Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 50 The curtain opens

The first round of the competition ended at sunset. Except for Lu Feng, the twin female cultivators who met Mengge and were defeated by the five Futang players, Wang Lu, Chen Tang, Liu Chun and Han Yu all entered the next round.

This made Bai Yifan, who thought he would be wiped out in the first round, a little happy.

Everyone meditates to restore their magic power.

Wang Lu didn't spend much mana. He went to the bustling Jasper Square at night and bought the results of the first day's competition from a wind media.

The jade slips describe in detail the process and analysis of each battle.

Wang Lu looked at his record with interest:

While the opponent was not paying attention, Wang Lu of Fu Tang threw dozens of elementary and intermediate talismans. In less than five breaths, the battle was over.

Analysis: Futang Wanglu is a master with many spiritual stones, so you must be prepared for his Fuzhuan attack during battle. The specific combat power is unknown.

Moving on, there are the performances of Chen Ya'er, Huang Yan and He Chan. Like Xu Kui, the three of them have broken through the middle stage of foundation building and reached the late stage of foundation building.

Moreover, the victory process of the three of them was relatively easy. Their opponents often lasted less than half a quarter of an hour, and were either knocked off the ring or forced to admit defeat.

Except for Xu Kui, who showed off his unique skill in body training, they all used powerful spiritual weapons and deep magic power to win. This made Wang Lu look forward to their performance in the competition more and more.

The strength of the other people on the jade slip was equally comparable, and he also kept it in mind.

At Chen time the next day, the competition continued.

After passing the first day's catching and comparison test, there were still 201 people left.

Everyone continued to draw lots, and one person would still get a bye. Under the spotlight, to everyone's surprise, the lucky winner was Fu Tang's Korean.

The reward given to her this time was even more enviable, with a direct reward of two hundred mid-grade spiritual stones, which made her the first celebrity in this competition.

Wang Lu changed from No. 38 to No. 39, and his opponent was An Qing, who was at the top of the Weapon Refining Hall's foundation.

After the drawing of lots was completed, the person who announced the start of the competition was the deputy sect leader Chen Zhu, who was wearing a scholar's robe and had a dignified and profound aura.

On the platform A, the contestants were Chen Ya'er and Liu Chun from Futang. Because Chen Ya'er casually placed a ban, no one in the audience heard the conversation between the two.

Chen Ya'er was beautiful and elegant, with a faint air of ladylike nobility all over her body. Many male cultivators who were watching the battle came for her. When they saw him coming out of the battle, all kinds of screams and cheers came together, almost killing him. The restrictions placed by Chen Yaer were all shaken open. Wang Lu sighed, she was worthy of being one of the top four fairies of the Dream Sect.

Less than ten breaths later, the restriction suddenly opened. To everyone's surprise, Liu Chun immediately admitted defeat.

Chen Yaer took Liu Chun's hand, and the two walked off the A-shaped ring together like sisters, talking and laughing.

Soon it was his turn.

On the B platform, the opponent is a stable and calm middle-aged man in his thirties, with peak cultivation in the late stage of foundation building, and is ready to fight.

When he saw Wang Lu, An Qing immediately released a top-quality defensive weapon and sneered at him without even introducing him.

The meaning is obvious, but if you want to make a sneak attack, there is no way.

Now that you have insight into my strategy, here goes.

Wang Lu unhurriedly took out dozens of talismans and threw them towards Anqing.


Under the protection of the best spiritual weapons, Anqing remained unscathed and impregnable.

However, before he had time to be happy, he saw Wang Lu throwing dozens of cards out, and he immediately poured in his magic power.

Time and time again, one after another, just when he was about to fight back, various talismans flew again.

It depends on how many talismans you have. Once you use them up, I want you to look good.

An Qing kept cursing in his heart.

But as he cursed, he suddenly felt helpless and wanted to cry.

After half a stick of incense, An Qing's face turned pale, and the ultimate defensive spiritual weapon was crumbling. He saw Wang Lu still throwing dozens of talismans at him, and struggled to inject the remaining mana into the spiritual weapon.

After persisting for a moment, he gave up the resistance. It was too frustrating. He had not even used the skills and special skills to defeat the opponent, but he was defeated so unwillingly.

"This time, I admit defeat."

An Qing gritted his teeth and said.


Wang Lu lightly clasped his fists.

The crowd watching the battle on the C-shaped platform also looked at a loss at this time. They had seen shameless people, but they had never seen anyone as shameless as Wang Lu. It was unambiguous to say that his victory was completely achieved by using spiritual stones. Let them Very speechless.

However, what made them even more speechless was when Wang Lu touched his storage bag, and the guy smiled meaningfully and evilly.

Could it be that his talisman and seal script fell from the sky? This is too much to deceive others.

After this competition, his name has spread, but it is not a good reputation.

The competition is in full swing, and not everyone is like Wang Lu, winning effortlessly with the help of magic talismans.

There were several exciting and brutal matches in the second round, especially the violent match between Shenlimen's violent girl and the Yan family's second seed Yan Ziyu.

The violent girl initially used a top-grade spiritual weapon that looked like a mountain, but Yan Ziyu's spiritual consciousness was so powerful that he used a set of high-grade spiritual weapons like the Zimu Sword, which was both good at offense and defense.

The two fought for nearly half an hour, with the mother-in-law sword god appearing and disappearing. They were able to break through the violent girl's defensive weapon several times, and the situation tilted in the direction of Yan Ziyu.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the violent girl suddenly put away the mountain spiritual weapon. Her original six-foot body instantly doubled in size. A set of dark purple armor covered her whole body, revealing only two red eyes.

She shouted loudly, disappeared suddenly, and appeared next to Yan Ziyu in an instant. An iron fist as big as a bucket came into his eyes as fast as thunder.

Yan Ziyu was not panicked at all. With a wave of his hand, the mother sword came out like lightning and chopped at the fist of the violent woman. The five sub-swords formed a sword curtain in front of him and quickly retreated.

The violent woman showed sneer in her eyes. She didn't care about the mother sword at all. The shadow of her fist hit the sword curtain. At the same time, another fist hit the mother sword as fast as lightning.

"Bang" "Bang" two waves of sound shook and spread out. The ring seemed to collapse and shook constantly. A light yellow light circle quickly spread upward from the bottom of the stage. The originally shaking ring was as stable as a rock.

The mother sword was hit by the huge force and kept flying in the air, while the sword curtain was scattered by a blow. The fist shadow blasted towards Yan Ziyu.

Yan Ziyu looked cold, as if he had made up his mind. In a flash, he took out a golden bead from the storage bag, pinched the magic formula, and threw it at the violent woman.

When the violent woman saw Jinzhu, an inexplicable chill rushed out of her heart. She left Yan Ziyu and immediately changed direction.

"Humph, it's too late."

Yan Ziyu said coldly.


A flash of lightning flashed, and the ring shook violently.

After a moment, the light dissipated, and Yan Ziyu was covered with scars and gasped, while the violent woman's armor was broken, and her body returned to its original size. Her breath was unstable, but she was not seriously injured.

She stared at Yan Ziyu viciously, and appeared beside him in a trance. She punched him hard, and finally stopped until Yan Ziyu fainted.

Then she left two words, damn it.

She jumped off the ring in a rough and domineering manner.

The monks watching from the audience were all silent at such a tragic scene, but they immediately burst into shouts, one after another, and echoed for a long time.

This is the real competition, and this battle also opened the official curtain for the competition.

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