Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 394: Piercing Stone

Xia Liang had not yet entered the house. Xia Yu, Wang Lu, and Song Li, who was cooking in the kitchen, also came to the living room. After twenty breaths, the strong Xia Liang recovered from the shock and surprise. .

But he returned to the yard, picked four cucumber fish weighing about three kilograms from the fish pond, put them into the fish basket, and handed them to his wife Song Li with a smile.

After Song Li entered, he came to Wang Lu and said excitedly: "I'm just a big boss. Don't blame the immortals. Our Xia family has lived here for hundreds of years, and we have also seen some immortal cultivators who fly with swords. The speed is extremely fast. A single spell can cause a sea of ​​fire or wind, rain, thunder and lightning. I also adhere to the rules passed down by the older generation. Not to mention provoking those immortals, when I see it, I wish I could grow two more legs. How many Run as far as you can. Hey, in fact, during the month when you were in coma, even though you didn't drink a grain of water, your body was gradually getting better. I suspected at that time that you might be an immortal. Well, let alone us mortals, if we don’t eat or drink for a month, we will die of hunger and thirst in just ten days.”

Hearing this, Wang Lu laughed "haha" and said: "In terms of age, I am older than you. I am almost a hundred years old. I just took a beauty pill, and in the world of immortality, appearance is not used to judge dignity. It's about the level of realm. Just like, I am now in the Golden Core stage, and my life span in the Golden Core stage is about five hundred years. I am less than a hundred years old, which is equivalent to the youth of a mortal. Yu'er rescued me. Maybe I was completely swallowed up by the sea. Once I drifted to the depths of the Linglong Sea, I might have been swallowed up by the powerful sea beasts in it. You and I shouldn't be polite. We are friends with each other. What do you think? ,Brother Xia?”

When Xia Liang heard that the unattainable immortal wanted to pull him up to be equal to him, he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. He knew that immortal cultivators are moody people, and they would fall out of love faster than turning over a book. Maybe as soon as he agreed, the next moment, he would His death was unclear.

"Uh, uh, uh..." Xia Liang was speechless.

Wang Lu saw his doubts and explained to him: "Actually, we immortal cultivators are not as scary as the legends say. We are fighting for our lives against the sky, competing with time, and snatching the essence from the world. At the same time, we also have illusions. The inner demons without a solution, but without a strong mind when breaking through the situation, the inner demons will take advantage of the situation and become the material for the demons. Every word we say is a cause. If we do If you fail to do so or violate your original intention, you will receive corresponding karmic retribution, so don’t worry, Brother Xia, although there are differences between immortals and mortals, they just take different paths."

Wang Lu paused for two breaths, then changed the topic: "In the world of cultivating immortals, fighting for a spiritual grass is often life-and-death, and bloodshed abounds. The two of you must seriously consider it. Once you step into the world of cultivating immortals, In the fairy world, people live a life of fear and fear almost every day, and they are always thinking about how to earn spiritual stones to improve their cultivation. Of course, the benefits are also obvious, that is, they have super long life and the ability to move mountains and seas that ordinary people do not have. , the heaven-defying magical power that shatters the stars, choose only one of the two."


Xia Yu screamed out when he heard that people in the world of immortality were either killing people or being killed and being chased by time like a bereaved dog.

In his opinion, as long as he is an immortal cultivator, he will live forever and be able to control the wind and rain. Who would have thought that there would be so many difficulties and struggles.

However, he made a decision almost instantly, knelt down in front of Wang Lu, kowtowed several times, and said firmly: "Xia Yu is willing to become my master, and his determination will remain unchanged in this life."

"Okay, very good, you get up first. Cultivation is divided into law cultivation and body refining. The ultimate goal of cultivating the law is to ascend the Three Thousand Avenues. For example, Master, majoring in one of the talismans; while body refining pursues one's ultimate power and steps on it. With the legendary power, many monsters are often so powerful that they can shatter the void with ease."

Wang Lu paused and then said: "The prerequisite for cultivating the law is to have spiritual roots. However, my disciple, you have no spiritual roots. There is no hope for you to practice the law." Seeing that Xia Yu and Xia Liang heard his words As he said, the two of them looked ashen and disheartened. Xia Yu's eyes were filled with tears, and he was about to shed tears on his clothes.

Then, Wang Lu smiled and continued, "However, Master, I am a practitioner of both law and martial arts. I not only practice martial arts, but also embark on the path of body refining. Of course, once the body refiner taps out his own power, he will be destroyed." A small mountain has no power to blow away, it is as simple as drinking water and breathing. It is no problem for those who are stronger to catch the stars and the moon, or shatter the mountains and seas. This is called one force to conquer ten. No matter how strong other people's magic is, just With its own strength, it can kill the strong and become immortal."

After Wang Lu finished speaking, Xia Yu suddenly burst into laughter. His face turned red and his eyes were full of life again. He couldn't wait to ask: "Master, how powerful are you? Can you defeat those immortal cultivators?"

"Haha, now the master has been seriously injured. It can take anywhere from five years to three years to fully recover. As for my strength, Yu'er, you will know it later, but what I want to tell you is that after training, The road is very arduous and extremely difficult to walk. It requires a huge amount of resources to accumulate. To put it bluntly, it means filling it with mountains of spiritual stones. Hey, it’s a little early to tell you this. Come to my stone house tonight and slowly You will understand.”

Wang Lu looked at his disciple who had regained his confidence. He didn't want to undermine his confidence. Everything was a gradual process. Anyway, it would take at least three years for his injury to recover.

As long as he has entered the Muscle and Bone Realm in these three years, it will be considered a success. As for what will happen next, no one can see through it. He can only take one step at a time.

Wang Lu explained some common sense about the world of immortal cultivation to Xia Liang and Xia Yu in a simple and easy-to-understand way, which made the two of them very excited. Especially little Xia Yu, he wanted to step into the bloody world of immortal cultivation immediately, break through one realm after another, and become an immortal or a Buddha.

After more than an hour, Xia Yu was thirsty, so he took a cup of fine-scale fish tea and took a big sip. Then he found that his mother had already leaned against the doorpost from the living room to the blister room, listening to the conversation of the three people with relish.

At this time, the moon moved in the sky, Xia Liang came back to his senses, "Ah", slapped his thigh suddenly, and said to Song Li: "Mother, why don't you remind us that it's time to eat, come up... Oh, Brother Wang should be hungry too, hurry up and bring the food."

"Okay, I'll help mother."

Xia Yu ran to help his mother bring four small porcelain plates and four pairs of wooden blocks.

The porcelain dish contained some green chili powder mixed with green onions. Song Li picked up a porcelain pot and placed it on the table.

The pot was steaming hot, and golden cucumber fish slices floated in the bright red soup. I don’t know what the red soup was made of. The fish fragrance accompanied by the fragrance of a handful of green plant roots and a few leaves on the soup surface made Wang Lu, who had long been out of touch with the world, feel a whirl in his stomach, and he couldn’t help but want to eat.

Yuer took out a small spoon with a smile, scooped a few spoonfuls of red soup into the porcelain dish in front of Wang Lu, and then stirred it. A green chili fragrance and the fresh fragrance of fish soup lingered together and rushed straight to Wang Lu’s nose.

“Too fragrant!”

Wang Lu exclaimed.

Xia Liang went to the cellar and took out a can of secret local wine. He broke the seal, and the wine fragrance instantly filled the entire living room.

"Master, try my mother's cooking," Xia Yu put a piece of cucumber fish on Wang Lu's plate and continued, "The pickled and steamed cucumber fish is paired with the spicy taste of green peppers and the fragrance of shallots. The taste is simply amazing, especially the ingredients used in the pickling process, which are surprisingly particular. This is my mother's exclusive secret recipe that she has studied for decades."

Wang Lu picked up the wooden chopsticks and picked up the fish fillet. A few drops of red soup fell into the porcelain plate along the fish fillet, exuding a faint fragrance. He put it into his mouth. The fish meat had a hint of spicy green pepper, fresh and tender, melted in the mouth, and was very delicious.

Wang Lu couldn't help but give a thumbs up: "Sister-in-law's craftsmanship is unique!"

Just as Wang Lu was praising, he turned his head to look at Xia Yu. Suddenly, he felt that Yu'er might really have the qualifications to practice "Kui Niu Treading the Sky".

If he could be like his mother Song Li, who has been studying cooking for ten years and persisted in body training: Don't be afraid to do anything, just be afraid to specialize.

A drop of water can wear through a stone!

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