Wang Lu was quietly waiting for the young silver-clad Yinluan Xuan disciple to arrive while sipping his spiritual tea. Less than half a cup of tea later, a graceful female cultivator of the middle stage of the Golden Core walked in with a smile, followed by the middle stage of the Foundation Establishment disciple.

"Haha, the distinguished guest has arrived. Please don't blame Liu Fen for not welcoming you in person," Liu Fen said when she saw Wang Lu standing up, "Daoyou, please take a seat. No matter who you are, you are a distinguished guest of the first-class status of Yinluan Xuan if you have the Golden Throne Order."

As he spoke, Liu Fen handed the Golden Throne Order back to Wang Lu.

"Haha, Daoyou Liu, you are too polite. I also learned about this order by chance. After asking around, I finally understood the origin of this order." Wang Lu stared at the beautiful Liu Fen and laughed.

"Your luck is beyond measure. Congratulations! Those who possess the Golden Throne Token can not only enjoy a 20% discount on all items in our pavilion, but also learn some secrets that others have no way of knowing. I wonder what kind of help our pavilion can provide for your visit this time?"

Liu Fen's beautiful eyes turned. She didn't believe Wang Lu's nonsense.

You know, anyone who possesses the Golden Throne Token has some unique skills or is a person with strong luck. One of the two must be one. According to her observation, the bald man in front of her with a face full of flesh may be a rare martial arts master in the world of immortal cultivation.

With her many years of experience and vision, this man is full of tyrannical and unreasonable power. Although she is one level higher in realm, she can't help but feel a little scared when facing him. Even if she goes all out, she may not be able to retreat unscathed.

It seems that Wang Lu's eyes are intoxicated by her beauty, but in fact, this man doesn't take her seriously at all. It's just a false appearance.

Hearing this, Wang Lu shook his hand and said, "I have two purposes for coming here. Let me tell you the first one first."

"Haha, I'm all ears." Liu Fen laughed like a silver bell.

However, half a minute later, seeing that Wang Lu hadn't spoken yet, just when she couldn't help but speak, Wang Lu slowly took out two jade boxes forged with ten thousand year white crystal jade from the storage bag, placed them on the long rosewood table, and made an opening gesture to her.

Seeing this, Liu Fen's heart was slightly startled. She saw the value of the jade box at a glance. These two ten thousand year white crystal jade boxes, which were as smooth and clean as sheep fat, were worth a lot of money, at least fifty high-grade spirit stones.

As you can imagine, the things in the jade box were even more amazing.

With some expectation and trepidation, she gently waved at the two soul-forbidden talismans on the jade box. The soul-forbidden talismans ignited without fire. She took a deep breath, and her eyes gradually turned red as the jade box slowly opened. When the two jade boxes were fully opened, "Ah", she subconsciously covered her mouth with disbelief.

The silver-robed monk standing behind her was even more shocked, because in an instant, when the jade box was fully opened, the spiritual energy in the room was "plop" and "plop" like boiling water, and it became several times stronger. He couldn't help but greedily swallowed this hard-won and unusual spiritual energy.

It was the intense spiritual agitation caused by the spiritual energy aura emitted by the two 120,000 to 130,000-year-old peerless spiritual herbs in the jade box.

Liu Fen secretly suppressed the shouting and surprise in her heart. In the calm, she raised her jade hand, and the jade box was immediately closed. The two soul-forbidden talismans were tightly attached to the jade box as if they were created out of nothing.

She looked at Wang Lu with a surprised and complicated look, as if she was constantly combining words in her mind. After a pause, she said seriously, "I wonder how you want to deal with these two spiritual herbs?"

"Sell them for me." Wang Lu replied calmly.


Liu Fen was shocked again. These were two rare and long-extinct herbs, the only two main materials for refining the "Tianyu Pill" of the late Yuanying period: Huayu Grass and Tiema Jade.

Moreover, the age of these two spiritual herbs has far exceeded the ten thousand years required for refining, reaching a medicinal age of at least 120,000 years, which can be divided into ten.

With one spiritual material, three pills per bottle and three bottles of Tianyu Pill can be refined. These two main materials can completely allow the alchemy master to perfectly refine at least fifteen bottles of Tianyu Pill.

In her memory, the appearance of Tianyu Pill was 1,300 years ago. Since then, late Yuanying cultivators can no longer use this pill to break through the realm.

It is said that if a great cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage takes a Tianyu Pill, after refining it, it is equivalent to sixty years of hard practice. For a great master in the late Nascent Soul stage who cherishes time like his life and wants to advance to the God Transformation stage, it is as precious as a life-saving elixir.

However, due to the almost extinction of Huayu Grass and Tiemayu, even if one has the perfect recipe for refining this pill, there is no way to start. It is really difficult for a good cook to cook without rice.

Now, the two main medicinal herbs have reappeared in the world. If they appear at the auction held once every three years by Yinluanxuan, it will surely set off a huge wave, and spiritual stones will come in layers like huge waves, shocking the world.

Her status in Yinluanxuan will also rise layer by layer because of these two spiritual herbs, to a level that even she can't imagine.

However, for these two priceless treasures, the person in front of her only wants to exchange them for spiritual stones. Is he already so poor that he has no money?

This made her sigh secretly, but more of it was ecstasy.

You know, these two priceless spiritual herbs can play a decisive role in turning the tide at a critical moment, and their value is beyond estimation.

At this moment, her heart was like thousands of mice scratching her at the same time, jumping up and down. Liu Fen's face flushed under the strong heartbeat, and she was afraid that Wang Lu would regret it, so she put the two jade boxes into her storage bag in an instant.


Seeing this, Wang Lu laughed directly and said: "Yes, as fellow Taoist thought, I am very short of spiritual stones. You'd better pay me 100,000 high-grade spiritual stones now, otherwise, give me the spiritual grass."

"Haha, I lost my composure just now. The spiritual stone is so simple," Liu Fenyu pointed at the wooden door and said happily, "Eighty-seven silver, go to the counter and withdraw 300,000 high-grade spiritual stones. Give it to me within twenty breaths. Send it.”


Yin Baqiu rushed out of the room as fast as he could. Within ten seconds, he respectfully handed a heavy storage bag to Wang Lu.

Wang Lu laughed "haha", accepted it, and put it away.

Opposite Liu Fen nodded secretly and applauded her subordinate's actions.

For six years, Yin Baqiu, who had been silent and calm, was still such a thoughtful person, which immediately impressed her.

Seeing that Wang Lu accepted the spirit stones with satisfaction, Liu Fen's nervous heart finally settled down. She could finally fully occupy these two rare spirit herbs. You must know that the competition in Yinluan Xuan is huge and promotion is difficult. , like ascending to heaven.

With them, her status and identity will rise like a comet, overwhelming and unstoppable.

Seeing that Liu Fen seemed to be immersed in his own thoughts, Wang Lu coughed and said, "By the way, there is a second purpose."


When Liu Fen saw Wang Lu looking at her with a half-smile, a hint of red rose to her cheeks. She straightened her body as if nothing had happened, and said confidently: "Fellow Taoist, whatever you say, as long as I, Liu Fen, can do it, I will do my best." To go."

However, when her confident eyes drifted towards the other party, Wang Lu's words instantly shattered all her arrogance.

"Fellow Taoist, can you give me an identity as a core disciple of the Four Beast Sect that will not be revealed?"

Wang Lu spoke calmly.

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