Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 5 Liupi Mountain

The gourd carried Qiu Huaren and Wang Lu at high speed, and soon flew over the vast mountains of cloud and mist, over the rivers and rivers, over the mountains, and over the plains and rugged hills.

Wang Lu drooped his head and quickly fell asleep.

Qiu Huaren put a coat on him, patted his waist, and a wooden ape appeared in front of him. With a little more magic, the ape stiffly went to the gourd, took out a small sparkling stone and placed it dully. Into a camera obscura.

Seeing this, he nodded with satisfaction and sat cross-legged to meditate.

I don't know how long it took, Wang Lu woke up, his stomach was rumbling with hunger, and he saw his master sitting quietly, but did not disturb him.

He stretched out and suddenly saw an ape standing in front of the big gourd. He couldn't help but ask with childlike innocence: "Big man, when did you come here? Why haven't I seen you?"

The ape turned a deaf ear to Wang Lu's words and stared straight ahead without looking back.

"Disciple, this ape is just a rudimentary puppet made of ironwood. It was made by a friend of the master. It can only understand some of the most basic commands and do some simple actions."

Qiu Huaren heard Wang Lu's voice, ended his practice, and explained to Wang Lu with a smile.

"Lu'er, can you read?"

Qiu Huaren asked.

"Master, I can't read. I heard from my father that Grandpa Chen, the only literate man in the village, died of illness not long after I was born."

"Then let Master teach you while we are on our way."

"Thank you Master!"

"Look, Master is really old. You haven't practiced yet. Take this pill and you won't be hungry anymore."

"Master, it's true. My disciple is not hungry at all after eating it. What is the name of this little ball?"

"It's called Bigu Pill. If you eat one pill, you won't be hungry for a month."

"Master, how can this gourd fly? It has no wings. What is a puppet? Why can't it see outside? Master, you said you are two hundred and sixty years old. The elderly in the village are only eighty or ninety years old at most. , and why are you as young as dad..."

As the master and apprentice continued to answer, Wang Lu gradually gained a rough understanding of the world of immortality.

Under Qiu Huaren's guidance, Wang Lu's literacy improved rapidly, which comforted Qiu Huaren.

More than forty days later, Qiu Huaren removed the thick earth talisman. The gourd traveled through a thin layer of clouds at high speed. The outlines of six majestic mountains stood in the clouds. They finally returned to Liupi Mountain.

Liupi Mountain, as the name suggests, is a series of six mountains hundreds of thousands of miles apart, close to each other.

The spiritual energy here is about ten times stronger than that of the ordinary secular world, and a large number of casual cultivators gather here. It is under the joint jurisdiction of Qinglingshan, a major sect of the righteous path, and the Dream Sect, a major sect of the demonic path.

As long as it does not involve the interests of the two sects or violate the co-management agreement established by the two sects, whether it is leasing caves, doing business, purchasing forests, or settling personal disputes, it can be done in Liupi Mountain.

There are many fish and dragons in the mountain, and there are countless side ways. There are countless monsters and spiritual herbs growing in the vast mountain, and there are countless adventurers and treasure hunters.

In the depths of the Liupi Mountains, there are powerful monsters of level 7 or 8 that are comparable to the Nascent Soul Stage of the human race. Level 3 or 4 monsters in the Foundation Establishment Stage and level 5 or 6 monsters in the Golden Core Stage are as numerous as crucian carps crossing the river.

"Many times, it's not the so-called monsters that give you the fatal blow, but the various immortal cultivators who are around you, traveling with you, and hidden. They often fight over a spiritual grass or a spiritual fruit. , Duplicitous people abound, so disciples must not turn their backs towards strangers.”

Qiu Huaren spoke earnestly to Wang Lu.

"Master, my disciple will remember your teachings."

In a huge city square with endless sight, the two people walked off the gourd.

I saw two large Chinese characters "Yushan" carved with dragons and phoenixes on the front of the city gate, which was fifty feet wide and forty feet high.

There was an endless stream of people coming and going in front of the door.

Two city guards in full armor stood upright at the city gate. Three tables about two feet long were placed at the door, and the tables were filled with wooden signs.

Qiu Huaren led Wang Lu to a long table on the right. With a smile on his face, he took out ten faintly glowing spiritual stones from his storage bag and gave them to an old man sitting behind the table. He said, "Deacon Long, this is For the cost of entering the city, I also need you to make an identity token for my disciple."

The old man named Long looked up at the ten spirit stones on the table, put them away, and said with a smile: "It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Qiu. I haven't seen him for more than ten years."

Then he glanced at the timid Wang Lu beside him: "Hey, what a talented and beautiful piece of jade. The disciple has a clear appearance and clear eyes. He should be at least three spiritual roots above. I'm glad that you have found a good disciple." "

"Thank you to Deacon Long Ji Yan. This disciple of mine does possess the three spiritual roots, but who can tell the future path clearly? It depends on his own destiny."

Qiu Huaren cupped his hands and said.

Deacon Long smiled lightly, without comment, and asked some basic information about Wang Lu. He picked up a wooden sign next to him and wrote on it with a pen. After taking a dozen breaths, he handed the wooden sign to Qiu Huaren and sighed. He said: "Fellow Daoist Qiu, the disciple's identity token has been prepared. You probably don't have much time, so take care of yourself."

Qiu Huaren took the sign, inserted it into Wang Lu's waist, and saluted with clasped fists.

The two of them walked through the city gate, which was more than thirty feet long, and arrived at the inner city gate.

The arched entrance door frame is engraved with completely incomprehensible tadpole-like runes. Driven by spiritual energy, the runes form a gray barrier at the entrance.

When the two approached, the identity token immediately emitted a green light and merged into it, and the gray barrier was torn open by an invisible hand to form a two-meter-wide entrance.

Qiu Huaren led Wang Lu through and walked into Yucheng.

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