The Blood Vampire Shopkeeper's mind had been seen through by him, but he still had a very puzzled doubt in his heart. This matter could only be solved by finding Caiying, and he was also convinced that Caiying would not be buried in the beast tide that had just entered the secret realm.

Only by solving that doubt could he truly uncover the tip of the iceberg of the Kujiang Secret Realm.

Wang Lu stepped out of this natural cave and summoned the yellow token again. Under the spell, the solid yellow line was quickly generated, and in a trance, it jumped away like an arrow from a string.

Seeing this, Wang Lu did not think about it, but followed closely, and soon merged into the boundless river and the endless light gray river fog.

Twenty days passed in a flash, and the yellow line took Wang Lu back to the strange Kujiang River with turbulent waves but no sound, which once again made him feel nervous.

Obviously, the fourth river was not where the Yellow Palace was.

As always, the yellow line led Wang Lu to cross the left and right, jump up and down, and soon came to the fifth river.

The tributaries of the Kujiang River are so numerous and complex that it is simply dazzling and difficult to distinguish.

Many rivers are as wide as the previous four rivers. Without the guidance of the yellow line, it is difficult to distinguish which rivers are the real mainstream.

The yellow line pierces the clouds and fog, and Wang Lu is as fast as lightning.


This time the yellow line seems to be very purposeful, without too many twists and turns and hesitation, almost straight, which makes Wang Lu feel hot in his heart.

Could it be that this river is the Yellow River, and the Yellow Palace is located in it?

In half an hour, the yellow line took him across nearly 3,000 miles of the river, and then "bang" disappeared.

Wang Lu quickly found a nearby island, found a hidden place, and meditated to recover.

Half a day later, he took out the yellow token, and quickly cast a complicated spell. A yellow light appeared, and the yellow light gathered and condensed at a high speed. Soon, the solid yellow line appeared again.

As soon as the yellow line appeared, it turned and plunged into the fog without thinking.

Wang Lu was confident and immediately started to follow.

The yellow line, which usually lasted for an hour, was rapidly worn out after half an incense stick. Seeing this scene, Wang Lu's eyes lit up, which made him more certain that the Yellow Palace was in this river.

Less than an incense stick, "bang", the yellow line disappeared.

There was an island not far away. Wang Lu came to the island like a big bird.

He did not call out the yellow line in a hurry. He had to calm down and keep his breath.

Every time he created a yellow line, he would consume nearly one-sixth of his mana. In addition to the invasion of the strange breath in the haze and the sneak attack of the monster in the river, he was always on guard. When the yellow line disappeared, his mana had already lost more than one-third.

The more critical the moment, the more you need to keep your mana full. Only by maintaining the peak state can you deal with the unexpected and unexpected things that may appear in the Yellow Palace.

Moreover, he has been in the Kujiang Secret Realm for nearly four months. Except for the mysterious and powerful monk who attacked him, he has never met anyone else.

The strength of the mysterious monk is extremely extraordinary. The sword and the sword thread that attacked him are not only faster than the sparks, but also sharp and silent.

There is already a trace of "sword spirit" style.

From this sword master, we can roughly see that those who have escaped the monster frenzy and are now in the secret realm are all powerful and powerful, which makes him have to stay alert and urgent at all times to deal with sudden dangers.

Wang Lu calmly meditated and recovered as usual. Half a day later, he returned to the peak.


The token flashed, "Puff puff puff puff...", more than a hundred spells were cast, the yellow line appeared, and it leaped and disappeared.

Wang Lu followed closely.

This time, the yellow line brought him to a medium-sized island with a radius of more than 50 miles, but, to his confusion and surprise, the line exploded out of thin air without any signs.

However, the token in the storage bag emitted bursts of heat, like a red-hot iron block, hot.

Wang Lu stood on the edge of the island, which was covered with light mist.

From a distance, it was no different from other islands, but when you get close, it's very different.

The river mist here is very light. When Wang Lu merged into it, it felt like the pain of a mortal being bitten by mosquitoes and needles. At the same time, the line of sight was greatly blocked, and the maximum distance was 20 feet, which was the limit.

He also tried to sense it with his spiritual sense, but he didn't expect that he had to bear the severe pain and take it back immediately after releasing it, as if he was thrown into a boiling and poisonous molten lava, the pain was unbearable.

This island is too strange and terrible!

Wang Lu stared deeply at the token in front of him, which seemed to be scorched by high temperature and shining with yellow light. As long as he cast a spell, the token could take him to the specific location of the Yellow Palace.

However, if he did so, he would most likely get lost in this extremely mysterious and powerful formation and not be able to get out.

This was the real reason why he was so excited in his heart, but his face was as cold as ice, and he didn't dare to act rashly.

He couldn't guess if he could be successfully transmitted if he was still trapped in the formation when the secret realm was closed?

He couldn't be sure of the degree of danger of this formation and the Yellow Palace?

After obtaining the three treasures of the Youye Fruit, the Ice Blue Pearl and the Cangniu Demon Pill, was there any need to break into the Yellow Palace?

This made him very entangled.

The secret realm was closed and he was trapped and unable to leave. All his gains would be worthless. He was worried!

If he cannot break the formation, or if there is something in the Yellow Palace that he cannot deal with, it will be meaningless, he worried!


Looking at the Yellow Palace that he had been looking for for a long time and was just around the corner, Wang Lu sighed deeply.

Where to go, how should he choose?

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