The Gang needles were like a tide, and Wang Lu seemed to be carrying a mountain of iron on his back, carrying a heavy load and moving forward.

The last thirty feet were covered by river fog, and his vision was less than ten feet. His back was slightly hunched, and sweat stains were faintly visible on his face. This was a sign that his body had reached a certain limit.


Wang Lu shouted loudly, condensing the last strength of his body, like a majestic leopard, and in a flash, he jumped into the last thirty feet of the mountain path tightly covered by light fog.

"Crack, crack, crack, crack, crack..."


Wang Lu groaned in pain, and his body of steel and iron bones was instantly covered with tiny cracks like spider webs, and "puff", a mouthful of blood spurted out.

In the last thirty feet, there were more than hundreds of thousands of Gang needles, at least millions, and the pressure was not a thousand times, but two thousand times.

"Let's fight!"

The black light of Kui Niu dissipated rapidly, and Wang Lu's teeth pierced the tip of his tongue in an instant. Several drops of blood immediately spread throughout his body along with the rolling blood. The black light was like a raging flame, and it rose violently. The pressure was reduced by half.

Taking advantage of this hard-won and precious moment, Wang Lu stomped his feet heavily, and there was a loud "boom" like a cannonball, rolling up the monstrous clouds and mist, and passing through a distance of thirty feet in a flash.

The pressure and the needle dissipated.

Drops of blood dripped from the corners of his mouth, and tiny blood beads oozed out of almost all the pores on his body.

However, Wang Lu, who looked like a blood man, did not pause at all. He endured the severe pain of his body being shattered. Without any pause, he raised his hand, and the Six-Star Arched Moon Blade emitted a green light, tightly wrapping him inside and outside.

With his strength almost exhausted, he still reserved most of his mana for himself, just to deal with the sudden danger when passing through the path.

This also shows the benefits of practicing both magic and martial arts. If the strength is not enough, the mana can make up for it.

And why didn't he use the mana and the sky-supporting stick at the beginning?

If the six-star arched moon blade and the orange floating cloud were used to forcibly open the way, it would be equivalent to attacking instead of defending. The mana would be like a pouring waterfall, and it would be lost. Even if the third bottle of ten thousand year spirit milk was used up, even if it passed smoothly, it would not be worth the loss.

As for the sky-supporting stick, the same principle applies. The whole body's strength will only be consumed continuously.

Only by shrinking like a turtle, defending and attacking, and resisting hard, can the risk be minimized to the greatest extent, and the precious bottle of ten thousand year spirit milk can be retained.

Wang Lu retracted his thoughts in a flash.

However, the danger came so quickly, almost the same as he expected.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom..."

It was like a deadly drum sounding dully, the ground kept shaking, as if thousands of troops were galloping in the fog.

Because of the gray fog, Wang Lu had no idea what was rushing towards him.

But its momentum was so great and strong that it was enough to make ordinary late Jindan peak strongmen dumbfounded and frightened.

Wang Lu had no time to recover and adjust. In less than two breaths, the newcomer came into view.

"My goodness, grandma bear!"

While Wang Lu muttered to himself, his hand was unambiguous, and he pointed out with one finger, "bang", like a huge green flower blooming.

The green light covered the twenty-two late Jindan peak puppets that emerged from all directions, all wearing golden armor, revealing only two emotionless cold yellow eyes, holding a yellow broadsword with extraordinary spiritual energy, and eight feet tall.


Like a tongue bursting with spring thunder, "bang", Wang Lu snapped his fingers and shot.

Millions of fine green sword threads shuttled at high speed. Although the defense of the twenty-two golden armor puppets was abnormal, they could not withstand the sharp pulling and cutting of so many sharp sword threads.

"Damn, don't think I don't have any goods!"

Wang Lu cursed, and all the puppets were destroyed by the six-star arched moon blade after the blessing of 40% of the "Thousands of Threads Blade Formation".

The twenty-mile purgatory road, even with the protection of Kuiniu's divine light, the pain was enough for him. Seeing the puppets without a single hair left, he was also very angry.

However, after this battle, not to mention the pain in his body, his magic power was less than a quarter, and he could only use it once at most, and then it would be completely gone.

In his perception, the token existed in a way he could not understand, like a compass opening the way for him, but it seemed not to be.

Could it be that the Yellow Palace was not here, and there was still a test before he could really step into it?

At this moment, Wang Lu suddenly had an idea. He looked up at the gray sky, and a glimmer of understanding flashed in his eyes.

The gray clouds and gray fog were hanging low, as if he could reach the sky with his hands.

The twenty-mile road was all the way down. Because he had been bearing the needle and heavy pressure, he almost ignored this point.

According to the ratio of ten times the pressure and inclination for every thirty feet, at this time, he had penetrated at least sixty miles underground.

No wonder the gray fog was slightly moist and became thicker and thicker. The reason was all here.

More importantly, the Yellow Palace went so deep underground, which could explain why the surrounding trees disappeared completely.

At the same time, the Yellow Palace was so deep and the test was so great, which also confirmed from the side that this was indeed the real location of the Yellow Palace.

Wang Lu was confident. It was not easy for any monster or cultivator to pass through the sharpness and heavy pressure of the twenty-mile road, so he was relieved.

With only the gray fog and the golden-armored puppet killed, he could meditate and recover his body, and there shouldn't be any danger.

With a single hand, the array plate and array flag were deployed, and "swoosh", a blade disappeared into the void.

Seeing this, Wang Lu took out a jade bottle from his storage bag. In his palm was a pill as white as snow and as jade as jade. He swallowed it without thinking.

"Qinglong Huanling Pill!"

This pill can quickly repair and restore the functions of the cultivator's body, soul, consciousness, magic power and other aspects without leaving any dirt or impurities. It is the best healing holy product under the God Transformation Stage.

When in the Sand Region, Wudu gave him one pill.

This one was still treasured by Liu Fen and prepared for herself, but she still stuffed it into him without reservation.

In fact, Wang Lu did not intend to take such a rare elixir, but he had a vague sense of urgency.

He must enter the Yellow Palace as soon as possible to explore the mystery.

As for why this feeling suddenly emerged, his intuition told him that it should come from the mysterious shopkeeper wearing a blood ghost mask.

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