles away. It was too late to chase her. Besides, there was also Qin Mei, a great master in the late Nascent Soul stage, standing by her side.

Xue Qingqiang was a rare and unique figure in the Xue family in the past thousand years. Whoever killed him would pay a heavy price.

His eyes condensed slightly, snorted coldly, and then disappeared.

Qin Mei Zhenren was relieved to see Mei Shuang being sent away safely. This mission was successfully completed.

She would not worry about anyone's threats. The current Mei Sect has reached its peak since its founding. There are seven masters in the God Transformation Stage, and the strength of the Sect Master Madam Mei is firmly among the top five masters in the God Transformation Stage in Zhongzhou.

In less than a few breaths, a figure escaped from the whirlpool of two feet in radius at lightning speed. The person was wearing a lion head mask. It was the one hundred and fifty-two Five Beasts.

When the black sword saw this person, a hole was immediately torn in the formation. The five beasts did not stop at all. With a "swoosh", they flew out of the gap at high speed like a sharp arrow.

At the moment when the five beasts came out, a sharp and gray sword aura suddenly appeared beside him, as if waiting for the five beasts to hit him head-on.


Thousands of people held their breath and watched the five beasts being swallowed by the sudden and sharp sword aura. "Roar", like the roar of a giant beast, the sky and the earth shook violently, and a burly, tall and muscular iron man retracted his iron fist expressionlessly, looked at the thin and tall figure looming in the air, and said sarcastically: "Stealing chickens and dogs is the usual style of your evil sect, right, Lord Poisonous Evil?"


Poisonous Evil did not answer at all, and gently slashed the iron man with his sword, "Ka Ka Ka Ka...", the space was shattered in a gray sword mark one hundred feet long, and the sword mark appeared in the eyes of the iron man in an instant.


The sturdy man saw this and suddenly became three times bigger, like a giant, with blue veins all over his fists and a blood-red face. He stomped his foot hard in the air, and a circle of invisible waves surged out, facing the indestructible gray sword mark.

"Boom boom"

A huge cloud rushed into the sky at the junction of the wave and the sword mark, and it took a while to completely calm down, and Duxie and Tiehan also disappeared.

The five beasts looked up at the survival list, slapped a blood-colored talisman on their bodies, and a blood light exploded, and the five beasts were teleported away.

"Not bad, not bad, an intermediate blood escape talisman." Looking at the five beasts sent away by the blood escape talisman, Yin Qi couldn't help but admire.

But, what's wrong with that kid Wang Lu? The vortex has shrunk by nearly half, and it will be completely annihilated in a moment.

"Number 77, Tai Shanxing of the Tai family!"

Just when he was a little worried about Wang Lu, waves of voices came from afar. The handsome and steady Tai Shanxing flew out of the formation faster than lightning, but this time no one came forward to stop him. He flew calmly towards the direction of the Su Mansion.

In this Tianyun Secret Realm, Tai Qingyu and Tai Qin were both buried in it. He became the final winner and the only heir of the Tai family.

As soon as Tai Shanxing entered the Su Mansion, he was surprised that the old woman, the head of the Tai family, was sitting steadily in the square, waiting for his arrival with a kind face.

Gathered around her were all the Yuanying stage cultivators of the Tai family, including Tai Qingyu's parents and Tai Qin's parents. His sister Tai Shanxiu was so happy that she cried. Although Tai Haikong was much more stable, the joy in his eyes still flowed out faintly.

"Grandson Tai Shanxing greets the head of the family!" Tai Shanxing's face straightened, knelt on one knee, and said respectfully.

"Shanxing, my son, get up. Now I officially declare that from today on, Taishanxing is the only heir of my Tai family, and no one can have any objection." The old woman slowly stood up from the chair and said calmly and without question.

Then, a hazy yellow token floated in front of Taishanxing. Taishanxing kowtowed three times and bowed nine times to Zhixing, and took off the identity token that symbolized the heir.

On the surface of Tianchi Lake, the whirlpool was less than ten feet. Liuyun, who was dressed in white with clear eyebrows and eyes, and handsome and free and easy, walked out of the whirlpool step by step, as if he was walking on the wind.


Seeing Liuyun appear, Heijian couldn't help but burst into a strong laugh. The black sword on his back broke through the formation like a flash of lightning and came to Liuyun. Liuyun stepped on it calmly, and a ball of black light wrapped him. In less than two breaths, Liuyun had come to his side.

"Looking for death!"

Heijian shouted coldly, and the heavy black sword disappeared in an instant.

"Ah! Ah!"

Before anyone could react, two short and rapid screams were heard.

Tianyun Square was crowded with people. In two corners, two strands of black sword threads seemed to be spiritual. An old man with a strong aura like the sun was about to draw his sword, but a strand of black sword thread had already passed through his heart. Before the scream spread, the body fell heavily to the ground, causing everyone to exclaim and flee in all directions.

At the same time, another strand of sword thread silently and faster than lightning pierced the forehead of a late Yuanying great monk who was like thunder lingering all over his body, directly crushing his soul. This great monk never figured out where this strand of sword thread came from and why it started until his death. He was Lei Gui's third senior brother, Bao Lei.

When his body fell to the ground with his eyes open in a daze, the powerful and domineering voice of Hei Jian had spread throughout Tianyun Square: "Lieyang Sect, Xing Lei Old Ghost, I, Hei Jian, am always waiting for you, haha!"

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