Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 507 Two interesting puppets

Wang Lu stared blankly at the courtyard covered by the nameless formation in front of him. This was his last hope after all the hard work to find the Huang Palace. If he still returned empty-handed, it would be a big loss.

Not to mention the invincible "humanoid creature", well... I don't think about it anymore, I think about it too much, and I'm all in tears.

He first tried the formation-breaking technique taught to him by Chen Yaer in the Jiuyue Secret Realm.

Hey, he knew that it was impossible to break it, but when he thought of her, he felt sweet and at ease in his heart.

This is a short episode, just for my own entertainment.

Ha, it must be that I really miss you a little bit, that woman as clear and pure as a daffodil, Chen Yaer.

Wang Lu muttered secretly.

"Since I can't find a way to crack it, I'll blow you up."

Wang Lu spat and cursed fiercely.

"Come on!"

Before he finished speaking, Wang Lu took the dazzling golden sky-supporting stick and swung it out without even thinking about it.


The entire formation glowed with yellow light, and the indestructible sky-supporting rod was lowered.

"If we come again, I won't be able to deal with you, you dead thing!"

Wang Luhu drank it, and as if he was crazy, he continued to bombard him with one stick after another.

The power that weighed more than the mountain was constantly bombarded by the golden light that became a hundred times larger. The yellow light of the formation went from being strong at the beginning to gradually barely taking over and retreating steadily. It was about to be forcibly broken by Wang Lu.

But he didn't expect, "Ha, ha," two loud shouts came from behind Wang Lu.

Standing still, he turned around and looked.

"Interesting, it turns out it's you."

Two stone guard puppets each held a dark yellow stone sword and rushed over, shouting "Huye, Huye".

What surprised Wang Lu was that these two puppets seemed to be much different from the other puppets.

For example, other puppets rarely change their expressions. Another example is that the cultivation levels of those puppets are fixed, but they seem to have taken some miraculous medicine. From the beginning with no cultivation level, while running, Just like sesame seeds blooming steadily, they step from the mortal stage into the Qi training stage, jump into the foundation building stage at high speed, and rush to the golden elixir stage quickly.

The thing that made Wang Lu couldn't help but shiver down his back was that he was going from the early stage, middle stage, late stage, peak, Dzogchen, half-step Nascent Soul of Jindan again at lightning speed and thousands of miles in one day...

When he was still three miles away, "bang", like a balloon being punctured, their cultivation level directly entered the Nascent Soul stage that made his scalp numb, and did not stop until the peak of the Nascent Soul stage.

However, immediately afterwards, Wang Lu's shock was still not over. He saw that their stone swords were like turning into cocoons and turned into butterflies, suddenly shedding their heavy and mottled appearance. Two golden spiritual swords bloomed with two astonishing spiritual energies. Power, you can tell at a glance that there is a trace of spiritual entanglement.

Even his six-star Gongyue Blade is far behind.

You must know why Lingbao is so rare and extremely powerful. That is because when a magic weapon is slowly forged and warmed to the realm of "Tao", and after surviving the thunder tribulation of "Lingbao", it not only possesses A little bit of Taoist charm, at the same time spiritual wisdom is generated and wisdom appears.

The quantity of such treasures is extremely small, and even millions of magical treasures may not be able to achieve one.

Now, the spiritual swords in their hands are qualified to advance to the level of "spiritual treasure". Their spirituality is far beyond that of his magic weapon, so they can only use Taoist tactics.

However, what surprised him even more came.

"Trespassing to the Herb Garden, you will die!" One of the puppets said with a cold face, his voice seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, and his tongue was a little knotted. His eyes suddenly flickered, and he turned around with some difficulty, pointing his finger. Lu changed his tone again, "However, for the sake of holding the Huang Palace token, leave immediately, otherwise, we will kill you without mercy."

"Haha, don't think I'm afraid of you two puppets. I know your background. I guess the peak of the early Nascent Soul is not your limit, am I right?" Wang Lu suddenly changed the subject and stared at them closely. eyes, speaking lightly.

"Hey, you human race is really interesting. You are indeed very smart. We two brothers will not lie to you. As you said, you were right. If Huang Guang is here, our strength will skyrocket to the late Nascent Soul stage. "Killing you is as easy as squeezing an ant to death. I advise you to stop arguing. It is better to keep a small life than to keep your life with us."

The puppet who spoke before persuaded again without changing his expression, but his tone was much gentler and smoother.

"In this case, you go back and guard. Stop running around and stay on duty. Otherwise, I will let you two disobedient servants, including the shred of wisdom you have finally gathered together, be wiped out."

Wang Lu suddenly encountered strange peaks again, and he was caught off guard and said.

At the same time, he had the token in his hand, as if he would do something scary the next moment.

This scene directly caused the two puppets to "eclipse their beauty", their expressions suddenly changed, and they were filled with fear.

"Don't, don't, don't..., we two brothers have to admit defeat!"

The other puppet who had never spoken a word and was standing next to him couldn't wait to admit defeat.

"Haha, then you just stand aside, oh, no, just help me break this formation, which can be regarded as atonement." Wang Lu smiled "hehe" and turned back to the guest.

"Oh, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Brother, we two brothers have surrendered to you, can't you do that?"

Before he finished speaking, it was like his parents had lost two legs, and the two interesting puppets ran away and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Accompanied by Wang Lu’s passionate laughter, the Sky-supporting Stick was once again launched with earth-shattering force.




The formation vanished into thin air and ceased to exist.

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