Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 39 Return to the Sect

Wang Lu stayed awake and awake for half a year without eating or drinking. When Zi Jiu was rescued, his tense heartstrings finally relaxed.

Although he was already exhausted, he still insisted on returning to the city lord's mansion and informed Lu Shun of the important news.

When he woke up, two days later, the first thing he did was to check on Zi Jiu. He felt the calm breath of the little butterfly and felt completely relieved.

After tidying up his clothes a little, Shi Shiran walked out of the room and asked the guard to notify Lu Shun.

In the hall, maids served tea and water.

This experience in Tingyushan made him know that there are people outside the world, and it also made him understand that Zijiu is connected with his life, and it also made him feel the cruelty and ruthlessness of the world of immortality.

Those Qi-refining monks who practice casual cultivation have cheap magic weapons and few ways to save their lives. Since he followed his master Qiu Huaren into the world of immortal cultivation, he has never experienced the sadness and helplessness of casual cultivators, so much so that he would be happy even if he had ten low-grade spiritual stones. For a long time, this made him cherish his existing identity and resources even more.

As a minor cultivator of the Talisman, he still has a long, long way to go. He must always be careful and push himself, so that he can go further on the road of cultivating immortality.

While he was deep in thought, Lu Shun walked in.

Wang Lu told the story in more detail, but omitted the matter of being seized by the ghost king and treating Zi Jiu.

At the same time, he solemnly promised him that after returning to the sect, he would report to the sect and compensate the Lu family for this loss. He would try his best to get one or two foundation-building pills for the Lu family.

After hearing this, Lu Shun said gratefully: "Life and death are determined by fate, and things in the world are unpredictable. Thank you very much for asking for the Lu family's help. If the emperor has any needs in the future, the Lu family will go all out."

Wang Lu said: "The master of the palace made a strong statement, but even if your brother is gone, I can't do anything about it. I'm deeply sorry."

Then he told him the news that he was about to return to the clan. After several attempts to persuade him to stay in Lushun, he agreed to stay for three more days.

The next day, Wang Lu took Lu Shun to the unknown mountain. Lu Shun found Lu Ming's body, quietly collected it, and took it back to be buried in the Lu family's ancestral hall.

On the third day, when Wang Lu was about to embark on his journey back to his clan, Lu Shun took out a piece of blue ore from his storage bag. The ore bloomed with blue light and was very beautiful.

Lu Shun said: "This is a piece of cyan ore mined from the sapphire mine. The quality of the jade is excellent, surpassing the quality of top-grade sapphire. Such sapphire is a priceless treasure in the secular world, but it is worthless in the world of immortality. Our Lu family is also I don’t have anything good to give to Shangzong, so I will give him this sapphire to wish Shangzong a safe journey and a speedy foundation.”

Wang Lu took the sapphire, and his whole palm was wrapped in a faint green light. It was really strange. He accepted the sapphire, said thank you and see you later to Lu Shun, then stepped on the withered eagle and flew away through the sky.

Along the way, Wang Lu stopped and walked, and when he came to a prosperous town, he went to see it. After all, he was a young man who liked excitement and new things.

He lived in a big city named Linshui for seven days. He fell in love with the restaurant's Zhuyeqing wine and fresh river fish. Sitting in the restaurant and watching the colorful clouds and golden sunset made him feel relaxed and comfortable. .

Go to some places with beautiful mountains and rivers, feel the majesty and beauty given by nature, and feel the magic and mystery of creation.

He would also lie on the endless grass at night, with the night wind blowing and the stars in the night sky seeming to be telling him something.

Half a year later, Wang Lu returned to the sect.

When he returned to Futang, he met senior sister Xie Lingyun who was about to go out. When Xie Lingyun saw him, she said in surprise: "Hey, I haven't seen you for more than a year. My brother has become more and more handsome. But I miss you so much. Come on, Give my sister a good look at my good brother, and tell me about my experiences over the past year."

Xie Lingyun grabbed Wang Lu's hand and dragged him in, leaving many monks who came to buy the talisman and seals dumbfounded.

Xie Lingyun saw this and yelled: "What are you looking at? Have you never seen a fairy? If anyone looks at it again, we will no longer sell the magic talismans to him in the future."

Everyone suddenly dispersed and pretended not to be there.

Wang Lu was pulled to a side hall by Xie Lingyun, and at the same time he notified Bai Yifan and Yun Zibo of his return to the clan.

In the side hall, Xie Lingyun looked at Wang Lu carefully, sometimes nodding, sometimes shaking his head. Wang Lu was embarrassed by her and said: "Senior sister, please sit down, I will tell you about this trip to Yucheng. matter."

"Haha, my brother is still shy. Well, let me hear your experience." Xie Lingyun said with a beautiful smile.

"I accepted the mission, sent a message to the hall master and left. It took more than two months to reach Tingyu City and found the head of the Lu family... Later, I met a very powerful monk in a cave. His remnant soul almost never came back..." Wang Lu picked out some important things to say to Xie Lingyun, and also talked to her about some of his own feelings.

Xie Lingyun looked at Wang Lu, who was lost in memories, and thought of protection in her heart. She was very pleased to hear his understanding of the world of immortality, especially when Wang Lu said that the top-quality defensive magic weapon she gave had a great effect. , and even burst into laughter.

Suddenly thinking of something, Wang Lu took out the piece of sapphire from his storage bag. For half a year, Wang Lu polished it when he had nothing to do, while thinking about what he wanted to carve, and finally decided to make it into a crescent moon.

Seeing the crescent-moon sapphire with brilliant blue light, Xie Lingyun snatched it from his hand with a bright smile and said, "Is my brother going to give it to his sweetheart or to my sister?"

Hearing this, Wang Lu suddenly thought of Li Mouqing in a water-green dress and Chen Yaer in a flawless white jade. His face turned slightly red and he said, "What sweetheart? Of course, I'll give it to my most beautiful Senior Sister Lingyun."

Xie Lingyun was as happy as a little girl. She played with the crescent-shaped jade carefully and said happily, "What's its name?"

Seeing Senior Sister so happy, Wang Lu thought for a while and said, "Senior Sister, how about calling her Qingyan?"

"Qingyan, the face that remains unchanged for eternity, I like this name!"

Xie Lingyun smiled.

At this time, the hall master Bai Yifan and the uncle of Caifu Hall Yun Zibo walked in.

Bai Yifan asked, "What makes Junior Sister so happy? It turns out that Junior Brother brought you a gift. It is indeed a rare green jade, and it is so ingeniously carved into a crescent moon. Give it to me to see."

"Old man, what are you looking at? Don't ruin my Qingyan."

Xie Lingyun quickly collected Qingyan.

Bai Yifan glanced at Wang Lu, his eyes lit up and he said: "You are very restrained and have a hidden spirit. This is very good. After you come back, start building your foundation. If you need anything, just let me know."

Yun Zibo also said: "Junior brother is the future of our Futang. We are old, especially me. I plan to fight one or two more times. We are very happy that you can come back safely. Let's go to your place tonight for a drink."

Wang Lu saw that the three of them cared about him like family. He felt deeply guilty and deeply moved. He nodded and said: "Then I will be disrespectful to refuse. Uncle, you have to prepare wine and food, but I also brought some good things for the two brothers."

Wang Lu took out two jars of Bamboo Leaf Green, patted off the seal, and a light and rich wine aroma floated out. Bai Yifan and Yun Zibo were overjoyed to take the Bamboo Leaf Green.

"Good wine!"

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